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Example sentences for "eues"

Lexicographically close words:
euerie; euerlasting; euermore; euery; euerye; eugenic; eugenical; eugenically; eugenist; eugenists
  1. Théeues likewise vnder this colour haue many times robbed their neighboures in the night time, who supposing they heard the noyse of walking Spirits, neuer went about to driue the théeues away.

  2. And as for those théeues and villaines of Tlaxcallan your slaues, shall not depart praysing their gaynes, who nowe presume to take their maisters wiues, ye and to demaund tribute of them, vnto whome they themselues are tributors.

  3. And yet yée with your filthy théeues handes presumed to touch him, oh why dothe not the earth open & swallow you which taketh other mës goodes?

  4. A garmët with halfe sléeues of feathers of excéeding fine colours.

  5. What should I saie of their doublets with pendant codpéeses on the brest full of iags & cuts, and sléeues of sundrie colours?

  6. Witches are hanged or sometimes burned, but théeues are hanged (as I [Sidenote: Halifax law.

  7. There is also a fish bred therein almost like vnto a salmon, sauing that it hath a white bellie, a blacke backe, and is altogither without scales: it is likewise a great harbour for théeues and pirats.

  8. Out with that too: It was Eues legacie, and cannot be t'ane from her Sp.

  9. Apt in good faith, very apt: well go thy way, if sir Toby would leaue drinking, thou wert as witty a piece of Eues flesh, as any in Illyria Ma.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.