The difference of kynde is knowen to euerye man: [Sidenote: Age.
Euerye speche standeth by vsuall wordes that be in vse of daylye talke, and proper wordes that belonge to the thinge, of the which we shal speke.
Finally two fautes are cõmitted in euerye language, whereby it is not pure: Barbarisme, and Solecisme.
And fyrste of euerye thinge there be foure causes, efficient, materiall, formall and finall.
The fourth places be general, whych declare what belongeth to euerye thynge, and howe oute of eche of them there be taken argumentes, partly necessary, and partlye probable.
He loste his life, but he inioyed glorye, whyche written to his greate prayse, shyneth euerye daye more and more.
Greatly happy shulde men be, if euerye man wolde looke vpon the marke, not the whych desyre hathe sette before hym, but whyche God and honest reason hath prefixed.
The playne and euident speche is learned of Gramarians, and it keepeth the oracion pure, and without all faute, and maketh that euerye thyng may seme to be spoken purelye apertlye, and clerelye.
Howbeit in teachinge those thynges that we haue rehearsed, the master must neyther be to much callyng vpon, neither to sharpe: but vse a continuaunce rather then be wythout measure.
And if you handle hym hard, he wil whynche, he wyll kycke, he wyll byte, and go backwardes.
The master only compelleth, the father by honestie and gentelnes accustumeth hys sonne, to do well of hys owne mynde, rather then by feare of an other: and that he shulde bee all one in hys presence and behind hys backe.
And if the comẽty in thys poynt be slacke, certenly euerye man ought to take hede at home for his owne house.
Yet I graunt that there is some difference in the nacion, but much more in the propertie of euerye seueral wyt.
How fewe men shal you nowe fynd, whiche at one time be able to endite two epistles to so manye notaries, that the sẽtence in euerye one do agree, and that there shoulde happen no inconueniente speache.
Neyther do they fede them wyth euerye meate, nor putte more in then they bee able to take: and as they increase in age, they leade them to bigger thinges.
I wolde wyshe to haue one of a lustye yonge age, whome the chylde myght delyght in, and which wold not be lothe to playe euerye parte.
And euerye liuynge thynge, the lesse mete it is to teachynge, so muche the more it hathe of natiue prudence.
Shulde not euerye manne as wel loue hys chylde as if he wer a kynges sonne?
Euerye thyng is mighty in that, to the whyche nature hathe made hym.
Thys thynge as it can not be false, so is it very true, that the greateste parte of this euyll cõmeth of leude and naughty bryngyng vp, inespeciallye of tender youthe, whyche is plyeable to euerye thynge.
Thou wyle saye; euerye mã hath not leasure, and they be lothe to take so greate payne.
And in eueryethynge the gretest part of payne is imaginacion, whych somtyme maketh vs feele harme, when there is no harme at all.
There be that can pronosticate such thynges by the houre of hys birthe, to whose iudgemente howe muche ought to be geuen, I leaue it to euerye mans estimacion.
I am not sure whether it be so in euerye place or no, but I will not sticke to reherse that whiche I haue sene with mine owne eyes.
It is true indeede that the holy scriptures do commaunde / that euerye soule shulde obeye the hygher poures / but so farr as by Godds word it is lawfull to obey / and no further.
There I behelde a marueilous buildyng of a bathe eight square, and at euerye Exterior corner, there were doubled together twoo Pyles, in fashion of a Pyke, from the leuell of the foundation, the subiect Areobates Circumcinct and ribbed about.
It was my lot to come first, the reste when fortune shall giue opportunitie, euerye one in his tourne will giue the aduenture.
And after euerye of them had a while debated of their Fortune, and had well bewailed the same, and reioysed one with another, Perotto and Giacchetto would haue newly apparrelled the Erle, but he in no wise would suffer them.
Wherein I confesse my selfe not to be so well trayned, peraduenture as the fine heads of suche trauailers would desire, and yet I trust sufficiently to expresse the sense, of euerye of the same.
Feare no armies or other hostilitie, for with thee alone, and with euerye one of vs these warres shalbe tryed.
Cronicle they know in what yere euerye thing hapned, and how long euery king raygned: howe many children they had, and all things else that importeth to the estate of the gouernement of the lande.
Also in euerye Towne was a receyuer, who bare in his hand a rodde or a bushe of feathers, and those gaue vp their accomptes in Mexico.
Euerye one that challëged another to fight except in the warres, was cödemned to die.
He bathed him in his hotehouse foure times euerye day.
He also restored to euerye man his armour and weapons, whiche were taken from them in their ouerthrowe.
Theyr king laboureth not, but as the other flye foorthe, hee in the meane tyme as an exhorter moueth and encourageth forwarde euerye one to hys worke, by his flying aboute in the Hiue.
An euerlasting Prognostication of the state and condition of euerye yeare, by the only Kalends of Ianuarie: written by that antient learned Leopoldus Austriacus, and others, for the commoditie of the wise Husbandmen.
For euerye company of Bées in agréement togither, doth fashion & frame the waxe, as liketh them best.
Thus the good man, desyrynge to please euerye bodye, contentynge none at all, loste his asse.
At last, herynge euerye man call for white wyne as clere as water of the rocke, they bad the drawer brynge them a pynte of whyte wyne as clere as water of the rocke.
Whan this was knowen, a great sorte of olde men drewe them to gether, and stode where as the emperour shulde passe forth by, euerye one of them rubbynge his owne backe with a marble stone.
The folisshe people trustynge herevpon, euerye one after his power gaue him money for a scrowe; and with a threde of a mayden's spynninge, they hanged hit aboute their neckes.
But yet, bycause he vndertoke a thynge impossible, euerye bodye laughed hym to scorne.
And the thre angles of euerye triangle are equill also to ij.
E, are equall to two ryght corners, whereof it foloweth, that all the three corners of any one triangle are equall to all the three corners of euerye other triangle.
And to cast down into the canelles at euerye such drawyng xii bucketts full of water at the least, to clense the stretes wythall.
Her foes the besett her on euerye side, thinking in that castle shee wold not abyde; to beate downe those walls they all did agree; was not that a braue bonye lasse, Mary Aumbree?
Iohn Steward stood vnder the castle-wall, And he wrote the words euerye one, .
Craddoccke wan the horne & the bores head; His ladye wan the mantle vnto her meede; Euerye such a louely ladye, God send her well to speede!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euerye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.