The agitation of the public mind on occasion of the late suspension of our right of deposite at New Orleans is extreme.
The suspension of the right of deposite at New Orleans, ceded, to us by our treaty with Spain, threw our whole country into such a ferment as imminently threatened its peace.
The greater part of what they receive from us is re-exported to other countries, under the useless charges of an intermediate deposite and double voyage.
If they cannot be so used, then dispose of the perishable articles to the best advantage, and if you can sell those not perishable for what they cost, do so, and what you cannot so sell, depositein any safe place under your own power.
Say rather, "This was in fact a converting of the deposite to his own use.
This was in fact converting the deposite to his own use.
The heat was intense; we exhausted our waccals of water, and as there was no stream or fountain, our only chance of a supply was from a deposite of rain-water in the hollow of some friendly rock.
The deposite or distribution act was passed by congress in 1835.
The flocks of the Arabs still find in it a luxuriant pasture, while the bees deposite in the holes of the rocks their delicious stores, which are sometimes seen flowing down the surface.
These juices, being set in a cool place for some time, deposite saline crystals, which are a combination of the acid of the plant with part of its oil and earth, wherein the acid is always predominant.
To restore its ability of acting as well as at first, or nearly so, you need only let it cool, and deposite the Kermes dissolved in it.
If this solution be defecated by filtration, it still continues to depositesome of the same substance, till the vitriol be wholly decomposed.
My share of the eighty thousand in gold[348] you can leave on deposite with Meyer Bro.
My share of the eighty thousand in gold you can leave ondeposite with Meyer Bro, subject to my order.
A person who has been for a long time accustomed to wine, cannot easily be deprived of it at once; but he should drink Madeira, and those wines, which neither contain much carbonic acid, nor deposite much tartar.
On the receipt of this intelligence, they requested permission to remove once more into the fort, or at least to be allowed again to deposite their most valuable property within its walls.
We reached our deposite of provisions at nightfall.
As we advanced westward, the soil appears to be getting more sandy; and the surface rock, an erratic deposite of sand and gravel, rests here on a bed of coarse yellow and gray and very friable sandstone.
We have a number of mineral springs, which deposite sulphur.
Black observes that steam is the most effectual carrier of heat that can be conceived, and will deposite it only on such bodies as are colder than boiling water.
The magazine is a place of deposite for gunpowder, to preserve it from fire, and moisture.
The deposite obtained in the boiling, is washed with a certain quantity of the solution, which becomes clear, and is then mixed with the preceding liquor.
The washed deposite consists of colouring matter, combined with oxide of lead, sulphate of lead, and a portion of free quinia; contains no sub-kinate of lead.
The cause of the increased fertility is the fact that the deposite is so fine that it prevents rapid evaporation, and thus causes the soil to retain moisture for the large growth, and maturity of the plants.
The flies are inactive until evening, when, from dusk till eight or nine o'clock, they deposite their eggs in the blossoms and chaff of the wheat.
All around the bottom, it should be so tight, that no crevice can be found, in which a miller can depositean egg.
You may raise them as given for the trout above, or allow them to deposite their eggs in spawn beds of their own selection in their pond.
Soon after the shoot dies, the worm comes out in the form of a winged insect, and seeks a location to deposite its eggs, preparatory to new depredations.
A cheap method for the farmer is to deposite a load of horse-manure, and on that a load of bones, and alternate each, till he has used up all his bones.
If any have been missed, and come out in insects to deposite more eggs, bonfires are most effectual.
The process is simple and easy: when the female-fish first begins to deposite her eggs, catch her with a small net.
He approached the procession, and with a composed voice commanded them to deposite their arms, and file off towards a place which he indicated.
They then dug a hole in the ground, in which they buried their war axe, and professed to depositeall ill feelings with it.
We replied, that we were both able and disposed to carry our arms to the guard house ourselves, and depositethem there if such was our pleasure, at our own choice.
This is a depositeof bony matter in one of the pasterns, and usually near the joint.
For if an electrified cloud, coming from the sea, meets in the air a cloud raised from the land, and therefore not electrified; the first will flash its fire into the latter, and thereby both clouds shall be made suddenly to deposite water.
If a country be plain, having no mountains to intercept the electrified clouds, yet it is not without means to make them deposite their water.
How these ocean clouds, so strongly supporting their water, are made to deposite it on the land where it is wanted, is next to be considered.
Nothing was to be found under the stone, or near it; but there could have been but little doubt, it was supposed, that she had intended to deposite counterfeit bank notes, where her accomplices knew how to find them.
He committed this deposite to a distinguished female, and a certain number of plebeian Indians, appointed annually for the purpose of its safe custody.
As a place of greater security from the enemy's vessels, Dorchester had been pitched on as a deposite for ammunition and military stores, and put under a guard of militia.
This fort had been very judiciously fixed in a country exceedingly fertile, and on a lake abounding with fine fish, and from its contiguity to the river Santee, forming an admirable deposite for their upland posts.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deposite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.