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Example sentences for "daie"

Lexicographically close words:
dahlias; dahn; dahs; dai; daid; daies; daigne; dail; dailie; dailies
  1. By that tymes they weare answered, the place about us well discovered, and our devyne service ended, the daie was farr spent.

  2. Gauell kind is all the male children equallie to inherit, and is continued to this daie in Kent, where it is onelie to my knowledge reteined, and no where else in England.

  3. For on a daie there entered the number of nine thousand Englishmen well armed in sundrie companies, so that no Frenchman durst once forbid them to enter.

  4. The earle of Warwike laie at the same time at his castell of Warwike, and meant to haue set forward the next daie toward his armie in Lincolnshire.

  5. And thus he, being more stronglie accompanied than before, departed from Leicester, and came before the wals of the citie of Couentrie, the nine and twentith daie of March.

  6. And for performance of the effect hereof, he againe tooke a corporall oth, and sealed the writing before the duke of Glocester, in the English campe at Leuington besides Hadington, the third daie of August, in the yeare 1482.

  7. The daie was verie hot, and hauing in his armie aboue three thousand footmen, he trauelled with them and the residue thirtie miles and more.

  8. So that night they communed no more, not a little to the disquieting of the bishop, which now was euen as desirous to know the dukes mind and intent, as the duke longed the daie before to know his opinion and meaning.

  9. And this one thing I assure you, that in so iust and good a cause, and so notable a quarrell, you shall find me this daie rather a dead carrion vpon the cold ground, than a free prisoner on a carpet in a ladies chamber.

  10. On the morow, being the sixt daie of Iulie, the king with queene Anne his wife, came downe out of the White hall into the great hall at Westminster, and went directlie into the kings Bench.

  11. This is the daie of gaine, and this is the time of losse; get this daie victorie, and be conquerors: and leese this daies battell, and be villaines.

  12. This battell was fought at Bosworth in Leicestershire, the two and twentith daie of August, in the yeare of our redemption 1485.

  13. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my [seale] hand, the daie and yeare first abovewritten.

  14. A drie summer, hauing no notable raine from Whitsuntide to the later ladie daie in haruest.

  15. But sir Iames Tirrell and Iohn Windham, bicause they were traitors, and so attainted, the sixt daie of Maie after their apprehension, they were on the Tower hill beheaded.

  16. This battell was fought on a saturdaie being the sixteenth daie of Iune, in this second yeere of his reigne.

  17. On a daie the Frenchmen gaue a great assault to a tower, and perforce entered it, and set vp the banner of the lord Cordes.

  18. And on the three and twentith daie of the same moneth, Perkin and Iohn Awater were drawne to Tiburne, where Perkin standing on a little scaffold, read his confession (as before he had doone in Cheape side) taking it on his death to be true.

  19. William Browne mercer maior of London, this yeare deceassed, and foorthwith sir Laurence Ailmer draper was chosen and sworne, and went home in a graie cloake, with the sword borne before him, on the eight and twentith daie of March.

  20. On Saturday the eight daie of Ianuarie, in the yeare of our Lord 1492, Ferdinando, K.

  21. Written at yor saide citee of London þe third daie of Septembre.

  22. Geven under our signet at our castell of Wyndesor the xviijth daie of August 1586 in the xxviij yere of our Reigne.

  23. Yeven undre or privee seal at our citee of Coventre the x daie of Marche.

  24. Given under or Signet at or Towne of Newcastle ye xjth daie of Aprill 1603 in ye firste yeare of or raigne of England.

  25. Saracens were The daie passed to the fyne, slain and The hethen withdrowe hem tho.

  26. Lucies daie they arriued in Cornewall, though some of the vessels that were in the companie were driuen by force of the tempestuous weather vpon other contrarie coasts.

  27. After which agreement concluded, about the ninteenth daie of Nouember, they were shortlie after restored to their liberties.

  28. The barons on the other side stiffelie mainteined, that they could not with safe consciences go against their oth, and therefore they meant to stand in defense of the articles aforesaid euen so long as they had a daie to liue.

  29. Also the daie before Christmasse eeue, there chanced a great wind, with thunder and raine, in such extreame wise, that manie buildings were shaken and ouerthrowen.

  30. About the later end of this 25 yeare, the sixt daie of October, there appeared a right sore eclipse of the sunne, verie strange to the beholders.

  31. And after the earthquake, there followed such a season of foule weather, that the spring seemed to be changed into winter for scarse was there anie daie without raine, till the feast of the translation of S.

  32. To the eldest therefore, whose name was Locrine, he gaue the greatest and best region of all the rest, which of him to this daie is called [Sidenote: Lhoegria.

  33. It is to be remembred that the first daie following euerie of these feasts noted in each terme, the court of the arches is kept in Bow church in the forenoone.

  34. Hilarie terme beginneth the three and twentith daie of Ianuarie (if it be not sundaie) otherwise the next daie after, and is finished the twelfe of Februarie, it hath foure returnes.

  35. When thou wilte see if in the daie there be comen anie spie into the Campe, cause everie man to goe to his lodgynge.

  36. On the second daie of Nouember also a little before the breake of the daie, the like thing appeared againe with lesse feare and woonder to the people (than before) being now better accustomed to the like sight againe.

  37. The same daie also she was crowned by the bishop of Eureux, the archbishops of Apamea and Aux, with the bishop of Baion ministring vnto him.

  38. They within being put in feare herewith, yeelded vp the towne the daie next following, in which meane time the French king besieged Albemarle.

  39. The bishop of Durham bringing those prisoners with him which had yéelded vp this castell of Tickhill, came to the king the 27 daie of March, the verie daie before that Notingham castell was giuen ouer.

  40. On the first daie of their session was Gerard de Camuille discharged of the office which he had borne of shiriffe of Lincolne, and dispossessed both of the castell & countie.

  41. The first daie of March the king of England departed from Messina, to go to the citie of Cathina, there to common with king Tancred, who came thither to meet him.

  42. Neither so contented, they did also vtterlie race the said citie, so as it was neuer after that daie builded or reedified againe.

  43. Wipet, of whom the place after that daie tooke name.

  44. There died of the Britains that daie 5000 men, and the residue [Sidenote: Stuff and Wightgar.

  45. He was baptised at Yorke on Easter daie (which fell that yéere the day before the Ides of Aprill) in the church of S.

  46. The same Aidan liued not past 12 daies after the death of the said Oswin, whome he so much loued, departing this world the last daie of August, in the seuenteenth yeare after he was ordeined bishop.

  47. To see the streets made cleane every daie saving Sunday and the soile to be carried away.

  48. To bring every daie notice in writing to the Aldermen or their deputies what houses be infected.

  49. The residue of the wholie daies I will spend in other devises: as one daie in feats of armes, and then wolde I have a challeng pformed with hobbie horsis, where I purpose to be in pson.

  50. Another daie in hunting and hawking, the residue of the tyme shalbe spent in other devisis, which I will declare to you by mouth to have yo^{r} ayde and advice therin.

  51. Sythence oure fourtunie havethe tourned foe, Gader the souldyers lefte to future shappe, To somme newe place for safetie wee wylle goe, 720 Inne future daie wee wylle have better happe.

  52. Thys daie brave Ælla dothe thyne honde & harte Clayme as hys owne to be, whyche nee fromm hys moste parte.

  53. On everych Seynctes hie daie Wythe the mynstrelle[67] am I seene, 80 All a footeynge it awaie, Wythe maydens on the greene.

  54. As the dulce downie barbe beganne to gre, So was the well thyghte texture of hys lore; Eche daie enhedeynge mockler for to bee, 105 Greete yn hys councel for the daies he bore.

  55. The daie whyche scal astounde the herers rede, Makeynge oure foemennes envyynge hartes to blede, Ybereynge thro the worlde oure rennomde name for aie.

  56. Thenne wythe a jugge of nappy ale Hys Knyghtes dydd onne hymm waite; "Goe tell the traytour, thatt to-daie 15 Hee leaves thys mortall state.

  57. A ronnynge pryze onn seyncte daie to ordayne, Magnus, and none botte hee, the ronnynge pryze wylle gayne.

  58. And on the Twelfe daie at night came into the hall a mount, called the rich mount.

  59. He received the crowne with all due and accustomed sollemnitie, at the hands of Baldwin, the archbishop of Canterburie, the third daie of September.

  60. Upon this daie of King Richard's coronation, the Jewes that dwelt in London and in other parts of the realme, being there assembled, had but sorie hap, as it chanced.

  61. On Sundaie, the five and twentieth daie of Januarie, her majestie was with great solemnitie crowned at Westminster, in the Abbey church there, by doctor Oglethorpe bishop of Carlisle.

  62. And on Saint Georges daie the xxiij day of Aprill cam newes to the Kynge that they of Scotland had besegeid the Castell of Dunbarre that longed to the Erle Patrik the whiche holded strongly with the Kynge of England.

  63. To them have I so great affection, As I said erst, when comin is the Maie, That in my bed there dawith me no daie That I am up and walking in the mede, To see this floure agenst the sunne sprede.

  64. In witness hereof I have hereto put my hand and seale the daie and yeare first above-written.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.