At that time the whole Baglioni family were to be assembled in Perugia, with the single exception of Marcantonio, who was taking baths at Naples for his health.
The custode of theBaths of Titus, when he lifts his torch to explore those ruined arches, throws the wan light upon one place where a Roman hand has scratched that verse in gigantic letters on the cement.
The way leads past the mineral baths and then strikes uphill, at first through lanes cut deep in the black lava.
The Sulphur baths of Trescorio, at some distance from the city, were improved and opened to poor patients by a hospital which he provided.
The sun was still young; the sky sparkled after the night's thunderstorm; the whole immensity of earth around lay lucid, smiling, newly washed in baths of moisture.
A valuable inscription discovered in 1816 near theBaths at Lanuvium or Lavigna shows that Antinous was here associated with Diana as the saint of a benefit club.
La Piccola Sentinella Casamicciola is a village on the north side of the island, in its centre, where the visitors to the mineral baths of Ischia chiefly congregate.
It is our duty to mention the baths first among its claims to distinction, since the prosperity and cheerfulness of the little town depend on them in a great measure.
Casamicciola is a village on the north side of the island, in its centre, where the visitors to the mineral baths of Ischia chiefly congregate.
The sulphur baths of Trescorio, at some distance from the city, were improved and opened to poor patients by a hospital which he provided.
She persevered in her use of the baths and mineral waters, but they afforded no relief; she was seized one night with violent spasms, and the next day was removed to Frankfort.
These bathswere opened in 1873, and since then the whole affair has passed into the hands of a few private individuals.
Later on a company was formed; but although baths were erected, and patients were not wanting to visit them, the whole matter fell into a state of unfortunate inanition, despite the attention which had been directed to the place by Dr.
Opposite the Rutland Arms are the bathsand bath-gardens: the baths, which were known to the Romans, have the reputation of being efficacious in rheumatism.
They took the children in, gave them hot baths and hot soup, and tucked them into bed.
I am shoving in two baths a week, and as soon as we collect tubs enough and a few extra faucets, they are going to get SEVEN.
A great dinner was given at the Baths of Titus, in the open air.
As regarded himself, a journey from the Baths at Lucca to Casalunga and back before his marriage, would be a great infliction on his patience.
June was now far advanced, and the Rowleys and the Spaldings had removed from Florence to the Baths of Lucca.
The chestnut woods round the Baths of Lucca are very pleasant in the early summer, and there were excursions planned in which Caroline would be close to his side,--almost already his wife.
Here they were together at the Baths of Lucca, and Nora was to be one of the four bridesmaids.
The short journey from the Baths of Lucca to Florence was not a pleasant one, and the Rowley family were much disturbed as they looked into the future.
Mr. Glascock had followed in their wake, and the whole party were living at the Baths in one of those hotels in which so many English and Americans are wont to congregate in the early weeks of the Italian summer.
In order to have time for his journey to Siena and back, and time also to go out to Casalunga, it was necessary that he should leave the Baths at five in the morning.
As the reader will remember, the whole party from the Baths of Lucca reached Florence only the day before the marriage, and Nora at the station promised to go up to Caroline that same evening.
They would go to the city till the heat was too great and the mosquitoes too powerful, and then they would visit the baths of Lucca for a month.
The rooms for the hot and tepid baths should be lighted from the southwest, or, if the nature of the situation prevents this, at all events from the south, because the set time for bathing is principally from midday to evening.
The Laconicum and other sweating baths must adjoin the tepid room, and their height to the bottom of the curved dome should be equal to their width.
The size of the baths must depend upon the number of the population.
Far down, at the foot of the cascades, he saw in a hollow, the clustering trees about the baths of Sidi Imcin.
Beyond the hospital, opposite to the Grand Rocher, a terrific precipice of rock beneath which a cascade leaps down to the valley where lie the baths of Sidi Imcin, is a wood of fir-trees commanding an immense view.
At that time of the year all the baths and waters in Europe are closed, and Wairakei and Ohinemutu ought to become, in time, the winter Ems or Spa.
The Baths are situated about one mile from the village of Matlock, and are a collection of lodging-houses, which, during the summer season, are usually occupied.
The road from the village to the Baths is as diversified as sublime.
The baths are filled by springs, which issue in great abundance from limestone rocks; the water is exceedingly clear, and bears a temperature of 68° Fahrenheit.
About half a mile from Matlock Baths is situated Willersley Castle, the seat of R.
It is distinguishable mainly by the baths of Dioclesian, now a French barrack, and the church of San Lorenzo, which occupies its highest point.
Amid its vineyards and rural lanes rise the massive remains of the baths of Titus, and the gorgeous structure of Maria Maggiore.
Skirting the base of the Palatine, and emerging on the Via Appia, we arrived at the Baths of Caracalla, which we had resolved to visit on our way to the Catacombs.
At its southern base are the baths of Caracalla, which, next to the Coliseum, are the greatest ruin in Rome.
It was at the baths of Bormio that we came together.
She liked to hear me say that I believed in no love but love at first sight; and, looking back, I can recall saying it at least once on every seat in the garden at the baths of Bormio.
When you have had your baths and changed your clothes you will find me on the verandah," said Dickson.
Here, you fellows, show the sahibs to their rooms and see that the baths are ready, then we'll breakfast.
Besides taking the baths Jone has to drink the waters, and as I cannot do much else to help him, I am encouraging him by drinking them too.
Then," said I, "my advice to you is to go back to Buxton and stay there five days, until you both have taken the waters and the baths for the full three weeks.
We unpacked our trunks and settled ourselves down for a three weeks' stay here, for no matter how much rheumatism you have or how little, you've got to take Buxton and its baths in three weeks' doses.
Indeed, I became an annual visiter to the baths for a few days during the shooting season; and will devote the following chapter to a more particular description of the Hedionda, and the manner of life at a Spanish watering-place.
A most delightful ride offers itself to return from hence to the baths of Manilba, by way of Casares.
The road from Casares to the baths has already been described, but two other routes offer themselves from that town to reach Manilba.
The baths are situated almost in the bed of the pure mountain stream, whose course we had been following from Casares; and a short distance beyond, and at a slight elevation above them, stands a neat and compact little village.
This remarkable gap, though not distinguishable from the baths situated immediately below it, is so well defined, and has so peculiar an appearance at a distance, that it is an important landmark for the coasting vessels.
The more direct of these keeps the fissure in which the hedionda is situated on the right; the other makes a wide circuit round the Sierra de Utrera, and leaves the baths on the left.
The district of Manilba is celebrated for the productiveness of its vineyards, and the undulated country between the baths and the southern foot of the Sierra Bermeja is almost exclusively devoted to the culture of the grape.
Perhaps the most massive ruin which has been lately uncovered, is that of the Baths of Caracalla, which give an idea of the luxury and splendor of ancient Rome, as quite unequalled in modern times.
For one fond of mountain climbing, who wished to make foot excursions among the Alps, there are not many better points than this of the Baths of Bormio.
If they wanted baths they must descend to le cave, a deep underground cellar where Monsieur kept wine.
She objected in the strongest way to baths in bedrooms.
She'll be having her baths and her anointings, and all that sort of thing.
The children had never before bathed in baths of gold.
Euganean hills about five or seven miles from Padua, at the foot of which some antique baths had very lately been discovered.
The forlorn air of this garden, with its high and reverend shades, make me imagine it as old as the baths of Dioclesian, which peep over one of its walls.
A few days ago I went to the Museo Nazionale, which is made in a part of the Baths of Diocletian.
A council house and a tribunal were erected for the Roman magistrates; temples, a theatre, and baths raised.
There are, you know, baths in the palace for the use of the officials.
The Colosseum The Roman Forum The Site of the Ancient Capitol "Twelve" The Temple of Cæsar The Baths of Caracalla The Pyramid of Cestius St. Peter's The Lateran Santa Maria Maggiore Museums Chapter XIX.