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Example sentences for "avoidance"

Lexicographically close words:
avocations; avocats; avocets; avoid; avoidable; avoide; avoided; avoiding; avoids; avoient
  1. This supposition as to the origin of this disease derives support from the circumstance, that it always takes place during the hay season, and at no other; and also that it may be cured by the avoidance of hay-fields and hay-stacks.

  2. His avoidance of martyrdom at this time was severely criticized, but he defended it on the ground that his life was necessary to the welfare of the church.

  3. For this reason there is certainly a great difference among men in the choice and avoidance of external things.

  4. In the commencement of his ministry we find the same avoidance of publicity.

  5. All of these systems require a reduction of the total amount of food taken, a restriction of the quantity of fluid allowed, and a more or less strict avoidance of those food substances which are most readily turned into fat in the body.

  6. Long hours of sleep, avoidance of hurry and tension, regular hours for meals and pleasant surroundings, and conversation at mealtimes, are all aids in overcoming the tendency to excessive thinness.

  7. Though less obnoxious to specific disease, debility and delicacy are the frequent results of habitual seclusion and avoidance of the solar light.

  8. But in all their productions, though invested with the trappings of verse, there alike is an avoidance of what is practical and true, and an absence of all that is inventive and poetic.

  9. His chosen form of patriotism was a quiet adhesion to the Liberal party, with a resolute and even contemptuous avoidance of sects and schisms.

  10. In all of them strict attention to the diet, and a careful avoidance of cold applications, or exposure to cold, so as to cause a retrocession, are matters of the first moment.

  11. Absolute safety against this contagion is secured only by a total avoidance of the walks of the infected animals, till repeated rains, or what is better, frosts, have disarmed the virus of its malignity.

  12. Entire cleanliness is necessary for the avoidance of this and other diseases.

  13. She did indeed unveil to him a portion of the sufferings his Aminta had undergone; as visibly, too, the good argumentative reasons for his previous avoidance of the deadly, dismal wrangle here forced on him.

  14. He sounded me, pushed out his mouth and pulled down his nose, recommended avoidance of excitement.

  15. The sole merit of the piece is a certain dull restraint of language, an avoidance of the drosser scurrilities.

  16. It is admirable, of course, but there are times when his elaborate avoidance of partisanship and his cautious non-committal attitude leave the reader a little perplexed.

  17. The thing to be desired is not the avoidance of discussion but the encouragement of it according to its unwritten codes and precepts.

  18. It is the discussion of any topic whatever, from religion to the fashions, and the avoidance of any phase of any subject which might stir the irascible talker to controversy.

  19. In control of the initiation of the youths, they separate them from their mothers or sisters and often decree for the initiates a ceremonial avoidance of all women for a set time.

  20. For even after the special avoidance of the initiation period ends, the segregation of the sexes continues.

  21. Birds avoid these bright but unpleasant insects, and though there is some individual learning, there seems to be an instinctive avoidance of these unsavoury morsels.

  22. Probably the avoidance of insects protected by warning colours is not perfectly instinctive.

  23. And in young chicks the avoidance of bees and wasps seems to be perfectly instinctive.

  24. The animals which prey upon these forms learn to avoid these dangerous, nasty, or indigestible creatures; and the avoidance is often instinctive.

  25. That the avoidance is not perfectly instinctive is shown by the fact that young birds sometimes taste these caterpillars or insects.

  26. Avoidance of such debates as are from their very nature interminable.

  27. He assumes a certain effort of the intelligence for understanding the signification of a command or a law; and, for the motive part, he counts upon nothing but volition in its most ordinary form--the avoidance of a pain.

  28. Take the circumstance of negative tact; by which is meant the careful avoidance of whatever might grate on the minds of those addressed.

  29. In both cases, furthermore, the incest-avoidance would be automatically assured, and it would be difficult to understand the need of strict prohibitions, which rather point to the presence of a strong desire.

  30. True, but will not this psychic adaptation eventuate quite differently according as the patient, when well, directs his life either to the avoidance of pain merely (line of least resistance) or to the achievement of the greatest pleasure?

  31. So the line of least resistance does not signify eo ipso the avoidance of unpleasure so much as the just balancing of unpleasure and pleasure.

  32. There is no doubt that in this effort both to save the language, and to represent accurately the meaning of the original, they sometimes overdid that avoidance of uniformity.

  33. The third thing which shows their effort at accuracy is their explicit avoidance of uniformity in translating the same word.

  34. The diet, beverages, and medicines must constantly have reference to the avoidance of inflammatory action; and should this occur it must be combated on general principles.

  35. The avoidance of all irregularity in habits tending to excite febrile symptoms or to aggravate local inflammation, attention to the due performance of the excretory functions, and support of the general strength, are chiefly to be considered.

  36. Much of the world's big mischief is due to the avoidance of a bigger one.

  37. The reason of this law, apart from any mystic or symbolic meaning, is probably grounded in considerations of humanity, requiring the avoidance of giving unnecessary suffering to the dam.

  38. Then is commanded the avoidance of idolatry (ver.

  39. Thus, Aristippus of Cyrene advised men to grasp the pleasure of the moment rather than to await the more uncertain pleasure of the future; but he also counselled, for prudential reasons, the avoidance of a conflict with the laws.

  40. Whether the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain may be regarded as the only ultimate ends proper to man will be discussed later.

  41. Justice Equity Requital of benefits Sociability A moderate degree of forgiveness The avoidance of pride and arrogance.

  42. But we find no evidences that they were printed in monasteries; the lazy habits and coarse tastes of the monks, and their general avoidance of every form of mechanical labor as beneath their sacred calling, make this conjecture inadmissible.

  43. It may be that the avoidance of hair lines was caused by difficulties of type-founding.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avoidance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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