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Example sentences for "leaue"

Lexicographically close words:
leathered; leathering; leathern; leathers; leathery; leaues; leaueth; leauie; leauing; leave
  1. By which the lesse while I looke to liue with you, the more deepelie am I mooued to care in what case I leaue you, for such as I leaue you, such be my children like to find you.

  2. But go to, suppose that she feare (as who maie let hir to feare hir owne shadow) the more she feareth to deliuer him the more ought we feare to leaue him in hir hands.

  3. Penker in his sermon so lost his voice, that he was fame to leaue off, and come downe in the midst.

  4. And if ye can not elsewhere, then maie you leaue him here.

  5. That we be all men, that we be christian men, this shall I leaue for preachers to tell you; and yet I wot neere whether anie preachers words ought more to mooue you, than his that is by & by going to the place that they all preach of.

  6. Though all at once, cannot See what I do deliuer out to each, Yet I can make my Awdit vp, that all From me do backe receiue the Flowre of all, And leaue me but the Bran.

  7. I will not long be troubled with you: you shall haue some part of your will, I pray you leaue me Orl.

  8. This will last out a night in Russia When nights are longest there: Ile take my leaue, And leaue you to the hearing of the cause; Hoping youle finde good cause to whip them all.

  9. Since I haue your good leaue to goe away, I will make hast; but till I come againe, No bed shall ere be guilty of my stay, Nor rest be interposer twixt vs twaine.

  10. So may he rest, His Faults lye gently on him: Yet thus farre Griffith, giue me leaue to speake him, And yet with Charity.

  11. Those gracious words Reuiue my drooping thoughts, And giue my tongue-ty'd sorrowes leaue to speake.

  12. Infaith too much: I finde it still, when I haue leaue to sleepe.

  13. Come, leaue your drinking, and fall to blowes.

  14. That such a craftie Diuell as is his Mother Should yeild the world this Asse: A woman, that Beares all downe with her Braine, and this her Sonne, Cannot take two from twenty for his heart, And leaue eighteene.

  15. Should we be taking leaue As long a terme as yet we haue to liue, The loathnesse to depart, would grow: Adieu Imo.

  16. To leaue you in your madnesse, 'twere my sin, I will not Imo.

  17. So I leaue you Sir, To'th' worst of discontent.

  18. I haue (my Lord) at my Lodging, the same Suite he wore, when he tooke leaue of my Ladie & Mistresse Clo.

  19. Thou'lt torture me to leaue vnspoken, that Which to be spoke, wou'd torture thee Cym.

  20. Sweet Soueraigne, Leaue vs to our selues, and make your self some comfort Out of your best aduice Cym.

  21. My wish receiue, Which great loue grant, and so I take my leaue Ol.

  22. That shall you, and take your leaue of all your friends: So, looke about you, know you any heere?

  23. I shal beseech your highnes In such a busines, giue me leaue to vse The helpe of mine owne eies King.

  24. This to my mother, 'Twill be two daies ere I shall see you, so I leaue you to your wisedome Hel.

  25. The Kings disease) my proiect may deceiue me, But my intents are fixt, and will not leaue me.

  26. He hath arm'd our answer, And Florence is deni'de before he comes: Yet for our Gentlemen that meane to see The Tuscan seruice, freely haue they leaue To stand on either part 2.

  27. I doe pittie his distresse in my smiles of comfort, and leaue him to your Lordship Par.

  28. Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, though I know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals Int.

  29. I doubt not that, since we are well perswaded We carry not a heart with vs from hence, That growes not in a faire consent with ours: Nor leaue not one behinde, that doth not wish Successe and Conquest to attend on vs Cam.

  30. O giue vs leaue great King, To view the field in safety, and dispose Of their dead bodies Kin.

  31. Yet leaue our Cousin Katherine here with vs, She is our capitall Demand, compris'd Within the fore-ranke of our Articles Quee.

  32. I must leaue them, and seeke some better Seruice: their Villany goes against my weake stomacke, and therefore I must cast it vp.

  33. May't please your Maiestie to giue vs leaue Freely to render what we haue in charge: Or shall we sparingly shew you farre off The Dolphins meaning, and our Embassie King.

  34. Iul: Ah leaue me, leaue me, I will not from hence.

  35. Balt: Pardon me Sir, I will not leaue you thus, Your lookes are dangerous and full of feare: I dare not, nor I will not leaue you yet.

  36. Nurse giue leaue a while, we must talke in secret.

  37. Iul: Nothing good Nurse, but leaue me to my selfe: For I doo meane to lye alone to night.

  38. Leaue this talke, we burne day light here.

  39. Me thought I was this night alreadie dead: 5 (Strange dreames that giue a dead man leaue to thinke) And that my Ladie Iuliet came to me, And breathd such life with kisses in my lips, That I reuiude and was an Emperour.

  40. Ah churle drinke all, and leaue no drop for me.

  41. So leaue they take of C{oe}lia, and her daughters three.

  42. With+ thee yet shall he leaue for memory 2 Of his late puissaunce, his Image dead, That liuing him in all actiuity 4 To thee shall represent.

  43. What is there else, but cease these fruitlesse paines, 2 And leaue me to my former +languishing?

  44. If you can separate your selfe and your misdemeanors, you are welcome to the house: if not, and it would please you to take leaue of her, she is very willing to bid you farewell To.

  45. Apt in good faith, very apt: well go thy way, if sir Toby would leaue drinking, thou wert as witty a piece of Eues flesh, as any in Illyria Ma.

  46. Ile be your purse-bearer, and leaue you For an houre Ant.

  47. Maluolio, Maluolio, thy wittes the heauens restore: endeauour thy selfe to sleepe, and leaue thy vaine bibble babble Mal.

  48. I leaue my duty a little vnthought of, and speake out of my iniury.

  49. Let the Garden doore be shut, and leaue mee to my hearing.

  50. To the vnknowne belou'd, this, and my good Wishes: Her very Phrases: By your leaue wax.

  51. But I will cease to praise that which is aboue my conceit, and leaue it selfe to speake for it selfe: and so abide your learned censuring.

  52. But as Nemo ante obitum felix, so Acta exitus probat: Beseeching therefore to bee deemed hereof as I deserue, I leaue the worke to your liking, and leaue you to your delights.

  53. To morrow then we will attend your Grace, And so most ioyfully we take our leaue Rich.

  54. But gentle Lady Anne, To leaue this keene encounter of our wittes, And fall something into a slower method.

  55. Adieu, poore soule, that tak'st thy leaue of it Du.

  56. Vouchsafe (defus'd infection of man) Of these knowne euils, but to giue me leaue By circumstance, to curse thy cursed Selfe Rich.

  57. Goe then, and muster men: but leaue behind Your Sonne George Stanley: looke your heart be firme, Or else his Heads assurance is but fraile Stan.

  58. High thee to Hell for shame, & leaue this World Thou Cacodemon, there thy Kingdome is Riu.

  59. Amen, and make me die a good old man, That is the butt-end of a Mothers blessing; I maruell that her Grace did leaue it out Buc.

  60. No, Madame, no; I may not leaue it so: I am bound by Oath, and therefore pardon me.

  61. But she tarried long, so as the yoong man called unto hir, desiring hir to make hast: for he told hir that the tide would be spent, and by that meanes his ship would be gone and leaue him behind.

  62. Third, Wee are admonished alwayes to stand in a readines, and be armed for to fight, prepared to withstand the diuell, knowing that God doth oftentimes giue him leaue to assault vs.

  63. Wherefore not to erect a Tabernacle, and dwell longer in perswading an vndeniable truth, that there bee Sorcerers and Witches, I leaue these Hellish Infidels, and proceede.

  64. An Hebrue Childe commandeth me to leaue this place, and returne againe to hell.

  65. Certaynlie these thinges do belonge to Christe onlye / vnto him therfore alone shoulde thei leaue these thinges vntouched / and withowt diminutiõ.

  66. They truly which haue beene content to beare this ioke of the lords / haue neither lost themselues / yea thoughe they haue beene slayne of persequatours / nor yet their familie / which they dyd leaue in trobles and penurie of thinges.

  67. And this they muste not leaue of to do so longe as they be dwellinge and familiar with them.

  68. Neither did Eliseus / as our men do thincke / graunte Naaman licence or libertie to do so as he hadd sayde / but only he saide vnto hym / goo in peace: which manier of speaking was a kind of takinge leaue vsed in that age.

  69. For that same Rule doth stonde certayn which gyueth leaue to no mã to do euell that goode maye comme theron.

  70. For if they do yt not / it is certeyne that they loue not God with all their harte / bycause they sholde then leaue vndone somewhat that they mighte do / to the glorie of his name / and wolde not.

  71. But get ye packing, your fraud is found out: leaue off for shame hereafter to perswade any simple man, that there is a hel in mount Hecla.

  72. But nowe let vs leaue them and returne home vnto ourselues.

  73. But considering these things are not proper to this place, I wil leaue them, and returne to my purpose which I haue in hand: most humbly beseeching your S.

  74. In this matter I will not ferther prease, Who so not beleeueth, let him leaue and cease.

  75. Some write that immediatlie after king Henrie had concluded his agreement, he began to repent himselfe thereof, and would neuer receiue penie of the monie, nor leaue out of his stile the title of duke of Normandie.

  76. Finallie, she tooke the sea the eleuenth of May, the king taking leaue of hir not without teares, when they thus departed the one from the other.

  77. On the fourth day they tooke leaue either of other, the king of Scots with rich gifts returning towards his countrie, and the king of England towards London.

  78. Almaine taketh his leaue of the king his brother.

  79. But now to leaue these things and returne to the dooings in France where we left.

  80. And to cause the enimie the sooner to leaue the siege of the castell, he assaulted the gates of the citie, inforcing his power to beare downe and breake them open.

  81. There was a bruite raised (whether of truth or otherwise we leaue to the credit of the authors) that the Poictouins had practised to poison the most part of the English nobilitie.

  82. Leaue we a part those that be past, to touch the miserable ende wherewith Conrade caused the last tribute of the Captain's souldyers to bee payd.

  83. Madame" (sayd the ouer wilful louer) "I take God to witnesse that of the thing which you shall commaunde I will not leaue one iote vndone, but it shall bee executed to the vttermost of your request and will.

  84. But what doe I stand vpon Lamentation of the case and leaue the brutenesse of this Madman far bruter then Lyons vnconsidered?

  85. But if it do come to effect I assure thee Wife, I will leaue thee Lady and mistresse of all that I haue.

  86. Wherefore before I goe any further, I woulde knowe whether I myght so well trust your aide and succour in this my businesse, as in all others I am assured you would not leaue mee so long as any breath of life remained in you.

  87. I leaue for you to think whether this vnhappy louer were amazed or not, to heare a Commaundment so vniust, and therewithall the difficulty for the performance.

  88. But let vs nowe leaue of to reason of this matter, and come to that for which we be come hither.

  89. Cortes commaunded that all this talke should be sette downe in wryting before the Notary and his interpreters, and so tooke his leaue of the Citizens of Tlaxcallan.

  90. The desire that some of the Spanyardes had to leaue the warres.

  91. Cortez turned agayne to admonishe and require hym diuers tymes to leaue off his determination, and wylled Mutezuma to commaunde hym to accepte hys offer.

  92. We ought (louing fellowes) to leaue off small things, when great matters doe offer themselues.

  93. Beg that thou maist haue leaue to hang thy selfe, And yet thy wealth being forfeit to the state, Thou hast not left the value of a cord, Therefore thou must be hang'd at the states charge Duk.

  94. I pray you giue me leaue to goe from hence, I am not well, send the deed after me, And I will signe it Duke.

  95. Me thinkes it should haue power to steale both his And leaue it selfe vnfurnisht: Yet looke how farre The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow In vnderprising it, so farre this shadow Doth limpe behinde the substance.

  96. I leaue him to your gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish his commendation.

  97. Faryewell, We leaue you now with better company Sala.

  98. Well, we will leaue you then till dinner time.

  99. Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hether, If that the youth of my new interest heere Haue power to bid you welcome: by your leaue I bid my verie friends and Countrimen Sweet Portia welcome Por.

  100. My Lord Bassanio, since you haue found Anthonio We two will leaue you, but at dinner time I pray you haue in minde where we must meete Bass.

  101. About a hoope of Gold, a paltry Ring That she did giue me, whose Poesie was For all the world like Cutlers Poetry Vpon a knife; Loue mee, and leaue mee not Ner.

  102. I pray you know me when we meete againe, I wish you well, and so I take my leaue Bass.

  103. I most humbly take my leaue from Sandrudg by Dartmouth this 27.

  104. Good grandsire leaue these bitter deepe laments, Make my Aunt merry, with some pleasing tale Mar.

  105. No sooner had they told this hellish tale, But strait they told me they would binde me heere, Vnto the body of a dismall yew, And leaue me to this miserable death.

  106. Bid him farwell, commit him to the Graue, Do him that kindnesse, and take leaue of him Boy.

  107. Goe get you gone, and pray be carefull all, And leaue you not a man of warre vnsearcht, This wicked Emperour may haue shipt her hence, And kinsmen then we may goe pipe for iustice Marc.

  108. Heere Gothes haue giuen me leaue to sheath my Sword: Titus vnkinde, and carelesse of thine owne, Why suffer'st thou thy Sonnes vnburied yet, To houer on the dreadfull shore of Stix?

  109. And mine I promise you, were it not for shame, Well could I leaue our sport to sleepe a while Quin.

  110. And so let's leaue her to her silent walkes Chi.

  111. And you of yours my Lord: I say no more, Nor wish no lesse, and so I take my leaue Sat.

  112. Leaue your prables (o'man) What is the Focatiue case (William?

  113. Sir, the maid loues you, and all shall bee well: We must giue folkes leaue to prate: what the goodier Caius.

  114. Did her Grand-sire leaue her seauen hundred pound?

  115. By your leaue sir, I am sicke till I see her Ford.

  116. Mistris Ford, by my troth you are very wel met: by your leaue good Mistris Mr.Page.

  117. And leaue you your iealouzies too, I pray you Ford.

  118. No: Master Slender is let the Boyes leaue to play Qui 'Blessing of his heart Mist.

  119. Sir Iohn Falstaffe, serue Got, and leaue your desires, and Fairies will not pinse you Ford.

  120. Marrie I thanke you for it: I thanke you for that good comfort: she cals you (Coz) Ile leaue you Anne.

  121. It were a goot motion, if we leaue our pribbles and prabbles, and desire a marriage betweene Master Abraham, and Mistris Anne Page Slen.

  122. Also when we counsell one to leaue of vayne mournynge, when it is not in his power to get agayne that is gone.

  123. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.