I have already noticed this very material discrepancy, which is insisted upon by Ast as an argument for disallowing the genuineness of the Apology.
Different critical opinions respecting these two dialogues 17 Grounds for disallowing them--less strong against the Second than against the First 18 The supposed grounds for disallowance are in reality only marks of inferiority ib.
No one has ever made this glaring anachronism a ground for disallowing the Symposion.
Side-note: Grounds for disallowing them--less strong against the Second than against the First.
The presence of "dulcissimae Veneres" is not a condition sine qua non, in every composition which pretends to Plato as its author: nor can the absence of them be admitted as a reason for disallowing Hipparchus and Minos.
Those who think that an abrupt close, or an abrupt exordium, is sufficient reason for declaring a dialogue not to be the work of Plato (as Platonic critics often argue), are of course consistent in disallowing the Parmenides.
Ast adduces this as one of his arguments for disallowing the authenticity of the Apology.
They can scarce disallow the abuses of these, albeit they be intolerable, lest in disallowing the abuse they lose part of their profit.
Aristotle on a different occasion disallowingaltogether this so-called Syllogism from Example.
But first let me call attention to the practice in disallowing a vote on motion.
I said at the outset that there were two modes: one was by disallowing the vote on motion to that effect, and the other by amending the journal.
Paulus Jovius on the other side, disallowing tench, approves of it; so doth Dubravius in his Books of Fishponds.
On July 3rd he protested in a memorial to the Colonial Office against the legality of the act of the Home Government in the disallowing of his appointment, but no action was taken by the authorities, and there the matter dropped.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disallowing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.