Napoleon's Empire "which continued a short space," having been the seventh government, the Papal monarchy which ascended out of the abyss Revel.
He returned from Egypt and saved the republic; but the republic could not be sustained, and Napoleon advanced gradually so far that he became at length Emperor; and of him is said: "he must continue a short space.
Then it was bruited abroad again, and while he and his followers were resisting the attack of the tribesmen at the ravine, the information became public property that within a short space of time the forces would actually advance.
For a short space of time it was clear that his followers hesitated, but on the Mullah's repeating his assurances, they began to descend one by one, and then came sliding and running down in a body.
A short space of time, however, enabled all three to regain their breath once more, and then they discussed the situation in low tones.
And there are seven kings: five have fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
The Rani paused for a short space; an interval that was utilized by her hearers in expressing their approval of her words.
He halted his men for a short spaceto enable stragglers to rejoin the party, and to perform a religious act.
I would retire for a short space, to adorn my neck with jewels, and my hair with flowers; so that I may appear worthy of the noble Ahmad Khan's approval.
Resting for a short spaceof time, Kritavarman then urged those good steeds of his.
Continued for only a short space of time, the unfinished battle between them became exceedingly fierce.
The high-souled Satyaki struggled with them for a short space of time and then that hero of inconceivable prowess began to fight with the Kalingas.
In a short space of time he came to the lofty mountain, and entering the pavilion saw the two young men fighting amidst the remnants of a feast.
In a short space of time she was ready, shorn and dressed like a goodly gallant and a prince's envoy.
With a low reverence to the holy pilgrims, Diuk rode to his home, which he reached in a short space of time; and on the next day after having been to vespers he sought out his lady mother.
The two brothers assented, and in a short space of time the great army was disbanded, and the two brothers sat across their chargers ready to go forward after the ball which was bouncing in great impatience.
That which the Jews had lost through the abasement of thousand years of slavery, Mendelssohn now recovered for them in a short space of time.
In Germany youthful activity and energy asserted themselves, an impulse to action that promised to repair in a short space of time the neglect of centuries.
An assembly of Protestant clergymen had declared that the conversion of a Christian to Judaism was a sign of insanity or idiocy, but within a short space of time, the laws were compelled to concede freedom even to that creed.
Those who dwelt in the country were ordered to depart within a short space of time and crowd together in the cities.
Stay, I perceive what thou wouldest urge in reply, but listen for a short space.
We must now direct our readers' attention for a short space to the parlour of the Boozing-Ken on Saffron Hill.
I admit that such society must be abhorrent in the extreme," answered Eliza, mildly but firmly: "I also acknowledge that for a short space I am depriving justice of its due.
While we remain at rest here a short space, I will endeavour to put the reader in possession of the character of the inhabitants, among whom we have been sojourning for a few months past--I mean the Biscayans.
A most determined and gallant resistance was made by the Americans; but superior numbers, with equal, if not superior courage and seamanship, prevailed, and in a short space of time the whole were captured.
For a few years after his conversion he served in the kitchen, and coming to his life's end he fulfilled the toils of many years in a short space.
It should be a sweet thing to have what is best and richest, if it's for a short space only.
And we've a short space only to be triumphant and brave.
It's a heartbreak to the wise that it's for a short space we have the same things only.
Dropping the contents of this into a glass of water, he drank off the draught, and in a short space of time regained his composure, in some measure.
Tait came into contact with him in a short space of time through the medium of the housekeeper.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "short space" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.