Whle the Sarazens continued their siege against Ioppa, two hundred saile of Christian ships arriued at Ioppa, that they might performe their deuotions at Hierusalem.
A Fleete of Englishmen, Danes, and Flemings, arriued at Ioppa in the Holy land, the seuenth yeere of Baldwine the second king of Hierusalem.
Wherefore about the spring there arriued at the port of Ioppa a fleet of ships from Genoa.
Being arriued againe in England, and hauing seene the wickednes of that age, he gaue out this speach.
The next sommer folowing Olauus hauing receiued pledges from all the chiefe men of the Islands, with a fleet of 32 ships sailed vnto Man, and arriued at Rognolfwaht.
October the Fleete of Alexander king of Scots arriued at Roghalwath, and the next day before the sunne rising there was a battell fought betweene the Mannians and the Scots, in the which conflict there were slaine 535.
Wolstan sayd, that he departed from Hetha, and arriued at Trusco, in the space of 7.
Christ) did send for the Saxons, who arriued here in the 449.
But then the Scots turning the ciuill discord of this realme, betweene this Sisilt and his brother Blede to their best aduantage, arriued againe in Albania, & there made one Reuther their king.
These came altogither into this land, and arriued at Flemesburke with fortie ships, as Matthæus Westmonasteriensis hath recorded.
For there arriued eleuen ships laden with great plentie of victuals at diuerse places of the land, for the reliefe of the people.
Laurence eeuen, they arriued in the hauen of Groigne, otherwise called Coron, and there they vnshipped all their prouisions, determining to inuade the countrie on that side.
Herevpon the yoong king being arriued in England, called an assemblie of the lords spirituall and temporall at Winchester, [Sidenote: Rog.
And so God be thanked, both they and we in good safetie arriuedat Portesmouth the eight and twentieth of Iuly 1586, to the great glorie of God, and to no small honour to our Prince, our Countrey, and our selues.
And being arriued neere that part of the coast of Spaine, vvich is called the Moores, vvee happened to espie diuerse Sailes, vvich kept their course close by the shore, the vveather being faire and calme.
But before this fleete departed, some were gone by one or two at a time, so that onely 23 sayles of this fieete arriued in the Hauana.
Thus God deliuered them from the handes of their enemies, and gaue them the victorie: For which they heartily praised him, and not long after safely arriued in London.
Spaine and Portugall, there were not aboue 14 or 15 of them arriued there in safetie, all the rest being either drowned, burst or taken.
The first next after the Tobie was the Royal Marchant, which together with the William and Iohn came from Tripolie in Syria, and arriued at Zante within the compasse of the foresaide time limitted.
The 25 we arriued on the West side of the Isle of Menego, where we left some caske on shore in a sandy bay, but could not tary for foule weather.
Being arriued there, we found the sayd landes, as it were ioyned together, and low toward the Sea.
Sixe great Spanish shiparriued in the rode, where foure of our greatest ships remained, which cast anker, assuring our men of good amity.
This point being thus agreed vpon, wee sayled toward the Riuer, and vsed such diligence, that with the fauor of the windes wee arriued there the morrow after about the breake of day, which was on Thursday the 29.
And hauing endured contrary winds and stormes for a season, at length heearriued and went on shore in the Isle of Cuba.
They arriued at the Antilles, in the Isle of Cuba, at the port of the City of Sant Iago vpon Whitsunday.
By thisarriued there Dame Vna, wearie Dame, and entrance did requere.
But him henceforth the same can saue no more; 8 For now arriued is his fatall howre, That no'te auoyded be by earthly skill or powre.
But when they heard, How in that place straunge knight arriued late, 8 Both knights and Ladies forth right angry far'd, And fiercely vnto battell sterne themselues prepar'd.
Yet she still followed her former stile, 2 And said, and did all that mote him delight, Till they arriued in that pleasant Ile, 4 Where sleeping late she left her other knight.
Roderico arriued at his house, frequented many times the lodging of Gineura, to espy hir fashions, and to see if any other had conquered that place, that was so well assayled and besieged by Dom Diego.
In this sort by the space of three daies they trauersed the Countrey vntill they arriuedto the foote of a mountayne, not frequented almost but by Wilde and sauage Beasts.
The frier made sutch hast as (too late) hee arriued at Mantua, within a while after.
And where he thought to rescue himselfe at Venice, he turned another way, and by great Iourneys arriued at Millan.
And vsing that expedition he could, arriuedat the place where his Father encamped, and not farre from the same he pitched his pauilion.
Which Pietro obeied in order as hys maister had requyred, and made therin sutch expedityon, as he arriued in good time to Verona, taking order for al things that wer commaunded him.
And after this man had payed hys Raunsome, and was set at lyberty, he arriued into the partes of Chrystedome.
Worshipful sirs, I departed from Cuba with eleuen saile in my fléete, furnished with fiue hundred and fiftie Spaniardes, and I arriued here at Acusamil from whence I write you this letter.
But the third day they arriued at a cape or point of land, called Womens cape.
With prosperous weather they departed from Spayne, and in shorte tyme arriued at Vera Crux, Cortez hauing newes of their arriuall by foote postes within two dayes.
So shortly after the ships arriued at the place appointed, Escalante set a land his messengers, and abode there eight days they returne, although he promised thë to abide there but sixe dayes.
In fine, he came lyke a great Lorde, & arriued in Spayne, in the ende of the yéere 1528.
In this meane time arriued at Cuba, Iohn de Grijalua, vpon whose arriuall, the gouernour chaunged his purpose and pretence, for hee refused to disburse any more money, nor yet would consent that Cortez should furnish his Nauie.
They touched by the way at Marien a port of Cuba, declaring that they went to Hauana: they passed through the chanell of Bahama without disturbaunce, and sayled with a prosperous winde, till they arriued in Spayne.
Eight dayes after their departure toward the woddes, arriued fiftéene saile of ships at the coast of Chalchicoeca.
Also Edward Bruce, with sir Walter and sir Hugh Lacie, bringing with them a great armie, returned out of Scotland, and arriued at Dundalke, on the day of saint Calixt the pope.
In the meane time, about the sixt yéere of king Edwards reigne, certeine pirats of the Danes arriued in Sandwich hauen, and entring the land, wasted and spoiled all about the coast.
And when eche wight was gone to bed, both they repayred to the appointed lodging of his Lady, where being arriued they founde a chamber in decent and comly order.
In sutch wyse as very late in an euening he arriued at the Castle of a Gentleman, to demaunde lodging, which very hardly he obtained.
The Countesse of whome I spake, arriued thus at Saragossa, was very well intertained of the king, and of his whole Court.
When they were arriued at the courte, one of the pryuy chamber aduertised the king that Ariobarzanes had not onely sent one of his daughters, but both of them.
And when she had in that sort furnished hirselfe, she passed the Seas, andarriued at Carthage.
You see also, what a number of beggerlie Britans and faint-hearted Frenchmen be with him arriued to destroie vs, our wiues and children.
Some went to sanctuarie, and to solitarie places; some fled by sea, whereof the most part within a few daies after arriued safelie in the duchie of Britaine.
And thus his power increasing, he arriued at the towne of Stafford, and there paused.
And by this policie the fame is soone blowne to euerie citie and towne, in somuch that aswell the citizens as the rurall people be in short space assembled and armed to repell and put backe the new arriued enimies.
After the king had set the countrie of Cypres in good staie, [Sidenote: He arriued there on the saturdaie in Whitsunwéek, being the saturdaie also next before the feast of S.
Sidenote: The archbishop arriued and is committed to ward.
Likewise of those that arriued at Lisbone there went to the number of fiue hundred vnto saint Iranes, [Sidenote: The king of Portingale.
Normandie, arriued at Harfléet with an hundred great ships fraught with men, horsses and armour.
September arriuedat Messina with great noise of trumpets and other instruments, to the woonder of the French king and others that beheld his great puissance and roiall behauiour now at this comming.
Here is to be remembred, that before king Richard arriued at the siege, he incountred on the sea a mightie great ship called a Drommond, [Sidenote: Matt.
Shortlie after the souldiers which he had sent for, arriued in England, [Sidenote: The chancellor breaketh the agréement.
The eleuenth day with a faire Westnorthwest winde we departed with trust in Gods mercie, shaping our course for England, and arriued in the West countrey in the beginning of October.
And thus much of that which we did see and do in that harborough where we arriued first.
Not staying long vpon that Newland coast, we might proceed Southward, and follow still the Sunne, vntill we arriued at places more temperate to our content.
Nicolo remaining nowe in Bres, determined in the spring to go forth and discouer land: wherefore arming out three small barkes in the moneth of Iuly, he sayled to the Northwards, and arriued in Engroneland.
Yet, thanks be to God, all the Fleete arriuedsafely in England about the first of October, some in one place and some in another.
Being arriued there, we found the sayd landes as it were ioyned together, and low toward the Sea.
Then being forsaken and left in this distresse referring my self to the mercifull prouidence of God, I shaped my course for England, and vnhoped for of any, God alone releeuing me, I arriued at Dartmouth.
September 1599, by the break of day wee were before the Maze, the sun Southwest, we arriued by the helpe of God's mercy and grace before the Brill.
Since then, there is arriued at Texell another ship of war, whereof one Cater of Amsterdam was captain, the wich was seuered from the fleet in this voiage by tempest, and thought to be lost.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arriued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.