In Italie also, and in manie other countries, as well in the lands of the infidels as in Christendome, this grieuous mortalitie reigned, to the great destruction of people.
And in villages they are commonlie made churchwardens, sidemen, aleconners, now and then constables, and manie times injoie the name of hedboroughes.
But for manie that go in person, let these objectors know, they be as good as themselves, and it may be, many degrees better.
But poor Patteson's note will soon change; for father's diminished state will necessitate ye dismissal of all extra hands; and there is manie a servant under his roof whom he can worse spare than the poor fool.
She takes it for one of the manie jests whereof she misses the point; and 'tis not till we are out of church, in ye open air, that she fully comprehends my Lord Chancellor is indeed gone, and she hath onlie her Sir Thomas More.
Manie other things he redressed, to the contentation and commoditie of his subiects, who gaue God thanks that he had in such wise deliuered them out of the hands of cruell extortioners.
About the same time manie woonders were seene and heard of.
On the fridaie after such an earthquake also happened in this realme, that manie houses and buildings were ouerthrowne.
King Henrie after this returned into England, and vpon the sea was in danger to haue drowned by tempest: so that iudging the same to be as a warning for him to amend his life, he made manie vowes, and after his landing went to S.
Normandie, he made manie skirmishes with the English, yet no notable exploit passed betwixt them in that yeare.
It is written, that his bodie, to auoid the stench which had infected manie men, was closed in a buls hide, and how he that clensed the head died of the sauour which issued out of the braine.
There died and were taken prisoners in this conflict manie thousands of men.
His worthie acts valiantlie and fortunatlie atchiued against the infidels, are notified to the world by manie and sundrie writers to his high commendation and long lasting praise.
He was sober of diet, vsed to eat rather for the quailing of hunger, than to pamper himselfe withmanie daintie sorts of banketting dishes.
September, he committed Rafe bishop of Durham to the Tower of London, by whose lewd counsell his said brother being seduced, had in his life time doone manie oppressions to his people.
In this battell Brute lost manie of his men, and amongst other one of his nephues named Turinus, after he had shewed maruellous proofe of his manhood.
Brute with his men following fast upon the aduersaries, caused them to plunge into the water at aduenture, so that manie of them were drowned.
Let not their rash and presumptuous boldnesse make you afraid, sith somanie tokens of your approoued valiancie cannot cause them to stand in doubt of you.
But a great cause that mooued manie of the lords vnto the violating thus of their oth, [Sidenote: Matth.
In which number there were not manie of the English: but yet among other, Walter Lacie the brother of Gilbert Lacie, one of their cheefe capteines is remembered to be one.
Hir brother Robert with manie other of the Nobles that staied behind, till she and other might get out of danger, were taken prisoners.
At the same time as Brigadier-General Manie Botha had left Okaputa, Brigadier-General Lukin, with the 6th Mounted S.
Osib between the Germans and Brigadier-General Manie Botha, who had pushed on with the Orange Free State Brigade at 6.
These roots grow manie together in great clusters and doe bring foorth a brier stalke, but the leafe in shape far vnlike; which beeing supported by the trees it groweth neerest vnto, wil reach or climbe to the top of the highest.
C 3] But how manie yeeres or ages haue passed since, they say they can make no relation, hauing no letters nor other such meanes as we to keepe recordes of the particularities of times past, but onelie tradition from father to sonne.
In manie of our iourneyes we found silke wormes fayre and great; as bigge as our ordinary walnuttes.
It is founde in manie places of the countrey else.
Scilla, under whom there lay Manie great bandogs, which her gird about.
And frost, and snowe, had manie winters seene: Inquired, what in sommer was her guise.
Upon this abstinence, this rake-hell capteine for making him more friends, brake up the gaites of the kings Bench and Marshalsie and so were manie mates set at libertie verie meet for his matters in hand.
Made manie Resolutions, which, in Church, I converted into Prayers and Promises.
They are neither soe drowsy as those I have beene for manie Years accustomed to at Home, nor soe wearisome as to remind me of the Puritans.
Felt loath to comply, but did soe neverthelesse, and afterwards we walked manie Miles, to visit some poor Folk.
Oxford; in most most confined and unpleasant Lodgings; but noe Matter, manie better and richer than ourselves fare worse, and our King hath not where to lay his Head.
I had done nothing to get his Forgivenesse, only presumed on his Mercy to ask manie Things I had noe Right to expect.
But how manie Things as beautifulle and true did I hear my Husband say, which passed by me like the idle Wind that I regarded not!
Rose hath alreadie made several little Changes for the better; improved the Ventilation of Robin's Chamber, and prevented his hearing soe manie Noises.
I warrant there's manie a young Gallant at Court would be proud of such.
Again, howmanie labour and love, and yet are not loved; but I have beene loved, and my labour has not been in vayn.
To love and to labour is the sum of living, and yet how manie think they live who neither labour nor love.
Why, but theres manie a man hath more haire then wit S.
Manie ran towards the towne, some to the church, and diuerse to the abbeie, and other to other places, where they thought best to saue themselues.
For a gentleman of the French kings chamber, after the peace was concluded, did demand of an Englishman, how manie battels king Edward had vanquisht?
Manie great offenses he willinglie pardoned and receiuing at a time a great blow by a wicked man which compassed his death, he onelie said; "Forsooth forsooth, yee doo fowlie to smite a king annointed so.
And the same wall to be creasted, imbattelled, and fortified with towers, as manie as shall be thought conuenient therevnto.
And suerlie it soundeth to reason, that the pestilence should fetch awaie so manie thousands, as in iudgement by proportion of fifteene yeares warre one maie gather; and manie more too.
The Abbot thus riding, (into whose minde newe thoughts entred vpon the sight of Alexandro) it chaunced, after manie daies iournies, they arriued at a village that was but meanly furnished with lodging.
Then he drew it out of the scabberd, and kissed it, sayingmanie praiers, whilest that the Quier sang certaine anthems.
Wherfore manie wise men grudged to see him take it so hartilie, and euer the cardinall said that the king was highlie displeased with it, and spake nothing of himselfe.
This Christmasse was a goodlie disguising plaied at Graies In, which was compiled for the most part by maister John Roo, sergeant at the law manieyeares past, and long before the cardinall had any authoritie.
In this garden walked six knights, and six ladies richlie apparelled, and then they descended and dansed manie goodlie danses, and so ascended out of the hall, and then the king was served with a great banket.
And albeit that she was by the kings mother and manie other put in good comfort, to affirme that she was ensured vnto the king: yet when she was solemnlie sworne to saie the truth, she confessed that they were neuer ensured.
In whome if the lord Hastings had not put so speciall trust, the lord Stanleie & he had departed with diuerse other lords, and broken all the danse, for manie ill signs that he saw, which he now construes all to the best.
Vpon which messages, manie of their folke were attendant, when manie of the lord Riuers seruants were vnreadie.
But the protector, immediatlie after dinner, intending to set some colour vpon the matter, sent in all the hast for manie substantiall men out of the citie into the tower.
Most miserable man, whom wicked fate Hath brought to Court, to sue for had-ywist, That few have found, and manie one hath mist!
Beside this, he spake manie comfortable woords vnto his men, to incourage them to the battell.
After noticing the solitary condition of the church, he says, "yet about this structure have bin manie buildings now decaied, leaving poore Pancras without companie or comfort.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.