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Example sentences for "words like"

  • As words like these “The truth-predicting lips of Phœbus spoke, “Behold!

  • Wonder the Greeks, And wonders ev'n Pelides: when in words Like these, old Nestor hail'd them.

  • When Mars, his helmet thrown aside, the sire Of gods and men, in words like these, address'd.

  • This rule applies to modern English also, as in words like bírth-rìght.

  • Soon as the steadfast devotees Had made reply in words like these, The youths began, disdaining sleep, Six days and nights their watch to keep.

  • In words like «saxum» the first syllable is long because x has the value of two consonants (cs or gs).

  • Some writers would add to these the additional sound of the é fermé of the French; believing that the vowel in words like their and vein has a different sound from the vowel in words like there and vain.

  • The criticism applied to words like pitted, &c.

  • Now it must not be concealed that one of the arguments which apply to words like mine and thine being adjectives rather than genitives, does not apply to words like ejus, cujus, and hujus.

  • Note that in words like exhibit, exhort, etc.

  • If we adopted their suggestion, words like head would be spelled hed.

  • What we should look for in such a case would be the equivalents to words like cadet, and these might differ in languages otherwise allied.

  • Words like father-s, touch-ed, spoke, are instances of it.

  • Now 'twas her holy Brahmin priest appeared, And counsel gave again in words like these: "Grieve not, but well rejoice that Bukka builds His future hope on base dishonesty.

  • In pronouncing this combination, do not follow the English pronunciation of words like "exempt," etc.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "words like" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dark cloud; deeply forked; elephants teeth; falling birth; great boon; judicial proceedings; light yellow; long peace; might serve; mosaic work; reproductive cells; rich woman; send their; spinal axis; there the; third year; thus formed; twenty dollars; what went; words and; words came; words ending; words like; words shall not pass; words were; words would