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Example sentences for "vittels"

Lexicographically close words:
vitriolated; vitriolic; vitro; vitta; vittals; vittle; vittles; vitty; vituperation; vituperations
  1. Hauing thus spoken the people had entrance, so that all the hall, parlours, and chambers being furnished with tables and stooles, they were conuenientlie placed, and serued with vittels to the full.

  2. After this, lieng abroad in the countrie, they skirmished dailie with the French horssemen, and oft times cut of such prouision of vittels as came to nourish the campe.

  3. Then came the people of the countries next adioining, of their owne accord to submit themselues vnto him, promising to aid him with men and vittels most plentifullie.

  4. When Frenchmen be inuaded by Englishmen, the Scots shall send their armie in defense of France, so that they be supported with monie and vittels by the French.

  5. They came by the gates of Winchester as it were in maner of triumph, with vittels and spoiles which they had fetched fiftie miles from the sea side.

  6. Cadwallader was constreined with the chéefest part of his people to forsake their natiue countrie, and by sea to get them ouer into Britaine Armorike, there to séeke reliefe by vittels for the sustentation of their languishing bodies.

  7. Herberrough, sith the Sicilians verie liberallie aided and furnished the christians armie with vittels and necessarie prouisions.

  8. After they had laine thus one against another the space of eight daies (as before is said) vittels began to faile, so that they were inforced to dislodge.

  9. Here they found wine and other vittels in great plentie, and herevpon they taried there three daies to refresh themselues at ease.

  10. Sidenote: The king for want of vittels returneth.

  11. And therfore our souereigne lord the king willeth and commandeth you, in all that euer you may, to send to the said siege vittels conuenient.

  12. Whervpon vittels and corne became scant and hard to come by.

  13. They kept as it were house togither, for the earle to haue his prouision the better cheape, laid his penie with hirs, so that hir takers serued him as well as they did hir both of vittels & cariages.

  14. And as he determined, so it came to passe, for the vittels were so cut off, that the Englishmen for three full daies togither, dranke nothing but water.

  15. We bilt some sleds outen her timbers, and loded thim with sich vittels an truk as we wanted tu sav and started over the ice.

  16. Our vittels was ni gone afore we struk the flotin' ice, and all was ded but us 3 Ned Merrick, Jo Niles and Jan von Broekhuysen who is uf dutch parents but English birth.

  17. There was 13 others of us wen the ship squeeched and busted, levin us wid nothin but sum vittels and a few valybles, wich we tride to save.

  18. Then after this dearth and scarsitie of vittels insued a great death and mortalitie of people, so that what by warre of the Scots, and what by this mortalitie and death, the people of the land were woonderfullie wasted and consumed.

  19. After this the English armie besieged the citie of Aques, but thorough want of vittels he was constreined to raise thence and breake vp the siege.

  20. Swaine hauing now got the whole rule of the land, was reputed full king, and so commanded that his armie should be prouided of wages and vittels to be taken vp & leuied through the realme.

  21. Musik, after all, is sumthing like vittels, the more cooking and seasoning we uze, the more we have to hav, till after awhile we kant enjoy ennything ov the vittels but the pepper.

  22. After fashuns hav had their da, then iz the time tu despize them; just so it iz with vittels; cold vittels for instanze.

  23. They found little riches, and small store of vittels abroad in the countrie, for the French king had abandoned all to his men of warre, who either wasted or conueied all things of any value into the fortresses and walled townes.

  24. Item, he taxed men at the will of him and his vnhappie councell, and the same treasure spent in follie, not paieng poore men for their vittels and viands.

  25. The king with his armie remaining in those parts eleuen daies, was in the end constreined to come backe, when all their vittels were spent: for more than they brought with them they could not get.

  26. This doone, furnishing the garison with sufficient vittels and munition to serue them for one whole yeare, he returned home into England, with great praise and commendation of the commons for his dooings.

  27. The Englishmen therefore sent to them of Reimes, requiring to haue some vittels sent to the host, for the which they would spare the countrie from wasting: but they of Reimes would not consent herevnto.

  28. Sidenote: The citizens of Reimes saue their corne fields from destroieng by sending vittels to the English host.

  29. Also they caused all the corne and vittels to be conueied awaie, or destroied in all places, where it was coniectured that the Englishmen would passe.

  30. After this, the duke of Bedford sailed vp to Harflue, & refreshed the towne both with vittels and monie; notwitstanding certeine other French gallies did what they could to haue letted that enterprise.

  31. The Englishmen were brought into some distresse in this iornie, by reason of their vittels in maner spent, and no hope to get more: for the enimies had destroied all the corne before they came.

  32. Sidenote: Corne & vittels destroied where the Englishmen should passe.

  33. Such vittels and other necessaries as were to be caried with the armie, he appointed to be laid on horsses, leauing the carts and wagons behind for lesse incombre.

  34. In which meane while, the earle of Suffolke was sent foorth to discouer the countrie, and the king wan by assault the towne of Baugencie, and after when vittels began to faile, he marched forward, meaning to pursue the Dolphin.

  35. But in the meane time vittels began sore to faile them within, that onelie vinegar and water serued for drinke.

  36. The king of England followed, till vittels and forrage began sore to faile on all sides, and then returning, passed towards Orleance, taking the castell of Rouge Mont by assault.

  37. The bastard of Orleance and the Hire were appointed to see the walles and watches kept, and the bishop saw that the inhabitants within the citie were put in good order, and that vittels were not vainelie spent.

  38. By the taking of this bridge the passage was stopped, that neither men nor vittels could go or come by that waie.

  39. In this yeare was an act made by authoritie of the common councell of London, that vpon the sundaie no maner of thing within the franchises and liberties of the said citie should be bought or sold; neither vittels nor other thing.

  40. Sidenote: Vittels sent by the maior and staid by the commons.

  41. This siege continued almost two moneths, in maner from his deliuerie in the beginning of Nouember, vntill Christmasse immediatlie following: in somuch that through lacke of vittels they within the towne began to raise mutinies.

  42. The tower that duke Henrie had hardlie besieged immediatlie herewith was surrendred vnto him, & then making prouision for vittels and other things, [Sidenote: The castell of Wallingford.

  43. The capteins, according to his deuise, besieged a little walled towne called Dixmew, to whome came foure thousand Flemings with vittels and artillerie, sent from the lord of Rauenstein.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vittels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.