On page 403 he says: "I do not propose either to purchase, or to confiscate property in land.
In the campaign of 1918 the "single-taxers" of California made their third and great attempt to confiscate land values in that beautiful state.
It is not necessary toconfiscate land; it is only necessary to confiscate rent.
Philip, whose passion for gold had led him to confiscate the treasures of the templars, and then to calumniate and persecute them in order to justify his own spoliations, was haunted by the words of De Molai.
I dare not carry it for fear Cunningham might discover and confiscate it.
The French, the Italian, and the Spanish governments could confiscate every solitary painting except the Meissonier and the Detaille, for the simple reason that they were stolen.
He resolved, therefore, as soon as possible to confiscate their property, using a plausible argument if one was ready; otherwise, to close their doors by force.
If bishops were not entitled to worldly goods, it was an easy task to confiscate their property to the crown.
Assurance to the owner in return that future action by the community will not confiscate all profit resulting from his effort.
How could they be reconciled with a husband's legal right to confiscate a White-Eyed Musical Kaffir, or any record, for that matter?
She knows perfectly well that the readier she is to sacrifice herself for me, the keener I shall be to confiscate the knife.
The election of Abraham Lincoln was more than a threat to confiscate three thousand millions of dollars which the South had invested in slaves.
Stevens introduced his bill to confiscate the property of the whites and give it to the negroes.
To confiscate the body, is not to put a man's body into his sovereign lord's basket.
We even confiscate the property of the deceased, which is robbing the living of the patrimony which of right belongs to them.
The evidence for corruption was very slight, and what there is was manifestly gathered in such a way as to enable the government authorities to justify their settled purpose to confiscate the property.
After the union of Holland and Belgium, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, William of Holland attempted to abrogate many of the rights of the Beguines and confiscate much of their property.
The prince cannot arbitrarily confiscate property; he must have some reasonable motive of sufficient gravity to outweigh the social inconveniences which confiscation would necessarily produce.
Presence in the Mass (for Christ was there only by "ghostly wit"), and his advice to King and Parliament to confiscate Church lands.
Have they ever furnished a rent-roll of the immovable estate, or given in an inventory of the movable effects, which they confiscate to their assignats?
Or, if you must confiscate old landed estates in favor of the money-jobbers, why is the penalty confined to one description?
I hope we shall never be so totally lost to all sense of the duties imposed upon us by the law of social union, as, upon any pretest of public service, to confiscate the goods of a single unoffending citizen.
The Pope was unwilling to give his son-in-law a command in the war against the Orsini, which he had begun immediately after the return of his son Don Giovanni from Spain, for whom he wanted to confiscate the property of these mighty lords.
On the failure of Alexander's scheme to confiscate the estates of the Orsini and bestow them on his dearly beloved son, he thought to provide for him in another manner.
She took the prince by the arm, and turned him before her into the palace; sending Behram word, that if he staid a night in her port, she would confiscate his goods, and burn his ship.
Indeed, the proposal to confiscate rent is so abhorrent to the moral sense of the average man that it could never take place except in conditions of revolution and anarchy.
Colonel, surely you don't mean to confiscate my property!
My idee is that government ought to confiscate the property of the Rebels, and when the war is over give it back to their wives and children.
The Bishops and Commissioners wanted a fund to endow small Livings; they did not touch a farthing of their own incomes, only distributed them a little more equally; and proceeded lustily at once to confiscate Cathedral Property.
The provosts of the guilds hastily drew up a petition to the senate to expel the clergy from the town, and to confiscate their goods; but the magistrates refused to comply with this requisition, which would have at once stirred up civil war.
Confiscate their goods, and every one of you take what he likes!
On the slightest pretext the Tibetans arrest, torture mercilessly, fine, and confiscateproperty of, British subjects on British territory.
But Huntington not owning all the securities of the railroad of which he is president, we send for persons and papers and confiscate as fast as the excess turns up, and distribute as described above.
And since you thought best to confiscate Eraton's property, I think two shares should be allowed the state and the property of Erasistratus be voted to me, as you have decided that this was formerly in my possession.
Now this is clear to every one that they would not have omitted anything else which it was possible to confiscate while making a list of all Eraton's property,--even what I have for some time held myself.
For they persuaded you to condemn to death some without a trial, to confiscate unjustly the property of many, and to banish citizens and deprive them of their civil rights.
Or if you should confiscate their real estate, would it be well either for the state from which they have taken much, or for the citizens whose houses they have plundered?
I think it is evident that I cannot recover this money elsewhere if you confiscate this property.
So in reality this (now) belongs to the state, and I shall not think I am wronged if deprived of it, but you will have greater benefit than if you confiscate it.
For if he had not been such a man, he would not have left so little from so much, since if you are deceived by these men and confiscate my property, you will get not two talents.
Well," they asked, "does the Soviet Government intend to confiscate the estates of our great Cossack land-owners and divide them among the working Cossacks?
They tell you that the Soviets wish to confiscate the lands of the Cossacks.
It is only from the great Cossack landlords that the Revolution will confiscate the land to give it to the people.
The power of the Soviets should confiscate all printing-plants.
Treat them as rebels, and confiscate the property by due course of law, and you can get nothing; because it is a singular thing that in this country there is no such thing as forfeiture for treason.
But as you are a sworn enemy of the United States of America we will be obliged to confiscate some of your corn and other supplies.
I would not be understood as saying that the boys did not confiscate things that were not included in the Government ration.