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Example sentences for "farre"

Lexicographically close words:
faro; faros; farouche; farr; farrago; farrier; farriers; farrowed; farrowing; farsakhs
  1. Do you thinke I am so farre Deceiued in him Cap.

  2. It were fit you knew him, least reposing too farre in his vertue which he hath not, he might at some great and trustie businesse, in a maine daunger, fayle you Ber.

  3. I would I had that corporall soundnesse now, As when thy father, and my selfe, in friendship First tride our souldiership: he did looke farre Into the seruice of the time, and was Discipled of the brauest.

  4. I am my Lord a wretched Florentine, Deriued from the ancient Capilet, My suite as I do vnderstand you know, And therefore know how farre I may be pittied Wid.

  5. And yet were these vnlawfull artes farre rarer at that time: and neuer were so much harde of, nor so rife as they are now.

  6. For hee beeing the enemie of mans Salvation, vses al the meanes he can to entrappe them so farre in his snares, as it may be vnable to them thereafter (suppose they would) to rid themselues out of the same.

  7. How farre the vsing of Charmes is lawfull or vnlawfull: The description of the formes of Circkles and Coniurationes.

  8. O delude we not, Thou art too true to liue agen, too faire To be my Cælestine, too constant farre To be a woman.

  9. I muse why sir Adam Prickshaft flyes so farre from vs.

  10. By Sesu and if I finde any crowing ouer you, & he were a cocke (come out as farre as in Turkeys country) tis possible to cut his combe off.

  11. For I ha some thinges that were fetcht (I am sure) as farre as some of the Low Countries, and I payde sweetly for them too, and they tolde me they were good for Ladies.

  12. There is a Mountaine neere the said Sault which discovereth farre into the Countrie and a Little River which falleth from the said Mountaine into the Lake.

  13. There are also two Rivers; one which goeth to the first Lake of the River of the Irocois by which sometimes the Algoumequins invade them: and another which is neer unto the Sault, which runneth not farre into the countrey.

  14. For my purpose of proceeding in the profession of the law, so farre as to a title you may be pleased to correct that imagination, wheresoever you finde it.

  15. But I am so farre from digging to it, that I know not where it is, for it is not in mine eyes only, but in every sense, nor in my concupiscence only, but in every power and affection.

  16. For your son in law came to me, so near the time of his going away, as it had been impossible to have recovered him with a letter at so farre a distance, as he was lodged.

  17. SIR, I pursued my ambition of having the honour to kisse your hands some where, so farre as to inform my selfe occasionally of my great neighbour.

  18. Not farre from that citie the riuer Occa maketh an Iland named Strub, which was sometime a great Dukedome, whose prince was subiect to none other.

  19. Their beasts be like to ours, as farre as I can see For shape, and shewe, but somewhat lesse of bulke, and bone they be.

  20. The Tartar alleageth that besides Astracan and Cazan (that are the ancient possession of the East Tartar) the whole countrey from his bounds North and Westward so farre as the citie of Mosko, and Mosko it selfe perteineth to his right.

  21. Bands into 4 Polskeis, or Legions (but of farre greater numbers then the Romane legions were) vnder their foure great Leaders, which also haue the authoritie of Marshals of the field (as was sayd before.

  22. But that if the Emperor haue sufficient in wages, the roomes being full so farre as the land doeth extend already, they are many times deferred, and haue nothing allowed them, except some one portion of the land be deuided into two.

  23. For it chanced on a daie, as he was marching not farre from Chartres, there came such a storm and tempest of thunder, lightening, haile and raine, as the like had neuer beene seene by anie of the English people.

  24. Thus farre Edward the third, sonne to Edward the second and queene Isabell.

  25. Those Englishmen were not past three score men of armes, but well horssed, and therefore perceiuing the great number of the Frenchmen, they fled towards the princes battell, which they knew was not farre off.

  26. The prince vnderstood by the prisoners, that the French king was so farre aduanced forward in pursute of him, that he could not auoid the battell.

  27. Me thinkes it should haue power to steale both his And leaue it selfe vnfurnisht: Yet looke how farre The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow In vnderprising it, so farre this shadow Doth limpe behinde the substance.

  28. That light we see is burning in my hall: How farre that little candell throwes his beames, So shines a good deed in a naughty world Ner.

  29. In such a night Did Iessica steale from the wealthy Iewe, And with an Vnthrift Loue did runne from Venice, As farre as Belmont Ies.

  30. With this Estrild king Locrine fell so farre in loue, notwithstanding a former contract made betwixt him and the ladie Guendoloena, daughter to Corineus duke of Cornwall, that he meant yet with all spéed to marie the same Estrild.

  31. It is written that he had by his wife three daughters without other issue, whose names were Gonorilla, Regan, and Cordeilla, which daughters he greatly loued, but specially Cordeilla the yoongest farre aboue the two elder.

  32. XCIV Thus be these good yeman gon to the wode As lyghtly as lefe on lynde[684]; They laughe and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr enemyes were farre behynd.

  33. Illustration: Imagine the roote to be spread farre wider.

  34. Therefore they must needs spread farre vnder the earth.

  35. By estimation of them that haue seene the low grounds in Holland and Zealand they farre surpasse the most Countries in Europe for fruitfulnesse, and only because they lie so low.

  36. Let him spread as farre as he list without his maister-bough or lop equally.

  37. The world cannot compare with Ægypt, for fertility, so farre as Nilus doth ouer flow his bankes.

  38. Let them stand so farre off, that your grafts spreading receiue no hurt, either by rubbing on them, or of any other thing passing by.

  39. In that hill he will put rootes, and his top new Cyons, which you must spread as before, and so from hill to hill till he spread the compasse of your ground, or as farre as you list.

  40. An unending fame will crowne my browe, and it is farre better worthe in any true thinking mind, I am assured, than many a crowne which kings do have set on with shewe and ceremonie.

  41. There are mountains to be seene farre in the land.

  42. We went so farre that evening that we might be so much the neerer to take a broader passage which should shorten our voyage above 20 leagues.

  43. We weare allwayes in scarcity for pollicy, though we had enough, ffor certainty is farre better then the incertainry.

  44. Then replyed he, Brother, cheare up, lett us escape, the 3 rivers are not a farre off.

  45. No difficulty if I could keepe the highway, which is greatly beatten with the great concours of that people that comes & goes to trade with the flemings; but to avoid all encounters I must prolong a farre off.

  46. Two girls died after a while, and 3 sons killed in the warrs, and one that went 3 years before with a band of 13 men to warre against a fiery nation which is farre beyonde the great lake.

  47. Mid-day wee came to the River of Richlieu, where we weare not farre gon, but mett a new gang of their people in cottages; they began to hoop and hollow as the first day of my taking.

  48. So that it seemithe, that she repentethe to have gon so farre furth in the mater.

  49. Di chonna mee tylych finn, is ner vai tylych teme trea, Aggum di chonna mee scheve, di vontir in ir in nea Di chonna mee tylych art, far lar vac donna binni Far is farre ne agga mi.

  50. What I saw, I saw it perfectly; and under this heavy, and as it were Lethe-complexion did I breed hardie imaginations, and opinions farre above my yeares.

  51. Both were Tutors unto two Roman Emperours: Both were strangers, and came from farre Countries; both rich and mighty in the common-wealth, and in credit with their masters.

  52. If in the meane time I should trouble my thoughts with a matter so farre from me, it were but folly.

  53. So are these two passions entered into me in knowledge one of another, but in comparison never: the first flying a high, and keeping a proud pitch, disdainfully beholding the other to passe her points farre under it.

  54. And if I be a man of some reading, yet I am a man of no remembering, I conceive no certainty, except it bee to give notice how farre the knowledge I have of it doth now reach.

  55. And of a farre worse example Speusippus, the Platonian philosopher, and one of our Popes?

  56. Verily, if Nature afford not some helpe in all things, it is very hard that art and industrie should goe farre before.

  57. Fly further off my Lord: flye further off, Mark Antony is in your Tents my Lord: Flye therefore Noble Cassius, flye farre off Cassi.

  58. Nay presse not so vpon me, stand farre off All.

  59. O Cassius, Farre from this Country Pindarus shall run, Where neuer Roman shall take note of him.

  60. And you know, his meanes If he improue them, may well stretch so farre As to annoy vs all: which to preuent, Let Antony and Caesar fall together Bru.

  61. In rebuttal of evidence showing general godlessness and lack of respect for the Sabbath, he explained that on the Sunday in question, Indian allarums had detained every one at the palisade "till the daie was farre spent.

  62. When the weight is not in them, they won't carry the price.

  63. Shawn Early: It might be that dog they were pursuing after was mad, on the head of being under the full moon.

  64. And why would you think to do that, and the whole town the same as a father and mother to you?

  65. It is a very laughable thing now, the third most laughable thing I ever met with in my lifetime.

  66. The abuses of which, deserve to be extirpated, as much as the use retained; for I think it farre better to hold to primitive and uniforme Antiquity, then to comply with divided novelty.

  67. There is an equall distance from her eye, Men perish too farre off, and burne too nigh.

  68. From farre We see you move, and here your Zani's are: So that no fountaine good there is, doth grow In you, but our dimme actions faintly shew.

  69. So farre from hiding her guests, water is, That she showes them in bigger quantities Then they are.

  70. Beasts cannot witt nor beauty see, They mans affections onely move; Beasts other sports of love doe prove, 15 With better feeling farre than we.

  71. Canst thou be like A prosperous nose-borne wenne, which sometimes growes To be farre greater then the Mother-nose?

  72. The fable is inverted, and farre more A blocke afflicts, now, then a storke before.

  73. The rootes be long, not vnlike to the rootes of Couch grasse, ramping and creeping within the vpper crust of the earth farre abroade, whereby it encreaseth greatly.

  74. The roote is tender and full of strings, creeping farre abroade in the earth, and in short time occupieth very much grounde.

  75. The roote is thicke, and creepeth in the grounde farre abroade, whereby it greatly increaseth.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "farre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.