A which is used before consonantal sounds and an which is used before vowel sounds are called indefinite articles because they individualize without specializing.
A may be used before o and u if the sound is really consonantal as in such a one, a use, a utility.
In the other stanzas thus far described, assonance prevails, although consonantal rhyme is not excluded.
Each line of the strophe stands in consonantal rhyme with some other.
A series of assonances is offensive in verses having consonantal rhyme, as that in e--o in these four verses of Garcilaso: El más seguro tema con recelo Perder lo que estuviere poseyendo.
To avoid bombast and verbosity, he discardedconsonantal rhyme entirely, and made use of the simplest imagery possible.
Consonantal rhyme, as well as assonance, occurs in the endechas.
Consonantal rhyme may extend to three or more words (as in sonnets, octaves, terza rima), but combinations of three successive rhymes are not very common.
Into compositions in verso suelto consonantal rhyme may, however, enter, particularly at the end of the chief sections into which the subject matter is divided.
Lines lacking both consonantal and vocalic rhyme occur and are called versos sueltos (blank verse).
The tertiary languages have on the whole preserved the consonantal system of the secondary stage, preferring, however, as a rule, to simplify double consonants, with compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel.
The two chief errors that I find in it are that he relied too much on the quality of a vowel in determining its syllabic length, and that he regarded the h as always consonantal in quality.
In the present compendium the chief points of divergence from the general American understanding of the 'Roman' method are in respect of the diphthong AE and the consonantal U.
Why did they not turn it off with the simple explanation which they give to the consonantal I--that of double I?
Yet we cannot doubt that two or three consonants require more time than one, and in words like strength, flushed, fists, and the like, every one would find the consonantal length perceptible.
In general, prolonged consonantal sounds seem to be avoided, as in the case of vowels.
His statement that "quantity in fact, in spoken verse, consists of stress and of the consonantal total of syllables," may be regarded as much more satisfactory than those already quoted from his essay.
Development of i, e, y into a consonantal i in diphthongs in W.
Other consonantal and inflexional forms that are Scand.
If from the word fate I separate the final consonantal sound, the syllable fa remains.
To the following point of structure in the consonantal sounds the reader's attention is particularly directed.
It is a later variant form of the Roman letter I, used to express a consonantal sound, that is, originally, the sound of English y in yet.
The y and w in these cases and in all cases where they precede a vowel have pure and distinct consonantal sounds.
The only possible consonantal nexus in purely Malay words is that of a nasal and mute, a liquid and mute and vice versa, and a liquid and nasal.
The only variants after the time of Othman were owing to different possible ways of pronouncing the consonantal text.
The consonantal u was sounded like the v of modern English, 2.
The g before front vowels had a sound closely resembling that of the Latin consonantal i.
The sign =j= in Gothic pronunciation probably has the value of a consonantal =i=, not that of the spirant j in German.
We divide the consonantal sounds in +sonorous+ consonants and +noizd sounds+.
This was not always so, for in proethnic Germanic, as in other Indo-Germanic languages, there existed present formations with additional consonantal elements.
The declension of substantivs in Gothic is divided into a vocalic and a consonantal declension, according as the stems of the substantivs end in a vowel or a consonant.
There occurs also an extended form with the same meaning, its inflection being that of a consonantal substantiv (§ 117, n.
The consonantal skeleton of the word remains the same.
If these forms existed in Greek, they would, after consonantal bases, be identical with the infinitives of the future.
By throwing off the vocal and consonantal terminations, and by the weakening or rejection of the vowels, this soft and melodious language was gradually changed in character, and became intolerably harsh and rugged.
The letters q and z were not used, q being represented by cw, and k was a rare alternative to c; u or v was only a vowel, the consonantal power of v being represented as in Welsh by f.
It may lose its syllabic value altogether, its vowel being elided and its consonantal part (if it has any) being attracted to the root-syllable.
Another possible form of assonance, in which the consonants alone agree while the vowels may differ, might be called consonantal assonance as distinguished from vocalic assonance, or assonance simply.
Is here theconsonantal complement of as, the preceding hieroglyph.
That the character V had both a consonantal and a vowel sound is clear from the unanimous statements of the Roman grammarians, who say that frequently when before a vowel it becomes consonantal.