The king (as some write) vpon aduised consideration hereof had, misliked of the motion, & therevpon commanded that from thencefoorth they should not presume to studie about anie such matters.
For to prooue hir accusation true she offered that if there were anie knight, or esquier, that would take vpon him to fight in hir quarrell, if he were ouercome, she would be content to be burnt for it.
E233] "Our common germander or thistle benet is found and knowne to bee so wholesome and of so great power in medicine, asanie other hearbe, if they be vsed accordinglie.
The labourer comming from thence, in woodland to worke any where: (I warrant you) goeth not hence, to worke anie more againe there.
Moreouer, when anie elected bishop of Canturburie was to be consecrated, the archbishop of Yorke (for the time being) should come to Canturburie, and consecrate him there.
For (this saith he) I haue vndertaken to sée them paid, and otherwise I will not grant to anie peace.
And if at anie time there was anie good conclusion agreed vpon, for the withstanding of the enimie, & reléefe of the common wealth, anon should the enimie be aduertised thereof by such as were of aliance or consanguinitie to them.
Edrike, who then at length began to shew some token of good meaning, the two kings came to a communication, and in the end concluded an agreement, as some haue written, without anie more adoo.
And if an Englishman and a Dane chanced to méet at anie bridge or streight passage, the Englishman must staie till the Lord Dane were passed.
After this iournie atchiued thus by Edrike, Cnute commanded that they should not waste the countrie anie more, but gaue order to prepare all things readie to besiege London: but before he attempted that [Sidenote: Wil.
But yet when his people were assembled, he was warned to take héed vnto himselfe, and in anie wise to beware how he gaue battell, for his owne subiects were purposed to betraie him.
There had not béene seene the like number of ships [Sidenote: Provision for ships and armour] so trimlie rigged and furnished in all points, in anie kings daies before.
For when the people in manie parts of this realme will note and signifie anie great idle lubber that will not labour nor take paine for his liuing, they will call him Lordane.
Howbeit when he should die, he vtterlie denied that euer he was priuie to anie such thing.
For though he set forth the matter to the vttermost in the presence of the Nobles and other estates, yet would they not heare of anie paiment to be made, as those that smelled out the feined fetch and forged tale of the kings need.
We are further told by Silver that Bonetti took it upon himself "to hitanie Englishman with a thrust upon anie button.
Whereupon it is manifest, that that countrie was long before by Brytaines discouered, afore either Columbus or Americus Vespatius lead anie Spaniardes thither.
Thenne Florence rav'd as anie madde, And dydd her tresses tere; "Oh!
Rather reioycing to see another merry, then merrie at anie thing which profest to make him reioice.
Not a word: if you haue anie thing to say to me, come to my Ward: for thence will not I to day.
I sweare I will not die to day for anie mans perswasion Duke.
It is moar than she cou'd look for anie whear els.
The Tree cannot resist the graduall Growth of the Moss upon it; but you might, anie Day, anie Hour, have freed yourself from the equallie graduall Formation of the Net that has enclosed you at last.
The Lady Alice Egerton mighte have beene more justlie proud of the fine Things written for her in Comus, than the Lady Dorothea of anie of the fine Things written of her by this courtier-like Poet.
Poor Nell sitteth up with Mother to-night--right thankfulle is she to find that she can be of anie Use: she says it seems soe strange that she should be able to make any Return for my Kindnesse.
She might have come sooner had she meant to be anie reall Use to a Family she has thought of entering.
You take noe Pains to apprehend and relish his favourite Pursuits; you care not for his wounded Feelings, you consult not his Interests, anie more than your owne Duty.
Richard, jealous at being allowed so little Share in nursing Robin, whom he sayd he loved as well as anie did, would sit up with him last Night, along with Mother.
Ralph Hewlett hath just looked in to say, his Father and Mother have in Safetie reached London, where he will shortlie joyn them, and to ask, is there anie Service he can doe me?
She made Answer, she never could understand the Rights of it, having beene before her Time; but they were both so good, and tenderly affectioned, she never could believe there had beene anie reall Wrong on either Side.
Soe then I bade for his Thoughts, and he sayd he had beene questioning the Cricket on the Hearth, upon the Extinction of the Fairies; and I askt, Did anie believe in 'em now?
He never writ anie mere Love-verses, indeede, soe far as I know; but how much truer a Sence he hath of what is reallie beautifulle and becoming in a Woman than Mr. Waller!
Fiue shillings to one on't with anie man that knowes the Statutes, he may staie him, marrie not without the prince be willing, for indeed the watch ought to offend no man, and it is an offence to stay a man against his will Verges.
By my soule nor I, And yet to satisfie this good old man, I would bend vnder anie heauie waight, That heele enioyne me to Leon.
I beseech you, punish mee not with your harde thoughts, wherein I confesse me much guiltie to denie so faire and excellent Ladies anie thing.
Thou art vniust man in saying so; thou, or anie man knowes where to haue me, thou knaue thou Prince.
Truely I would not hang a dog by my will, much more a man who hath aniehonestie in him Verges.
Thou should'st rather aske if it were possible anie villanie should be so rich?
There is more difference betweene thy flesh and hers, then betweene Iet and Iuorie, more betweene your bloods, then there is betweene red wine and rennish: but tell vs, doe you heare whether Anthonio haue had anie losse at sea or no?
Greke, which two, had no cause either to flatter or lie vpon anie of those which I haue recited.
Surelie, I wold he shold not confound their offices, but discretelie vse the dewtie of both so, that neither ill touches shold be left vnpunished, nor ientlesse in teaching anie wise omitted.
By this deuise he brought his countrie into good tranquillitie, so that he caused bracelets of gold to be hanged vp aloft on hils where anie common waies lay, to sée if anie durst be so hardie to take them away by stealth.
Moreouer, this priuiledge was granted vnto saint Cuthberts shrine: that whosoeuer fled vnto the same for succour and safegard, should not be touched or troubled in anie wise for the space of thirtie, & seuen daies.
Whether anie such thing chanced, or that he had anie such vision it forceth not.
Now, for that he still defended his cause, and would not reuolt from his will, Offa depriued him of all his possessions & reuenues that he held or inioied within anie part of his dominions.
Wales, and went through the same from east to west, not findinganie person that durst resist him.
In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsoones with the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.
Many mens goods surprised by the Hanse men and others, as then intertained against the Moscouite, and by them still detained, without anie precedent prohibition of passing to the said Moscouite, are hereof very good witnesses.
Could either the English marchants, or anie other frequent the Narue in Liuonia, or any other partes of the Dukes dominions freely, and without daunger?
These souldiers carried in their handes blacke banners, and other heauie and sorowfull signes (which is vsed in that kingdome, when at any time they doo execute anie person).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words: anie other; anie wise