Morley a few daies after his contest w^th Lambert in the palace yard by J.
Not the odor of those flowers did so recreate the dead Archemorus which the Nymphs were yearly wont to strow upon his watry Sepulcher, as this daies Inauguration of Yours, does even seem to revive the Ashes of that sacred Martyr.
HW: Delivered to Coll: Morley, a few daiesafter his contest w^th Lambert in the Palace Yard: by J.
On the 22 daie of Nouember the moone was likewise eclipsed, being as then 13 daies old.
Sir Richard Sward died this yeare, after he had laien a long time vexed with the palsie, which sir Richard had in his daies beene a right worthie and famous knight.
Hereby it should appeare, that in qualitie of weapon, and not in maner of their running togither, these iusts and tornies in thosedaies practised differed from the verie order of warre.
But certeine yeeres before his death, bicause he was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himself into a quiet trade of life, so ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdeeds.
The sea rose continuallie in flowing the space of two daies and one night, without ebbing, by reason of the mightie violence of contrarie winds.
In those daies a new custome or toll was vsed to be paid, which prince Edward let to farme vnto certeine strangers, for the summe of twentie marks by yeare.
In which councell two naughtie felowes were presented before him, that of late had beene apprehended, either of them naming himselfe Christ, and preached manie things against such abuses as the cleargie in those daies vsed.
Sidenote: Tournies and iusts in those daies were handled in more rough manner than is vsed in our time.
About the same time, the earle of Salisburie returning homwards out of Gascoigne, was so tossed and turmoiled on the seas by tempests of weather, that he fell sicke therof, and within a few daies after his arriuall died.
For sure they were, that the king as a lion lieng in wait whome he might deuoure (to get monie) after fortie daies were past, if they submitted not themselues, would spoile them of all their goods as forfeited.
The actor Kemp's dance to Norwich, from the frontispiece of "Kemps nine daies wonder performed in a from London to Norwich, containing the pleasure, paines and kind entertainment of William Kemp betweene London and that city .
This fault not greatlie greeued the people: for neither could anie one mans pleasure stretch and extend to the displeasure of verie manie, and was without violence, and ouer that in his latter daies lessed, and well left.
In which time of his latterdaies this realme was in quiet and prosperous estate, no feare of outward enimies, no warre in hand, nor none toward, but such as no man looked for.
Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder: Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich, by A.
And after the second session account foure daies or thereabout, and then looke which is the next feast day, and the first lawdaie after the said feast shall be the third session.
Neither are anie of the ancient laws prescribed for their maintenance, before the daies of Canutus, now to be had; sith time hath so dealt with them that they are perished and lost.
The Iews doo reckon their daies by their distance from their sabaoth, so that the first daie of their weeke is the first daie of the sabaoth, and so foorth vnto the sixt.
French and English) although that whole portion of the Iland extended in those daies no farder than about 200.
As certeine of our daiessuffered this alteration by the Saxons, so in [Sidenote: * Ferias.
In those daies when Iesus went foorth toward his iourneie, and one meeting him in the waie running, and kneeling vnto him, asked him saieng: Good master what shall I doo that I may possesse eternall life?
Wherevpon, after a few daies respit, he went to Douer, where he tooke ship and sailed into France.
At length earle Henrie perceiuing how the matter went, and that there was no hope left of recouerie, fled also with those that could escape, bitterlie cursing the frowardnesse of fortune, and mishap of that daies chance.
In the meane time king Stephan, hauing knowledge of the landing of the empresse, and other his enimies, came strait to Arundell, where he besieged hir in the castle, and spent his labour certeine daies in vaine about the winning of it.
For this Roger bishop of Salisburie, was in the daies of William Rufus a poore préest, seruing a cure in a village néere the citie of Caen in Normandie.
In the meane time, the archbishops men and tenants were sore oppressed, and his rents and reuenues seized to the kings vse, yea euen before the daies of paiment.
And on this point I rested in imagination secretlie with my selfe two daies at Tewkesburie.
Thus liuing maniedaies in as much honor as one man might well wish, ended them so godlie, that his death with Gods mercie well changed his life.
This is the daie of gaine, and this is the time of losse; get this daie victorie, and be conquerors: and leese this daies battell, and be villaines.
Richards daies he had continued, whose life by the onelie helpe of sir Thomas Louell was preserued from all danger & perill in this troublous world, gathered togither a great band of men in Yorkeshire.
Of this the bishop gathered (which well knew the complexion and vsage of the king) that the queenes daies were short, and that he declared to certeine of his secret freends.
Now of learned men that liued, and wrote in the daies of this vsurper and his nephue king Edward the fift, these we find recorded by Iohn Bale.
Some went to sanctuarie, and to solitarie places; some fled by sea, whereof the most part within a few daies after arriued safelie in the duchie of Britaine.
Then Pandulph keeping the crowne with him for the space of fiue daies in token of possession thereof, at length (as the popes vicar) gaue it him againe.
Thus much out of Rafe Cogheshall, who affirmeth that this chanced in the daies of Henrie the second, about the 33 of his reigne, as Iohn Stow in his summarie hath also noted.
For the space of fifteene daies this rumour incessantlie ran through both the realmes of England and France, and there was ringing for him through townes and villages, as it had beene for his funerals.
That long daies labour doest at last defray, 316 And all my cares, which cruell Love collected, Hast sumd in one, and cancelled for aye.
There chast Alceste lives inviolate, 425 Free from all care, for that her husbands daies She did prolong by changing fate for fate: Lo!
Sith she that did my vitall powres supplie, And feeble spirits in their force maintaine, Is fetcht fro me, why seeke I to prolong My wearie daies in dolour and disdalne!
Now will we rehearse what writers of our English nation liued in the daies of this king.
Thus was the corps first brought to the Tower, and after through the citie, to the cathedrall church of saint Paule bare faced, where it laie thrée daies togither, that all men might behold it.
After they had laine thus one against another the space of eight daies (as before is said) vittels began to faile, so that they were inforced to dislodge.
In his latter daieshe shewed himselfe so gentle, that he gat more loue amongst the nobles and people of this realme, than he had purchased malice and euill will in the beginning.
Thus they continued for the space of eight daies from morning till night, readie to abide, but not to giue battell.
The ninteenth of Julie, a woman was burnt at Tunbridge in Kent for poisoning of hir husband: and two daies before, a man named Orleie was hanged at Maidstone, for being accessarie to the same fact.
The residue of the wholie daies I will spend in other devises: as one daie in feats of armes, and then wolde I have a challeng pformed with hobbie horsis, where I purpose to be in pson.
Still the fairest are his fuell, When his daies are to be cruell; Lovers hearts are all his food, And his baths their warmest bloud: Nought but wounds his hand doth season, 35 And he hates none like to Reason.
See in that pamphlet, "The thirde daies Entertainment.
God without a | Distrustfull Feare all the daies of | [Note s: Ier.
Doing her Husband | Good and not euill all the daies of | [Note q: Ierem.
Now when he had rested a few daies & refreshed his men, he tooke the way towards Winchester, a great number of people flocking vnto him by the way.
In those daies Smithfield was a place where they laid all the ordure and filth of the citie.
For manie denies that anie such spirites can appeare in these daies as I haue said.
Also in the latter end of Malgos daies or about the first beginning of the reigne of his successor Careticus, Cheuling and his sonne Cutwine fought with the Britains at a place called Fechanley or Fedanley, [Sidenote: H.
In those daiesalso the kingdome of the Eastsaxons began, the chéefe citie whereof was London.
He also by his roiall authoritie commanded the fast of fortie daies in the Lent season to be kept and obserued, appointing woorthie and competent punishment against the [Sidenote: Segburga.
Saxons was greatlie decaied in diuerse parts of Britaine, and this chanced in the daies of the emperour Theodosius the yoonger.
The same Aidan liued not past 12 daies after the death of the said Oswin, whome he so much loued, departing this world the last daie of August, in the seuenteenth yeare after he was ordeined bishop.
Moreouer, in the daiesof the afore-named Auralius Ambrosius, about the yeare of our Lord 561, the kingdome of the east Angles began vnder a Saxon named Uffa.
This to my mother, 'Twill be two daies ere I shall see you, so I leaue you to your wisedome Hel.
I have passed ten daies without taking any thing; so that I think no man can live more thriftily.
As for Vicarages, those daies knew few, for they grew vp in more corrupt ages, by the religious houses encrochments.
Foure daies before which, at Xaintes, the youth of all sorts, from 9.
Ireland, thrust themselues to sea, in a Boat made of three Oxe skinnes and a halfe, with seuen daies victuall, and miraculously arriued in Cornwall.
After three daies spent in watering our ships, vve departed now the second time from the Cape of S.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.