Carleil vnto William Conquerour, at what time he made a iournie against the Scots in the said yeare 1072.
In like maner, pope Urban calling a councell at Clermont in Auuergne, exhorted the christian princes so earnestlie to make a iourneie into the holie land, [Sidenote: The iournie into the holie land.
Saracens hands, that the said great and generall iournie was concluded vpon to be taken in hand; [Sidenote: Godfray de Bullion.
And so remoouing from London, he tooke his iournie towards Salisburie, to the intent that in his iournie he might set on the dukes armie, if he might know him in anie place incamped, or in order of battell arraied.
Euerie one giue but one sure stripe, & suerlie the iournie is ours.
King Edward vnderstanding all these things, was greatlie incouraged to make a iournie into France, and therevpon with all diligence prepared all things readie for the same.
Gaitington, which is eight or nine miles from Northampton, he there declared what orders he had taken for his iournie into the holie land.
But euen as he was readie to set forward, there came vnto him messengers from king Henrie, commanding him to staie, and not to take that iournie in hand.
Whilest the king was thus abrode on his iourniein the parties of Aquitaine, [Sidenote: Rob.
King Lewes vpon receipt of the letters, & vnderstanding the present danger of the earle, made such hast in continuing his iournieboth daie and night, that he came to Tholouze, before king Henrie could arriue there.
But when the earle could not preuaile in his sute, he tooke his iournie towards England, vtterlie despairing to procure any peace.
I am not so bound (saith the earle) neither doo I purpose to take the iournie in hand with you.
After this, king Edward went forward to see the mounteine countries of Scotland, the bishop of Durham euer keeping a daies iournie afore him.
Sidenote: Prouision for the kings iournie into France.
This yeare, the king at Blankfort in Gascoigne, tooke vpon him the crosse, purposing eftsoones to make a iournie against Gods enimies.
Britaine, & was come forward vpon his iournie into Gallia Celtica: or as we maie saie, into these hither parts of France.
Sidenote: The French king meaneth to proceed in his iournie against the realme of England.
But these reasons notwithstanding, the legat warned the French king on paine of cursing, not to suffer his sonne to go into England, and likewise his sonne, that he should not presume to take the iournie in hand.
In this meane time, whilest the king went forwards on his iournie northwards, vpon the 18 of December last past, the castell of Hanslap was taken by Foukes de Brent, which apperteined vnto William Manduit.
The king then turned his iournietowards the marshes of Wales, and there did much hurt to those places that belonged to his aduersaries.
This iournie was to him the beginning of his advancement to that honour, which after to him most luckilie befell.
But now as touching the kings dooings, we find, that whilest he remained for this winter season in Britaine, his people forraied the countrie foure daies iournie in length and two daies iournie in bredth.
Sidenote: The duke of L[=a]caster maketh a iournie into France.
There escaped none except one Welshman or Britaine, an hostage, who was neuerthelesse sore wounded and hurt.
The Gouernour departed from Nondacao toward Soacatino, and in fiue daiesiournie came to a Prouince called Aays.
For that little Maiz which the Indians had, they had hidden and buried in the woods, where the Christians, after they were well wearied with their trauell, at the end of their iournie went to seeke by digging what they should eat.
But because Autiamque was neerer, and the most of the Indians agreed of it, the Gouernour made his iournie that way.
The Indians of Chichilticale say, that if at any time they goe to the Sea for fish, and other things that they carry, they goe trauersing, and are tenne dayes iournie in going thither.
The Cacique went with him to the towne where he resided, which was a daies iournie from thence.
They told him, that three daies iourniefrom thence was a Prouince called Aguacay.
In Iulie the king returned backe from his iournie into France, and landed at Sandwich the mondaie before the feast of S.
In this space the earle of Lincolne being entered into Yorkeshire, passed softlie on his iournie without spoiling or hurting of anie man, trusting thereby to haue some companie of people resort vnto him.
After this iournie atchiued thus by Edrike, Cnute commanded that they should not waste the countrie anie more, but gaue order to prepare all things readie to besiege London: but before he attempted that [Sidenote: Wil.
In the yeare following, he made a iournie against the Scots, which as [Sidenote: Scots subdued.
The new archbishop Roger first went to his see at Yorke, where after he had receiued his inthronization, and set his businesse there in order, he tooke his iournie towards Rome to fetch his pall in his owne person.
Sidenote: The pope exhorteth the christians to make a iournie against the Saracens.
Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles, but were constreined to go in some places a daies iournie off, to haue their corne groond.
This yeare deceassed Henrie de Boun earle of Hereford, and Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester in their iournie which they made into the holie land.
This opinion was allowed for good, and the best that might be both of the king & also of the earle of Cornewall, who was latelie returned from his iournie which he had made into the holie land.
Sidenote: The king gathereth monie towards hisiournie into France.
And he said, that foure daies iournie from thence toward the Sunne rising, was the Prouince that he spake of.
They trauelled seuen daies iournie through a desert, and returned verie wearie, eating greene plummes and stalkes of Maiz, which they found in a poore towne of sixe or seuen houses.
Hee understood by certaine Indians that were taken, that three daies iournie from thence dwelt a great Cacique, whose name was Casqui.
M637 The Port of Ochuse sixe daies iournie from Mauilla.
The Gouernour departed from Guaxule, and in two daies iournie came to a towne called Canasagua.
When hee departed from thence he determined to carrie him along with him for some causes, and at two daies iournie he came to a towne called Piache, by which there passed a great Riuer.
The earle of Derbie his exploits in his iournie against the infidels of Prutzenland.
But here it may be doubted by the vncertentie of writers, whether the earle of Suffolke thus fled ouer to Calis, before the iournie at Ratcote bridge, or after.
After this iournie atchiued thus by Edrike, Cnute commanded that they should not waste the countrie anie more, but gaue order to prepare all things readie to besiege London: but before [Sidenote: Wil.
William, who at that time was readie to make a iournie against the Britains, and tooke earle Harold with him to haue his companie in armes in that iournie, that he might haue the better triall of his valiancie.
And as it came to passe, he tooke ship to saile this last iournie thither, euen the same daie in which he had afore time receiued the crowne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iournie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.