Concerning certaine words which are often vsed in this Treatise of Spirites, and diuers other diuinations of things to come.
In the which saying, the same word is put, which the Angell vsedin saluting the holy Virgine.
He addeth moreouer, that the Christians vsedthis ceremonie in old time, in casting out diuels and healing diseases.
The Maiors wife of the same Citie, when shée died, commaunded in her will, that she shoulde be buried without any pompe or noyse, solemnely vsed at that time.
After what sort the faithful in the primitiue Church, vsed themselues when they met with spirits.
After what sort the faithfull in the primatiue church, vsed themselues, when they met with spirits.
That we may rightly vnderstand how we ought to behaue our selues, if any thing either good or euill, appeare vnto vs, we wil first declare how the Gentiles and Iewes vsed themselues in like cases.
This forme of feeding I vnderstand is generally vsed in all places of Italy, their forkes being for the most part made of yron or steele, and some of siluer, but those are vsed only by Gentlemen.
I obserued a custome in all those Italian Cities and Townes through the which I passed, that is not vsed in any other country that I saw in my trauels, neither doe I thinke that any other nation of Christendome doth vse it, but only Italy.
At her Maiesties departure from Harefield, PLACE, attyred in black mouringe aparell, vsed this farewell followinge: P.
Certaine reasons alleaged for the proouing of a passage by the Northeast, before the Queenes Maiestie, and certaine Lords of the Counsell, by Master Anthoni Ienkinson, with my seuerall answers then vsed to the same.
The great and dangerous piracie vsed in those Seas no man can be ignorant of, that listeth to reade the Iaponish and East Indian historie.
But because this people were not many, they followed the maners of the land which they came vnto, and vsed the language they found there.
And because the Countrey people had vsed to do the like, when they perceiued any of our boats to passe by, they suspected them to be the same.
Also how cruelly Stephan Dorantez and his companions were vsed vpon their arriuall at Ceuola, by the Lorde thereof.
I set vp crosses, and vsed those acts and ceremonies, which were to be done according to my instructions.
But wee vsed signes to them of disliking this, and stayed their hands from force, and directed them vpwardes to the liuing God, whome onely they ought to worshippe.
Sidenote: A witty policie to be vsedby the English in like cases.
And because the Countrie was fertill, and the people vsed to feed of Maiz, and the Christians had gotten all from them that they had, and the people were many, they were not able to sustaine themselues.
Spanish gouernment, but specially of their cruelties vsed to our Englishmen and amongst the rest to himselfe for the space of 15.
But the king vsed such gentle fashions toward them, with freendlie praier of their assistance in his necessitie, that they could not otherwise doo, but franklie and freelie yeeld and giue him a reasonable and competent summe.
Thus the French king vsed to dallie with king Edward in the case of this mariage, onelie to keepe him still in amitie.
And that they were persuasions of no small force, which the earle of Warwike vsed to the archbishop and marques, I haue thought good here to interlace, as I find remembred by Edward Hall in forme following.
Oth he vsed none, but in most earnest matters these words: Forsooth and forsooth.
Touching the pompe had and vsed at the setting forward of this ladie on hir voiage it is a note worth the reading; and therefore necessarilie here interlaced for honours sake.
For they vsed yearelie (if they could come by their preie) to crucifie one christian child or other.
Yet he wanted not dispraise in some points, namelie for that in ordering of things and weightie affaires, he vsed small consideration.
Tho to his brethren came: for they were three 6 Vngratious children of one gracelesse sire, And vnto them complained, how that he 8 Had vsed bene of that foolehardy Squire; So them with bitter words he stird to bloudy ire.
For it is a kynde of oracion that is lette downe euen to the mooste vsed custume of pure and clere speakyng.
The example of the Oxe & the Asse is not vsed for this to proue that the Hebrewes dyd not knowe their God, but that the impietie and folishnes of that nacion shulde be amplified.
These words, Scheme and Trope, are not vsed in our Englishe tongue, neither bene they Englyshe wordes.
Adagium, a sayinge muche vsed and notable for some noueltye, as: The wolfe is in our tale.
And what maruail is it if these words haue not bene vsed heretofore, seynge there was no suche thynge in oure Englishe tõgue where vnto they shuld be applyed?
Firste the white Honye is to be vsed in cooling Medicines, but the yealowe in heating medicines: also the nature and propertie of honny, is to clense and open, and to expel humors.
Bées make at the entrye of the Hiue, to be a like remedy, as of the water Bezoar to be vsed against venemous bittes.
And vsed on this wise, both melt and washe againe in the abouesaide manner, and this also do for eighte times togither.
Yet this order may not be vsed alike in countries, bicause a man must consider the dealing with the hiues, according to the multitude of floures, & plentifulnesse of foode for the Bées.
It is an euident token of a wicked time when plaiers wexe so riche that they can build[241] suche houses / As moche I wish also to our comon beare baitinges vsed on the sabaothe daies.
Our house (my Soueraigne Liege) little deserues The scourge of greatnesse to be vsed on it, And that same greatnesse too, which our owne hands Haue holpe to make so portly Nor.
His answer was, the people were not vsed To be spoke to, but by the Recorder.
And now the Battailes ended, If Friend or Foe, let him be gently vsed Rich.
What worser place can I beg in your loue, (And yet a place of high respect with me) Then to be vsed as you doe your dogge Dem.
This ciuill warre of wits were much better vsed On Nauar and his bookemen, for heere 'tis abus'd Bo.
And their dayes being expired, if any man remaine there, they are euill vsed and imprisoned.
Sidenote: This maner of cariage on mens shoulders is vsed in Pegu, and in Florida.
The haire of them is a yard long, the rumpe is aboue a spanne long: they vse to hang them for brauerie upon the heades of their Elephantes: they bee much vsed in Pegu and China: they buie and sell by scores vpon the ground.
The king sometimes taketh his out, and giueth them to his noblemen as a great gift: and because he hath vsed them, they esteeme them greatly.
Sidenote: Ladders vsedto auoyd the danger of wild beasts.
Nouember our Pilot Claes Ianson was intrapped and murthered by the wild people, although wevsed all the means we could to helpe him, but they feared no weapons, about ten or twelue dayes after we tooke one of them that paide for his death.
If I should write to you of all the reviling speeches and filthie language she hath vsed towards me I should but grieve you.
My husband hath vsed all meanes for to reforme her, reasons and perswasions, but shee doth profess that her heart and her nature will not suffer her to confesse her faults.
He seemeth sufficiently furnished with money and friends, wherein and in other offices of curtesie I offered him my furtherance if it had pleased him to haue vsed me.
The solemnities vsed at the Russe Emperors coronation, are on this maner.
Gerardus Mercator vsed them in his uniuersal mappe.
I haue expressely giuen order, that there shall be no such course vsed to enforce them, but to buy according to their owne willes, and to tarrie at the port or to depart at their pleasure.
And the people of the Countrey perceiuing the same, vsed towards mee and my company some discourtesies: but about the 28.
The vppermost and purest is sold, and vsed to oile wool for cloth, the grosser (that is of a red colour) they sell to make sope.
P] Bung, is nowvsed for a pocket, heretofore for a purse.
Ninus, and bicause she would not be knowen to bee a woman, this Quene inuented a newe kinde of tire, the whiche all the Babilonians that were men, vsed by her commaundement.
Assuredlie, no man is better vsed at home at his own house then a guest is entertained there in a common Inne.
They haue thus vsed them selues euermore, and it is a token of constancy and stabilitie neuer to varye or geue ouer that whiche they haue once taken in hand.
But aboue twentye yeeres agone, there was nothinge more vsedamonge the Brabanders, then the common Bathes.
They are vsed after the same rate that the m[~e] bee.
About Midsummer the Scots eftsoones entred into England, dooing much mischeefe with fire and sword, in like sort as they had vsed to doo before time, not sparing (as some write) so much as those houses wherin women laie in childbed.
Swaine vsed the victorie verie cruellie against the Englishmen, oppressing them on each hand; to the intent that them being brought low he might gouerne in more suertie.
This was the end of Edrike, surnamed de Stratten or Streona, a man of great infamie for his craftie dissimulation, falshood and treason, vsed by him to the ouerthrow of the English estate, as partlie before is touched.
But shortlie after they had refreshed themselues, and recouered new strength, they began to play their old parts againe, dooing the like mischéefe by their semblable inuasions, as they had vsed before.
When they are to be vsed they first water them vntil they be soft & then being sod they make a good victuall, either to eate so simply, or els being also pounded, to make loaues or lumpes of bread.
These be also the three kinds of which, I said before, the inhabitantsvsed to make sweet oyle.
All of them yeelde a very white and sweete flowre: beeing vsed according to his kinde it maketh a very good bread.
Robert Curson descended of a noble family of England, vsed great diligence aswell in prophane as in diuine studies in the famous Vniuersitie of Oxford (as I coniecture.
M450 Laudonnier vsed the present occasion to his profite.
M443) The ceremonie which this Sauage vsed before hee embarked his armie deserueth not to be forgotten.
Monsieur Roberual vsed very good iustice, and punished euery man according to his offence.
The men weare but one mantle vpon their shoulders after the same manner: and haue their secrets hid with a Deeres skin, made like a linen breech, which was wont to be vsed in Spaine.
Wherefore I caused my boates to be made ready, and sent my Sergeant thither with certaine Souldiers whichvsed such diligence, that wee had great store of mill.
He said moreouer, that he would chastise others also, and vsed so euil sounding speeches, that honestie forbiddeth me to repeat them.
Mirth recreates our spirites and voydeth pensiuenesse, Mirth increaseth amitie, not hindring our wealth, Mirth is to be vsed both of more and lesse, Being mixed with vertue in decent comlynesse.
There it lieth, the worste is but a curried cote, Tut I amvsed therto, I care not a grote.
For these causes was she the more courteouslie vsed at the kings hands, as reason no lesse required.
It is wonderfull to read, what beastlie crueltie the Scots vsed in that road which they made at that time in two seuerall parts.
The maister returned with the ship, and told the king how he had vsed the matter, and had both thanks and reward, as some haue written.
All difficultye eyther therefore muste be auoided, whyche is not necessarye, or that is vsed oute of tyme.
No mã calleth this to hasty a care whych is vsed for the worser parte of man.
Thys semeth not to them to hasty a care when they preuente euen the wery byrth: and semeth it to hastye that is vsed in fashioning your childrens myndes?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vsed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.