The girl's young anger made him think of summer lightning, and of the sudden flashing of new steel drawn silently and swiftly from the sheath into the sunshine.
Its little sails were neatly made of linen, and whirled round very swiftly when the mill was placed in a draught of air.
The stones were put together so securely, that there was no danger of their being loosened by the tide, however swiftly it might sweep along.
They worked swiftly and silently, but they were often discovered, in which case the only warning they received was a sudden burst of machine-gun fire.
They were preceded by men of the Signaling Corps, who advancedswiftly and skillfully, unwinding spools of insulated telephone wire as they went.
We worked as swiftly and as carefully as we could.
Swiftly he returned again to the place where he had left his wife, but did not find her, for she had taken her way towards Ireland.
Full great was the orchard and wide, like a round ring in its form; and in its midst was a fountain whose waters were clear and fresh, and ran soswiftly they seemed to boil in fury, yet was it colder than marble.
Swiftly he went thence, and met Saint Thomas who was taking counsel with Saint Peter, and privately he told him of the churl who had so vanquished him: "Rightfully hath he won Paradise of me, and I grant it to him.
It is not meet to gainsay my word,--that were great villany; I like not the king who swiftly belies himself.
The wolf set off running fullswiftly to the place where he saw the stag lie; forthwith he set himself upon the track,--now great will be the strife before he hath taken and caught it, and had its flesh.
Then she slipped away to the other guests as swiftly as a dream vision, and bloomed, like a rose, at the other end of the drawing-room.
Only one form rolled to the earth, but the other men ran the more swiftly toward the wagons, and after them denser groups made their appearance.
Not far in the rear were Red-Cross workers, and the silent figure of the brave officer was borne swiftly to a hospital tent, where he partly regained consciousness.
The little submarine reversed her engine quickly enough, however, to escape sharing the fate of her prey, and swiftly glided away to rejoin the Japanese fleet.
The party now went on deck and to their amazement found that the boat was moving swiftlythrough the harbour toward the sea.
The wind, following the direction of the mountain range, was now sweeping them rather to the south than to the east, and at a height of about a mile the balloon passed swiftly over lower Manchuria with its fair streams, valleys and cornfields.
The last strand parted and the great balloon soared swiftly above the town.
The shark had enough of Oto and fled for the depths of the ocean while his victor, watching sharply for his late foe, made his way ashore as swiftly as possible.
I clad me swiftly the while, and bade them bring me my armour secretly, and when I had armed me I mounted, and rode alone out of the camp.
Thus I rode swiftly through one grove, but had gone scarce a bowshot beyond when a knight came fast behind me, marvellous well armed, and bearing a lance with a fair pennon.
Then the king bade his companions march, and they began to move as swiftly as might be on the highway, but so great a folk convoyed them that hardly might they depart or go forth from the burg.
Then the damosel of whom I spake but now turned her, and ran swiftly into the inner chamber, and in a short space came forth with a little child, whom she set upon the dais.
At sight of the blood he bethought himself, and left hold of the knife and taking the napkin, wrapped it swiftly around his hand, so that they who ate in the hall below might not see.
Then Sir Gawain rode swiftly back, and brought Arthur with him to the hostel; but ere they might enter all the waters were set free and the fountains 'gan to play.
Then she who held the child sprang swiftly betwixt them, and cried, "Now by God I will see the which of ye twain will slay him, for he shall be cloven asunder ere that I take him hence.
She could not speak, but the great tears, more eloquent than words, chased each other swiftly down her cheeks.
Down on his back Dave Darrin was thrown, the skipper sitting on his chest, while the mate swiftly drew the door to and securely bolted it.
Swiftly he changed the revolver into his left hand as he still covered the pair.
Summoned by cable sent by Dan, Belle had journeyed swiftly from France.
Glancing down swiftly at the table von Schellen saw that reflected which caused him to exclaim: "The Yankee destroyer has opened upon us with her forward port gun.
As swiftly as possible the four rescued ones were rushed up the side.
He was twenty-three years old; how sadly, how swiftly had those years passed by unmarked!
Amid such thoughts as these the day passed swiftly by.
So sure she was that she had been wedded, she glanced swiftly up and down the street, lest one chance passenger should have seen her naked soul.
Sanchia glided swiftly down the bank, her eyes alight, the lines of neck and shoulder finely alert.
The tide of anger rose swiftly in her heart, and she stepped homeward to its flow.
These were the colour of her reflections as the train bore her swiftly to the fortune of her future years.
No one noticed her, and she sped swiftly across the cliff-path, until it touched the path leading downward to her own home.
She shed a dim light through the glades and thickets, just enough to discover a path where the dark figure of a woman made her way swiftly and cautiously towards the Château of the Intendant.
Women's wits fly swiftly to conclusions, and right ones too on most occasions.
If, under these circumstances, warm weather accompanied by rain occurs, the rain and melted snow are swiftly hurried to the bottom of the valleys and gathered to raging torrents.
Yard after yard he walked at a slow pace, but, although he saw hundreds of the swiftly moving little animals far beyond range, not one accommodatingly showed itself to be shot at.
But swiftly as he walked by the Scout did not forget the value of unobtrusive observation.
Although it was now fine, and there were occasional bursts of sunshine between the masses of swiftly driving clouds, the wind howled as loudly as ever.
The dim suggestion of the laboratory seemed presently to fall away from me, and I saw the sun hopping swiftly across the sky, leaping it every minute, and every minute marking a day.
Further, I threw a scrap of paper into the throat of one, and, instead of fluttering slowly down, it was at once sucked swiftly out of sight.
Then, in the intermittent darknesses, I saw the moon spinning swiftly through her quarters from new to full, and had a faint glimpse of the circling stars.
Once the flames crept forward so swiftly on my right as I ran that I was outflanked and had to strike off to the left.
Swiftly the huge mass of engine and plow gathered headway, the pounding exhausts quickening until they blended in a continuous roar.
From this as a beginning he went on swiftlyand incisively.
The vice-president decided swiftly that Eckstein was the man; but how to get him to the MacMorrogh headquarters before Adair should arrive?
The plotting waters were deepening swiftly, much too swiftly for him.
Suddenly he picked a word of two out of the sidewalk clamor that made him turn swiftly upon the silent young man.
Having once seen red and tasted blood, he finds himself swiftly started upon a career of crime.
Then they swiftly fill in this gaping cavity with blocks of snow, and trample the path level above it.
Thereupon the other scout creptswiftly out upon the road, and placed the folded paper where it could hardly help being seen by any one with ordinary eyesight.
Even as he spoke there was a furious barking, and a savage-looking dog came tearing swiftlytoward them, evidently bent on doing mischief.
Those who ventured into her either vanished or returned swiftly without any believable explanation of what they had seen--wanting only to get away from her as quickly as possible.
Swiftly she described the scene in the cabin and the strange behavior of the gem pile which had betrayed the creature to her.
XX Gray gathered the dog into his arms and strode swiftly out into the sunshot, purple light of early evening.
A knife wrought swiftly in his hand with little flashes.
He glanced swiftly toward the kneeling maiden by the altar in the dim taper light, and for all his control he could not repress the strangest flicker of fancy.
Crouching over these treasures with every appearance of the most frantic rage, he began, swiftly and incredibly--to roll cigarettes!
The thing was done and past crying over; the blacks had acted by their lights, and he had very swiftly to act by his.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swiftly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.