Notably, the gilt catfish, which would undoubtedly die if deprived of its mutualist, the Gyropeltes.
The next morning they are found covering the ground, and deprived of their wings.
It is a matter of easy demonstration to show that some of these insects hear less acutely where they are deprived of their antennæ.
This is the man who asked in the House of Commons whether Mr. Bradlaugh's daughters could not be deprived of their hard-earned grants for their pupils who successfully passed the South Kensington examinations!
He had lost one arm by a snake-bite, and been deprived of an eye by the premature explosion of a pistol, which broke his spectacles at the same time it extinguished his sinister optic.
The poverty of Anthony's father deprived the boy of all the external advantages that might have enabled him to take rank with his fellows: and his native awkwardness and sensitiveness widened the breach.
In common speech, however, imagination is deprivedof this broader significance, and is restricted to its relations with art.
The Alpini are usually as muchdeprived of the power of maneuvering as their comrades in the plains, and all that is left for them is to act by surprise.
The Sacramento then proceeded to a Chilean port where her commanding officer reported that he had been captured by German warships and deprived of his cargo.
Above all, it demonstrated that the wonderful motor-transport system which had been improvised had proved adequate to save a city deprived of all railroad communications.
In 1832 Mr. Fothergill sat in Parliament as member for Northumberland, and for expressing some independent opinions in that capacity, he was deprived of the office of King's Printer.
When Fothergill was deprived of his office of King's Printer in 1825, he published for a time a quarto paper of his own, entitled the Palladium, composed of scientific, literary and general matter.
The landlord here for a considerable time was Mr. De Forest, an American who, in some way or other, had been deprived of his ears.
Barrister-at-law in this Province; not only from the melancholy circumstances attendant on his untimely death, but also from a view of the many virtues this Province is deprived of by that death.
The knowledge that such is to be the consequence will inevitably prevent the performance of duties of that character, and thus the Government will be deprived of an important means of investigating the conduct of its agents.
Deprived miraculously of this extension it can be simultaneously in several places, as our Blessed Lord's Body is in the Eucharist.
A body deprived of its connatural extension exists in space in a manner analogous to that in which the soul is in the body.
What other thing is left me, here above, Deprived of thee, Medoro mine?
Whichever is the case, she must be deprived of these riches as soon as possible.
For it has been found in almost all things, that what they contain of useful or of applicable, is hardly perceived unless we are deprived of them, or they become deranged in some way.
Fate has deprived us of our lovers, and if it depends on us the whole world shall suffer as much as we do!
Why have you shown me this picture which has almost deprived me of reason?
For 193 hours, beginning with Christmas night, the greater part of Montreal was deprived of water by the breaking of the concrete conduit at Lachine.
But the last weeks of this year will stand out in civic history as a serious warning of the possibility of a city being deprived of its water supply for a long period with the additional terror of fire and disease.
In Protestant countries, the church, being deprived of all its badges and prerogatives, is more modest and humble.
The mule started off with Dickinson, at a sharp canter, and deprived him of an opportunity to reply even if he had wished it.
The watcher in that room only cowered lower into her seat, as if those tones had deprived her of the last gleam of strength which had been her support during the previous hours.
I suppose every wife ought to be exceedingly careful; but then, is a woman to be deprived of every bit of sentiment or romance?
It would be a mistake to suppose that all the compositions of Chopin are deprived of the feelings which he has deemed best to suppress in this great work.
The care taken by Chopin to avoid the zig-zags of life, to eliminate from it all that was useless, to prevent its crumbling into masses without form, has deprived his own course of incident.
He refused to quit Paris, and thus deprived himself of the pure air of the country, and the benefit of this vivifying element.
Natural Selection Could not Have Deprived a Monkey of Hair.
Cavalier, the ministry was changed, and the new-comers, who were no friends to his worship, deprived him of his situation.
His death shortly after leaving England has deprived me of a valued friend, and the book of the advantage of his final revision.
On my asking him the reason of his antipathy to the friars, he replied, that he had been their vassal, and that they had deprived him every year of the flower of what he possessed.
How the drawing-room, however, could come to want a new carpet is something mysterious, except there is a peculiar power of decay inherent in thingsdeprived of use.
From which it may be assumed that the judgment deprived him merely of his spiritual office, and left him in enjoyment of the revenue connected with the post.
Quirico a Legnaja, of which post he was deprived by papal decree as a result of an action brought against him by his assistant, Giovanni da Rovezzano.
While I have wealth he shall not want; and were I deprived of it to-morrow, he should share my bread while I have a crust.
I think, however, that I should scorn myself, could I regard with indifference the friends I once loved, because they had beendeprived of their worldly advantages.
She saw her friend deprived of De Polignac, and all those near and dear to her heart, and became deaf to every solicitation.
Thus deprived of my senses for several hours, I was spared the agony of witnessing the scenes of horror that succeeded.
On his entering the apartment, she flew to him like one deprived of reason.