There has been much discussion as to whether the great inundation which occurred in China during the reign of Yao is identical with that of Genesis or not.
Gildemeister, Bonnae, 1838), as the seat of the empire of the Mahraj, is identical with Zaledj.
Kwoh P'oh, in his commentary, says the boa of to-day is identical with the Pa snake.
The expression is hyperbolical, and, as such, identical with Sura [lxx.
Gishzida is identical with Nin-gishzida, a solar deity whom we came across in the old Babylonian pantheon.
In this rôle, he is identical with a solar deity who enjoys especial prominence among the warlike Assyrians, whose name is provisionally read Nin-ib, but whose real name may turn out to be Adar.
There is also a goddess Eria worshipped in Elam, who may be identical with Erua.
The Peregrine of Northern Japan, and probably therefore that of Siberia, is identical with that of Europe.
That these gods with elongated heads are, in point of fact, identical with E is plainly seen from the passage in Dr.
M is always to be recognized by the encircled mouth and the drooping under-lip; figures without these marks are not identical with M, thus for example in Tro.
Identical with Article LI of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty and with Article LXI of the Cherokee.
Identical with Article L of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty, with Article XLII of the Cherokee, and with Article XXXVI of the Seminole.
Identical with Article I of both the Cherokee and the Choctaw and Chickasaw, but different from the Seminole in that the Seminole provided simply for "perpetual peace and friendship.
It is a Dutch name, identical with Dietrich, Theodoric, and Dirk (Hatteraick).
We use it as an abbreviation for cobra de capello, hooded snake, the second part of which is identical with Fr.
The origin of shark is unknown, but it appears to be identical with shirk, for which we find earlier sherk.
My own conviction is that it is identical with Dan.
This name is thought to be identical with those of Cimmerians and Cimbri, under which the Greek and Roman historians describe a barbarous people, who spread themselves from the north of the Euxine over the whole of Northwestern Europe.
Serapis or Hermes is sometimes represented as identical with Osiris, and sometimes as a distinct divinity, the ruler of Tartarus and god of medicine.
That Tertullian regards the baptismal confession as identical with the regula fidei, just as Irenæus does, is shown by the fact that in de spectac.
The interest of a respectable Englishman may be said, without any impropriety, to be identical with that of his wife.
If the interest of the middle rank be identical with that of the people, why should not the powers of government be intrusted to that rank?
Their interest may be opposed in some things to that of their poorer contemporaries; but it is identical with that of the innumerable generations which are to follow.
But considering that Beow is in some versions a grandson, in all a descendant of Sceaf, it can hardly be an accident that his name is identical with the O.
This forgotten bard is believed to be identical with famosus ille fabulator, Bledhericus, mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis, and with the Breris quoted by Thomas of Brittany as an authority for the Tristan story.
The king is accompanied by Berter, identical with Berchtung-Borgar, but here, as always in the German story, described as the patriarch and adviser.
Jord, who, in the days of Tacitus, was celebrated in song as the mother of Mannus' divine father, is identical with Frigg.
With Scef and Skjold the Wessex royal family of Saxon origin is in turn connected, and thus the royal dynasty of the Goths is again connected with the Skjold who emigrated from Scandza, and who is identical with Borgar.
If so, Hesus or Aesus may be identical with the "lost" Gaelic god Aesar or Aes.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "identical with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.