Normans (that were for the most part shauen) and bicause he would resemble the ancient vsage of the English nation.
He accused also his owne brother of treason, who in his youth had kept him to schoole, & beene verie good and beneficiall brother vnto him, bicause now he would not still mainteine him with monie to beare out his riottous port.
The townesmen were not verie earnest in pursuing of them, bicause of the kings proclamation and ordinance before time made in fauour of the Jewes: [Sidenote: The slaughter made of the Jews at Lin.
England at this time, but shortlie returned into Normandie, bicause he heard that king Philip had an armie readie leuied.
And bicause Matthew de Cléere that laie in the castell of Douer was knowne to aid those that robbed the said bishop, the archbishop of Canturburie pronounced him accurssed.
On the next day being Tuesday, he entred into the monasterie of saint Maries in Yorke, and deposed the abbat, bicause of his infirmitie of bodie, at the request of the moonks, but the abbat appealed to the popes consistorie.
Anoon Resoun to Chastitee 3055 Is fully assented that it be, And grauntid hir, at hir request, That Shame, bicause she is honest, Shal keper of the roser be.
On me he leyeth a pitous charge, Bicause his tunge was to large.
He may not out, and that is wrong, Bicausethe tour is so strong.
Bicause hir herte was in affray, She gan to speke, within a throwe, To Ielousye, right wonder lowe.
But I, allas, now morne shal; 4315 Bicause I was without the wal, Ful moche dole and mone I made.
Also hir servauntes worshipe ay, And plese as muche as thou may; Gret good through hem may come to thee, 2705 Bicause with hir they been prive.
I suppose that the name of this towne in the British speach was Abertaw, bicause it stood toward the mouth of Taw, and Berdnesse pronounced short (as I gesse) for Abernesse.
Vnto this sort also may our great swarmes of idle seruing men be referred, of whome there runneth a prouerbe; Yoong seruing men old beggers, bicause seruice is none heritage.
The soile of it is verie blacke, bicause of the corruption & putrefaction of such woods as haue rotted thereon: wherevpon also no small plentie of mosse is bred and ingendered.
The second is the cheat or wheaton bread, so named bicause the colour therof resembleth the graie or yellowish wheat, being cleane and well dressed, and out of this is the coursest of the [Sidenote: Rauelled bread.
King Henrie the seauenth, as the report goeth, commanded all such curres to be hanged, bicause they durst presume to fight against the lion, who is their king and souereigne.
Then passe we by two desert Iles, which lie towards the east, wherein nothing is found but cattell: some call them the holmes, bicause they lie low, and are good for nothing but grasse.
But bicause I think thou wilt not do me that good turne, I say if the Sunne begin to warme thee, remember the cold thou madest me suffer, which if thou canst mingle with that heat, no doubt thou shalt feele the same more temperate.
Aloisio maruellous glad of those desired Newes, at the appoynted Nyght, about fyue or sixe of the Clocke, with a Ladder made of Roapes (bicause the Window was very high) went thyther alone.
Siena, whych brake for sorrow the hearts of the Aragon brethren, seeinge that they were deceiued, and frustrate of their intent, bicause they purposed by the way to apprehend Bologna, and to cut him in peeces.
And bicause he would not faile to accomplyshe the perfection of his intent, hee inuyted all the Gentlemen and Gentlewomen that were his neighbours.
But bicause the good writers of our time haue obserued these phrases and such like with their causes and descriptions, in their infinite and seuerall treatises, I shall not need to discourse anie farther vpon them.
Cnute, bicause they had aforetime sworne fealtie to his father.
But whether that be true or not, I am not able to affirme, bicause the Celtike toong is long sithens growne wholie out of vse.
For she being enraged against hir husband bicause he kept sundrie concubines, and therefore delited the lesse in hir companie, cared not what mischéefe she procured against him.
About this mariage grew the first falling out betwixt the king and his chancellor Thomas Becket (as some haue written) but none more than the said Matthew was offended with the said chancellor, bicause he was so sore against the said contract.
Shortmantell, being so called, bicausehe was the first that brought short clokes out of Aniou into England.
Which oth when they refused to take, bicause they would not stand to that ordinance he condemned them all to death.
And yet not being able by these means to moue her constant mind, bicause he could not endure the rage of his loue, he determined, by abstinence and hunger to make an ende both of life and loue togither.
Therfore I wéepe, bicause this businesse findeth no end.
I for my parte had once written this my treatise in the vulger tong, and now bicause I trust it shal be also profitable to other men, I haue translated it into latin, adding certaine things thereto.
Bearne, bicause he was more cruell in iudgement (as they tooke the matter) than reason required.
In this meane while, the rumor was spread abroad that king Alured had béene discomfited by the Danes, bicause that in the last battell he withdrew to his campe.
Wherevpon the pope had accurssed the English people, bicause they suffred the bishops sees to be vacant so long a time.
And that in no wise the chalice or paten were made of the horne of an oxe, bicause the same is bloudie of nature: nor the host of a crust, but of pure bread.
After his comming home, bicause of his great ouerthrow and fowle discomfiture, he began to gouerne his people with more rigor & sharper dealing than before time he had vsed.
Then they remained in the Ile of Stepen, in great miserie for lacke of vittels, bicause they could not go abroad to [Sidenote: Danes saile into Ireland.
In the second yéere of king Ethelred, the said capteins came with their armies into Yorkshire, finding the country vnprouided of necessarie defense bicause of the ciuill discord that reigned [Sidenote: Hen.
Hasting his wife and children, bicause he was their godfather.
But though those his buildings were great ornaments to the realme, yet bicause he tooke vp monie by extortion of his subiects towards the charges of the same, he was euill spoken of; [Sidenote: Polydor.
Long it was yer Anselme would come ouer, bicause he doubted to be had in suspicion of an ambitious desire in seeking to be made archbishop of Canturburie.
But if the king be not minded so to do, bicause he cannot misse him; let him vnderstand, that we will rather die in the field, than suffer such a mischeefe vnredressed.
Bicause this dead earle was father in law to the regent, solemne obsequies were kept for him both in Paris and in London.
In which towne he slue the bishop, bicause he was a Burgognian.
This towne was small, but the losse was great, bicause it was the keie that opened the passage betwixt the cities of Paris and Rone.
The archbishop of Yorke prepared to haue set the crown on the king's head, and to haue soong masse afore him, bicause the archbishops see at Canturburie was void.
This king was consecrated and crowned at Westminster, the fift daie of August, by Thomas archbishop of Yorke, and Maurice bishop of London, bicause at that time Anselme archbishop of Canturburie was exiled.
This Remclid or Remeline did afterwards resigne that bishoprike to the king, bicause he was pursuaded he had greatlie offended in receiuing the same at a temporall mans hands.
Cambridgeshire was annexed to that see, which bicause it had of former time belonged to the see of Lincolne, the king gaue vnto the bishop of Lincolne (as it were in recompense) the towne of Spalding which was his owne.
In so much that one Cono the popes Legat in France had excommunicated all the préests of Normandie, bicause they would not come to a synod which they had summoned.
Is the earth called the mother of all things onely bicause it bringeth forth?
No, butbicause it nourisheth those things that springe out of it.
And this matier the kinges highnes woll haue you chiefly prosecute, leving to Sir John Wallop only the sute for the moneye, bicause the promyse therof was made vnto him.
Bicause thy head is broken, was it I that it broke?
Een of very pitie he is willyng you to take, Bicause ye shall not destroy your selfe for his sake.
Bicause ye shall be friends, and let all quarels passe.
Bicause to bee his wife I ne graunt nor apply,[556] Hither will he com he sweareth by and by, To kill both me and myne, and beate downe my house flat.
Though hastie reportes through surmises growyng, May of poore innocentes be utter overthrowyng, Yet bicause to thy maister thou hast a true hart, And I know mine owne truth, I forgive thee for my part.
I will the more credite that he shall verifie, And bicause I will the truthe know een as it is, I will to him my selfe, and know all without misse.
My maister Gawyn Goodlucke after me a day Bicause of the weather, thought best hys shyppe to stay, And now that I have the rough sourges so well past, God graunt I may finde all things safe here at last.
Then bicause ye must Custance face to face wowe, Let us see how to behave your selfe ye can doe.
Ninus, and bicause she would not be knowen to bee a woman, this Quene inuented a newe kinde of tire, the whiche all the Babilonians that were men, vsed by her commaundement.
Although the lawe alleged be in maner the whole cause, bicause it doeth co[n]tain al the matter included in the oracion.
And bicause he so dyd, the folkes that wrought by the way syde, blamed hym; wherfore he set vp his sonne, and went hym selfe on fote.
In so much as, euen in the lawe of nature, it is a greater offense to slea a woman than a man: not bicause a man is not the more excellent creature, but bicause a woman is the weaker vessell.
Hir mother before hir was counted a witch, she hath beene beaten and scratched by the face till bloud was drawne vpon hir, bicause she hath beene suspected, & afterwards some of those persons were said to amend.
I remember this talke gladly, both bicause it is so worthy of memorie, and bicause also, it was the last talke that ever I had, and the last tyme, that ever I saw that noble and worthie Ladie.
This William was banished out of his countrie by Theodorike Elsas earle of Flanders, bicause he attempted to bereaue him of his earledome.
Some write that the empresse brought with hir a great armie, to the intent that ioining with Ranulph earle of Chester (who tooke part with Robert erle of Glocester, bicause the same Rob.
And bicause the bishops shewed themselues verie liberall towards the aduancing of the kings purpose, [Sidenote: A statute established in fauour of préests.
Now bicause this happened in the winter time, it séemed against nature, and therefore it was the more noted as a foreshewing of some trouble and calamitie to come.
In déed he wist not well whom he might trust, for he stood in doubt of all men, bicause he was aduertised by credible report, that the empresse sought for aid on all sides, meaning verie shortlie to come into England.
Augustines in Canturburie, bicause of hastening forward the building of Feuersham abbeie, which she and hir husband had begonne from the verie foundation.
About the same time king Oswie gaue vnto Peada the son of king Penda (bicause he was his [Sidenote: Southmercia.
Bicause (saith he) thou wouldst not absteine from entring the house of that wicked person being accurssed, thou shalt die in the same house:" and so it came to passe.
Thus haue the Britains made mention of their valiant prince Cadwallo, but diuerse thinke that much of this historie is but fables, bicause of the manifest varieng both from Beda and other autentike writers (as before I haue said.
Also bicause Edilred king of Mercia recouered the countrie of Lindsey, and [Sidenote: The church of Rippon.
The eldest, bicause he perceiued him to be but dull of wit, and not verie toward, he made a moonke, placing him within the abbie of Amphibalus in Winchester.
Some iudge that she tooke hir name of hir excellent beautie, bicause Guinne or Guenne in the Welsh toong signifieth faire, so that she was named Guennere or rather Guenlhean, euen (as you would say) the faire or beautifull Elenor or Helen.
Although the wyse Philosopher Plutarche, elegantly and brieflye describeth this historie, in the life of Demetrius: yet bicause Bandello aptlye and more at large doth discourse the same, I thought good to apply my pen to his stile.
I will euen nowe depart (sayd Araspas) for it is very likely, that this my departure, may seme to be an argument of trouth, bicause I seme to flie for feare of punishement.
My wife is dead, by naturall fate and constellation, and bicause my doughter could continewe no longer in honeste and chaste life, death is befallen vnto her: whiche although it be miserable, yet the same is honourable.
And these poore miserable creatures, not knowing to whom to make their complainte, liued in straunge perplexitie, bicause they knew not the priest which did solempnise their mariage.
But bicause all other authors agree that the murther of Danes was executed about ten yeeres before this supposed time: we haue made rehearsall thereof in that place.
But Cnute refused the combat, bicause (as he alledged) the match was not equall.
The north part, as Mercia and Northumberland fell to Harold, and the south part vnto Hardicnute: but at length the whole remained vnto Harold, bicause his brother Hardicnute refused to come out of Denmarke to take the gouernment vpon him.
Swaine, bicause he would not step so farre out of the way as to go to the next bridge, lost a great number of his men as he passed through the Thames.
But bicause he would not doo [Sidenote: He sendeth his wife and sonnes ouer into Normandie.
The nexte day in the mornyng Cortes wente forth to runne the fieldes as he had done before, leauing halfe his menne to kéepe the campe, and bicause he shoulde not be espied he departed before day, & burned aboute .
This he made them beléeue bicause he would not haue his way stopped, for y^t the number of thë was so great.
And bicause ye may better vndrestand the matter, here is the example.
Cortez answered and faithfully assured them, that it was none of their cöpany, bicause it was not possible for any of them to come any sooner: Then they al gaue God praise, belieuing that it was a helpe sent from heauen.
Cortes layde hande vpon Alonso de Mata, bicause he named himselfe the kings Notary, and shewed no title or authoritie for the same.
And bicause that others should take example of their factes, he would commaunde them all to be slaine, willing him to take no care, for in short space they would sée ech other.
The fight was handled on both parts verie hotlie, but bicause the Englishmen were not able to resist the force of the Frenchmen, the duke was constreined to retire with losse at the least of three hundred of his footmen.
And bicauseno delaie should be in the kings affaires for lacke of paiment, the bishop of Winchester the kings vncle lent vnto him twentie thousand pounds, to be paid him againe of the same dismes.
This doone, the emperor returned homewards, to passe into Germanie; and the king partlie to shew him honor, and partlie bicause of his owne affaires, associated him to his towne of Calis.
Waltheof the sonne of Siward; bicause of right it séemed to descend vnto him from his father, but cheefelie from his mother Alfreda, who was the daughter of Aldred sometime earle of that countrie.
For he would not receiue the crowne at the hands of Stigand archbishop of Canturburie, bicause he was hated, and furthermore iudged to be a verie lewd person and a naughtie liuer.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bicause" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.