Kate slipped into my pocket a pint flask of her extra special concoction of peppermint cordial, the best possible companion on a night like this.
Steep together for a whole moon, stirring the concoctionevery four hours during the daytime, and as often as you wake o' nights.
The Cherokees gave their children a concoction of burs to strengthen their memories; for as a bur will stick to anything, the mind of a man with bur inside him will cling to all kinds of useful information.
Although the easyconcoction of the stories about Dr.
Frequently, he would receive no further reply or, at best, would receive some concoction costing only a few cents to compound.
In an early letter to you I recall judging harshly a concoctioncalled "brewis.
I have had my first, and I may add my last, experience of "brewis," an indeterminate concoctionmuch in favour as an article of diet on this coast.
Pills of immortality, concoction and effect of, 107.
The work in question was actually mistaken for a commentary on the Book of Changes, mentioned in a former lecture, though it is in reality a treatise upon alchemy, and also upon the concoction of pills of immortality.
His concoction was approved, and, being puffed as good porters' drink, it speedily came to be called porter itself.
It is, however, a much more elaborate concoction than the public imagine.
Lane in the concoction of the first plan for the recovery of Indian Territory, was now figuring as the promoter of a rising sentiment against Coffin and his minions, who were getting to be pretty numerous.
Boudinot was believed by Steele to be at the bottom of the whole scheme; but it had been in process of concoction for a long time and Steele had few friends.
It is a pretty diabolical concoction to give to any one, and particularly to a consumptive.
It dispenses with the red wine of the Radam concoction and relies on a weak solution of sulphuric and sulphurous acids, with an occasional trace of hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid.
Thus I have endeavoured to give a true history of the concoction and mode of writing of this mighty trifle.
I had thought to have said something here respecting the concoction of "St. Leon" and "Fleetwood.
This I dare say, that belief and assent can be sooner procured by disagreeing arguments, than concoction by various and different qualities.
The Arab smokes kif also, a concoction whose iniquitous effects are only equalled by those of the state-protected opium of Bengal.
After taking a couple of mouthfuls, I decided that I was unable to appreciate the merits of my cake, as I had been, after repeated efforts, to appreciate those of a somewhat similar concoction known under the name of "Vyazemsky.
I remember one particularly delicious concoction was composed of fresh sterlet and sour cabbage, with white grapes on top, baked to a brown crispness.
He had evidently co-operated with his master in the concoction of the dishes, all of which, I am bound to say, were very savoury.
He is like one of those accomplished cooks in whose dishes, though the actual secret of their making remains a mystery, one can trace the ingredients which have gone to the concoction of the delicious whole.
In one he mixed a whiskey high-ball and in the other he poured a concoction of neat whiskey and brandy, adding everything else that his bottles contained,--a mixture calculated to dull the senses even of the most hardened drinker.
It was not surprising that the horrible concoction which Kenyon had deliberately mixed went straight to his head.
One of the principal results of the knowledge possessed by Witches of the properties of herbs was the concoction by them of noxious or deadly potions with which they were enabled to work their impious spells.
One of the Witches' most reliable sources of obtaining money from their dupes was the concoction of love-philtres for despondent swains and love-sick maidens.
This meal, always an informal one, used to give play to the housekeeper's fancy in the concoction of dainty dishes with which to render the repast more appetizing to the tired and hungry master of the home.
The tea should always be made on the table when it is possible, as by this means there need be no doubt that the water used in its concoction is actually boiling.
That was the history of man's religions; the concoction of other-worldly offsets for worldly woes.
His happy concoction of fantastic names, the easy slipping flow of his verse, and above all, the irresistible parody of sense and pathos that he contrived to instil into his rigmarole are unapproachable.