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Example sentences for "betweene"

Lexicographically close words:
betuix; betuixt; betune; betwane; between; betweens; betwen; betwene; betwix; betwixt
  1. With Roses and the growing order of their leaues, the top leafe least, their iaggings about the leaues, and space betweene leafe and leafe.

  2. This feate is the stranger if it be done by night, a candle placed betweene the lookers on and the Iugler: for by that meanes the eysight is hindred from deserning the conceyt.

  3. In this meane time, the warres were busilie pursued betwixt the two kings of England & France, and a battell was fought betweene them, with great slaughter on both sides for the space of nine houres.

  4. The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and Anselme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull.

  5. After a long fight the English ship gained the advantage, willing them to yeeld, or els we should sinke them: wherupon the one would have yeelded, which was shot betweene winde and water; but the other called him traiter.

  6. Faire encounter Of two most rare affections: heauens raine grace On that which breeds betweene 'em Fer.

  7. Then Theseus betweene two other Nimphs with wheaten Chaplets on their heades.

  8. For she being bent to prefer hir sonne John, left no stone vnturned to establish him in the throne, comparing oftentimes the difference of gouernement betweene a king that is a man, and a king that is but a child.

  9. Within three daies after, they came togither personallie, and communed at full of the variance depending betweene them.

  10. He plucked out of his potewer, and longer wold not dwell, He pulled forth a pretty mantle, betweene two nut-shells.

  11. He said, As I came over a more, I see a lady where shee sate Betweene an oke and a green hollen; Shee was clad in red scarlett.

  12. He leaned ore his saddle bow To kisse this lady good; The teares that went them two betweene Were blend water and blood.

  13. The same night passing hard by the Island of Fayal, the next day being betweene the Island of S.

  14. Admirall Lonck, whom they commanded to ioine himselfe vnto the lord Henry Seymer, lying betweene Douer and Cales.

  15. Such is the difference betweene true valure, and ostentation: and betweene honorable actions, and friuolous vaineglorious vaunts.

  16. An agreement made betweene King Henry the fourth and the common societie of the Marchants of the Hans XII.

  17. An agreement made betweene King Henry the fourth and Conradus de Iungingen XI.

  18. If all the rest had entred, all had bene lost: for the very hugenes of the Spanish fleete, if no other violence had beene offered, would haue crusht them betweene them into shiuers.

  19. The 11 day in the plying to the Westwards we descried a sayle out of our maine toppe, and in the afternoone betweene two and three of the clocke hauing raysed her hull, the weather became calme, so that the ship could not fetch her.

  20. For I perceiue betweene them and the Spaniards, there is in implicable hartburning, and therefore as soone as the Dutch squadron was espied in the fight, immediatly thereupon both they of Siuil and S.

  21. To subvert Religion, To deface Justice and to breake the union And holly League betweene the Provinces.

  22. Betweene Us two, what thincke you of a wench?

  23. O Mistres Dority, tis e'ne long of you, for betweene sleepe and awake your remembrance came to me this morning, and Thomas was up presently.

  24. You meane one wench betweene us two is nothing.

  25. And takynge hir leaue, honorablye returned in the aforesayde company home to hir husband, and tolde hym what had chaunced, which engendred perfect loue and amytye betweene hym and mayster Ansaldo.

  26. Here may be proued the great difference betweene Wysedome and Folly, betweene Vertue and Vice.

  27. And when the mariage was agreed betweene the parentes, the said Steward sent for his brother whilest the truce endured betwene the two kings.

  28. What valour were it, when a Curre doth grinne, For one to thrust his Hand betweene his Teeth, When he might spurne him with his Foot away?

  29. Now will not I deliuer his Letter: for the behauiour of the yong Gentleman, giues him out to be of good capacity, and breeding: his employment betweene his Lord and my Neece, confirmes no lesse.

  30. Nothing that can be, can come betweene me, and the full prospect of my hopes.

  31. Not yet old enough for a man, nor yong enough for a boy: as a squash is before tis a pescod, or a Codling when tis almost an Apple: Tis with him in standing water, betweene boy and man.

  32. The best place, and the readiest to hold one ball is betweene the ball of the thumbe, and the palme of the hand; but if you hold more than one at one time, betweene your fingers towards the bottoms.

  33. TAke two Threeds or small Laces, of one foot in length a piece: rowle up one of them round, which will be then of the quantity of a pease, bestow the same betweene your left fore-finger and your thumb.

  34. The place to hold a great ball is betweene your two middle fingers.

  35. Bid him hold his hand downe, and slip the tester betweene one of his cuffes.

  36. But she that this estate and that hath seene, Doth find great ods betweene the wife and girle.

  37. Indeed she doth, as much as is betweene The melting haylestone and the solid pearle.

  38. About the same time Iohn the sonne of Dauid earle of Anguish in Scotland, sisters sonne vnto Ranulfe earle of Chester, married the daughter of Leolin prince of Wales, as it were to procure a finall accord betweene the said Leolin and Ranulfe.

  39. In the meane time the lords drew towards London, and the new assurance by writing indented was made betweene the communaltie of the citie and the barons, without consent of any of the rulers of the citie.

  40. Sidenote: A fraie in L[=o]don betweene the goldsmiths and tailors.

  41. In which time a direction was taken betweene the said parties, and a new assemblie and parlement assigned to be kept in the quindene of S.

  42. I forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands, as any is betweene this and his head: he hath fought with a Warrener Qu.

  43. Broome, you come to know What hath past betweene me, and Fords wife Ford.

  44. Sir, there is a fray to be fought, betweene Sir Hugh the Welch Priest, and Caius the French Doctor Ford.

  45. We haue linger'd about a match betweene An Page, and my cozen Slender, and this day wee shall haue our answer Slen.

  46. It were a goot motion, if we leaue our pribbles and prabbles, and desire a marriage betweene Master Abraham, and Mistris Anne Page Slen.

  47. Sir, hee is within: and I would I could doe a good office betweene you Euan.

  48. With a relation of the death of Mahamet the late Emperour: and a briefe report of the now present Wars betweene the three Brothers.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betweene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.