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Example sentences for "burial"

Lexicographically close words:
burgoo; burgs; burgum; burh; buri; buriall; burials; burie; buried; buriers
  1. Little more than two months after the burial of Mr. Powell, and possibly before the removal of his widow and children from the house in Barbican, there was another funeral from that house.

  2. Is she to be buried in Christian burial that wilfully seeks her own salvation?

  3. This is a great gain upon some previous years, when, as once in Rhode Island, our petitions were referred to "a committee on burial grounds.

  4. Thus the town was begun, and behind it rose two hills, the one now known as the Burial Hill being at the head of this street, and elevated about one hundred and fifty feet above the sea.

  5. There is a fine outlook from Burial Hill, far over the sea to the distant yellow sand-streak of Cape Cod.

  6. A little way to the southward is Leyden Street, running from the water's edge for some distance back up the slope to the side of the "Burial Hill," the first cemetery.

  7. Nicolò with a solemn requiem, as if for the burial of a father.

  8. A fourth aisle was added to the north in 1532 as a burial chapel.

  9. Plenty of stone implements and other prehistoric objects have been found in caves and burial places, and there are many Celtic place-names; the Celts arrived in the fourth or fifth century B.

  10. It was a favourite place of burial for distinguished Spalatine families, and the floor was covered with fine gravestones in relief, mainly of the sixteenth century, worked in a hard white Dalmatian limestone.

  11. One winter afternoon a corpse was brought for burial to the village church.

  12. On the 8th of July came the rather belated burial of William IV.

  13. Even when the health authorities force immediate burial on account of danger from infectious diseases, the siling continues just the same with a dummy corpse in the death chair.

  14. The burial takes place either in the afternoon, between sunset and dark, or in the morning before the sun rises.

  15. In the meantime animals belonging to the dead person or his relatives are killed and eaten, while the burial is delayed.

  16. The interval between the death and the burial varies according to the wealth of the deceased, sometimes lasting for months in the case of the very wealthy.

  17. At one of their burial places we saw the body of their old chieftain, Blackbow.

  18. I ponder Religion and Urn Burial and pore over the lurid histories of notable comets.

  19. He forbade the burial of a comedian's remains.

  20. In order to secure the right of burial in consecrated ground he professed conversion.

  21. The king, however, sent private orders to Harlai to revoke the interdict against the decent burial of the man, whose talents during his lifetime his majesty had delighted to honor.

  22. A burial in Westminster Abbey was offered, but in accordance with his own wish, he was laid in the churchyard of Ecclesfechan, beside his kindred.

  23. And, truly, the funeral ceremonies over Dennis in that strange place of burial made the most curious ending of a man that ever I saw.

  24. He several times spoke of a burial at sea, and always as though the prospect were agreeable.

  25. Her tears at his burial flowed not only for him that was dead, but for another who she expected would soon follow him.

  26. We learned one curious fact relating to the burial of the dead among the natives, which is that they always place the body in the ground in an upright position.

  27. We were told that formerly the burial ceremony of a chief involved the sacrifice of at least one human life.

  28. The landlady came in, saying it was the burial of an officer’s child.

  29. An English author even tells us about the burial of a sign, which, he says, was not an unusual affair in Cumberland.

  30. Law of the Twelve Tables was promulgated, burial and cremation were equally in use among the Romans.

  31. In the second century of the Christian era burial was already prevalent, and through the influence of Christianity became general during the third and fourth centuries.

  32. Toward the end of the sixth century before Christ there were to be found in southern Etruria, one beside the other, tombs for the burial of corpses and others for cremation.

  33. The name, however, seems to have been an ill-omened one, for its second bearer did not survive a month, its burial being recorded in the Zuiderkerk on August 25th.

  34. Michel, in seeking an explanation, conjectures that he was at that time under the necessity of providing for the burial of Hendrickje in the Westerkerk, and that the sale was a sheer necessity.

  35. The Dean of Sydney--Chaplain-Colonel Talbot--was about to read the burial service over eighteen soldiers who had perished in the charge.

  36. If English oaks should fret with shade their tomb, Let them have burial here; for one would say "I shall sleep soft if some once haunted room, Keep token of me when I take my way.

  37. It was when the burial parties met between the trenches to bury the dead.

  38. The body was prepared for burial by wrapping it in white according to Mormon custom.

  39. Then the services for the burial of the dead were read, and we left him there beside the trail he built.

  40. Father Vabre read the burial service, and George Wharton James spoke briefly of the friendship which had bound them together for many years.

  41. It was the dirge of the mermaidens, as they wail over the drowned sailor and bear him with song and lament to his burial cavern.

  42. With every kind of dangerous experience short of death and burial he was familiar.

  43. He had been taken up by the Marlborough family, and was commissioned to compose the funeral anthem for the burial of the great Duke in June 1722.

  44. He was buried in Westminster Abbey on the evening of the 10th; the choirs of the Chapel Royal and St. Paul's joined the Abbey choir in singing the burial music of Dr.

  45. Plans and Designs for Mausoleums and Burial Vaults are given, with complete Details of Construction BY A.

  46. But there was no danger of rain; Castle Island lay in the misted water, faint and grey, reminding me of what a splendid burial I might have if the law did not intervene to prevent me.

  47. And the interval between her death and her burial I spent along the lake's shore.

  48. Fearing premature burial (a very common fear), my mother had asked that her burial should be postponed until a natural change in the elements of her body should leave no doubt that life no longer lingered there.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    baptism; burial; catacombs; cenotaph; cist; cortege; covering; crypt; darkening; deception; dip; dipping; dolmen; dousing; duck; funeral; grave; hiding; immersion; interment; inundation; invisibility; mausoleum; mystification; occultation; ossuary; pit; pyramid; reliquary; secrecy; secretion; sepulcher; shrine; sinking; souse; stupa; submergence; submersion; subterfuge; taps; tomb; tope; vault

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    burial customs; burial ground; burial place