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Example sentences for "dishonor"

Lexicographically close words:
dishful; dishing; dishonest; dishonestly; dishonesty; dishonorable; dishonorably; dishonored; dishonoring; dishonors
  1. Many desired to confer earthly riches on him who had communicated to them the goods of heaven; but he made it a capital duty to decline all self-interest, and whatever might dishonor his ministry.

  2. The assassination of two Presidents, one inaugurated at the beginning, the other at the close of this period, while a cause of profound National grief, reflects no dishonor upon popular government.

  3. Let us abhor all who would seduce us from our loyalty by acts that would dishonor a Jesuit, and whose address, like their resolves, is destructive of their own objects.

  4. Your spirit, like your body, is a serf's, and one would do dishonor to the soul of a dog, if she likened it to yours.

  5. That I think you were guilty of dishonor in talking as you did at dinner last night.

  6. I cannot understand why you should bring dishonor to the old place.

  7. There is no dishonor in a man loyally following what he honestly believes to be right.

  8. No, Calhoun, your dishonor would be my dishonor.

  9. For a woman who clings in dishonor to the man she loves is not to be blamed by the gods so much as the man she has trusted.

  10. And he had left the dishonor of such a victory to Amraphel the high-priest, and Cambyses, his own son, who had asked for it.

  11. If one continued in consciousness after death, he would know of the promotion or dishonor of his sons.

  12. Any child that is permitted to have his own way will dishonor God and bring his father and mother to shame.

  13. What is one way in which a child may dishonor his parents?

  14. In what other way do some dishonor their father and mother?

  15. Love to God will never dishonor His name.

  16. I belong to a respectable family," thought he, "and I will not bring dishonor upon it.

  17. It would have been easy for me to have left you; but as I bear your name, I could not dishonor it.

  18. I hold it a dishonor to all those knights of the Round Table that they can stand and see so noble a lady and courteous a queen as Queen Guenever rebuked and shamed among them all.

  19. He wrote also to Queen Guenever, his letter being full of shameful charges of illicit relations with Sir Lancelot, and dishonor to her lord, the king.

  20. You will gain more dishonor than worship here.

  21. Surely there is no dishonor in a kiss; and well will you earn it by such service," said Lancelot.

  22. Wouldst thou, a king's son, and a knight of the Round Table, seek to dishonor the noble king who made you what you are?

  23. The one drew near to the other to dishonor her, but you forced them to part.

  24. But dishonor must not rest upon England's crown.

  25. You will not say that I have done her aught of dishonor by holding that she is peerless among ladies, or by the valor which love for her has given me.

  26. My friend, alas, is dead; and thou art some fiend from hell, which hast taken possession of his body to dishonor his memory and render him an abhorrence among men!

  27. No, I don't want you to dishonor yourself.

  28. She is miserly, but she is also proud; the fear of public dishonor and the gossip of the neighborhood will make her docile enough.

  29. Any human being, possessing a particle of self-respect, would prefer death to the humiliation and dishonor of seeking to force himself on such people.

  30. To change his views, to begin revising his opinions, would be to stultify himself and to reflect dishonor on his comrades in arms who had perished.

  31. I could not survive dishonor to you or myself; and any relation except that of enmity to these Houghtons would humiliate me into the very mire.

  32. Can we bear that this man should now stand up in this place as the assertor of the honor of the British nation against us, who charge this dishonor to have fallen upon us by him, through him, and during his government?

  33. Right or wrong, I would go to a death of dishonor before I would speak without her authority.

  34. And no officer who did not dishonor the uniform he wore would insult me with the question.

  35. Dishonor the body, the temple of the soul, and you dishonor the soul.

  36. The shock of public dishonor might have broken a blood vessel of his brain--a vessel so tiny that consciousness had soon returned.

  37. Suddenly his only dread was public dishonor to his dead.

  38. You did not for an instant believe that I could accept these proposals, which would dishonor and annihilate me; you know me too well for that; but they were only to be the pretext of the real wish that brought you hither.

  39. He knew full well that courage may restore strength and lustre to a crown, but that cowardice and dishonor never can.

  40. And then to fight exultantly in the thickest of the fray for the fatherland, and for our queen, whose heart was broken by the national dishonor and wretchedness!

  41. I might have committed the crime; it has been a hundred times committed in my heart; but to dishonor my Sophia!

  42. Mairan, the latter openly declared the council owed me a present and public honors for the work, and that it would dishonor itself if it failed in either.

  43. I never combat but with dignity, and before I deign to defend myself I must be certain that he by whom I am attacked will not dishonor my retort.

  44. Naked, in great dishonor and from the scourging sore, In Corpes Wood unguarded they cast the dames away, Unto the savage creatures and the forest-fowl a prey, And lo!

  45. If there the Heirs of CarriĆ³n seek to dishonor me, No whit then shall I fear them, though a hundred strong they be.

  46. Since my girls they have deserted with great dishonor thus, If they have put an insult by that action upon us, The great part and the little, my lord's is all the scorn.

  47. And swiftly they debated, and to their resolve they came: "Now the Cid Campeador for us doth a great favor do, Since for his girls' dishonor for no damage doth he sue.

  48. That they be given escort I will issue the command, So that they may be protected as they travel through my land From insult and dishonor and whatever harm may be.

  49. The article purchased may be so small you can put it in your vest pocket, but the sin was bigger than the Pyramids, and the echo of the dishonor will reverberate through all the mountains of eternity.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dishonor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.