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Example sentences for "just tell"

  • Just tell us the conversation that you had with him.

  • Would you, in your own words, just tell us about it?

  • Just tell me the whole circumstances leading up to the moment you met Marina.

  • Just tell me in a few words something about yourself?

  • Just tell us what impression did you have when you met him again?

  • Just tell me what you are referring to now with relation to that school.

  • Just tell me generally how that came about.

  • Just tell me in your own words what difficulty you had with her.

  • It's not--" "Just tell them to get Daedalus I prepped.

  • Just tell me where you have the copies of the protocol, quickly.

  • Sweetheart, just tell me what I need to know.

  • So if you'd just tell me, perhaps I could alter something, and have a chance at last.

  • Just tell me something about this,' said Scawthorne peremptorily.

  • If you've changed your mind about her goin' there, just tell me why.

  • Just tell me where to find a girl of the right sort.

  • Just tell us what happened when you got inside the Beauty Shop," begged Velma, who had secret dreams of C.

  • He can do that and we'll just tell him we are playing a joke.

  • Well, I'll just tell you, sissy, I fixed it so you both could get in here.

  • Just tell Mr. Keller that I'll be over to the mainland in a day or so, to get his bunch of keys.

  • Just tell him Mr. Narr is coming to see him.

  • Come now, just tell me, is she as handsome as she is reported to be?

  • Just tell me, look you, did you ever hear of an action of damages being brought against me?

  • Just tell me, Regelsch, does your husband often drink more brandy than he can carry?

  • Just tell me, Baron Leuchtmar von Kalkhun, is it you who have taught the Electoral Prince such singular manners, or are those the fine fashions which he has been used to at the Orange court?

  • Just tell me where you have stuck it, and I shall take it for myself.

  • Just tell me, you wise and prudent deputies from Cleves, what advantage can accrue to you from the stadtholdership of the Electoral Prince?

  • Just tell me in short, concise words, when does my son, the Electoral Prince, come?

  • Just tell me who are coming, and I 'll be able to give you a hint if any of them should be personally displeasing to his Grace.

  • Now, sir, just tell me, in a few words, what took place between you?

  • Just tell me frankly what you know and think about my poor friend's affairs.

  • Just tell me how you'd feel yourself if all your savings were snatched away from you!

  • Didn't I just tell you a fellow himself has nothing to do with it!

  • Just tell me where I'm at and I'll leave this cursed town forever.

  • Just tell me where she is and keep an eye on her and I don't care what you charge.

  • Just tell me, how you feel and see if I can't prove I'm right.

  • And could you find a man of my age half so healthy, and so strong as I am--just tell me that?

  • Now, tell us all you can remember, even though it is not complete, just tell us as much as you can remember?

  • Which one--can you describe where he was and what he did--just tell us in your own words what you saw him do?

  • When you heard that they found some hulls, just tell us what you did.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "just tell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and let; just arrived; just beginning; just cause; just kind; just mentioned; just north; just opposite; just outside; just received; just stated; just such; just the; just then; just thought; just west; just where; justice and; justice shall; justices appointed; justly regarded; loved best; other factors; our rear; then another; thus writes