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Example sentences for "conclusyon"

Lexicographically close words:
conclusions; conclusioun; conclusive; conclusively; conclusiveness; concoct; concocted; concocting; concoction; concoctions
  1. Causynge all myschef, shame and abusyon It maketh men mad, and in conclusyon Causeth them lyue without lawe or measure Suynge after syn defylynge theyr nature The people that are acloyed with this synne.

  2. O lawles fole, o man blyndyd of mynde Say what suretye in fortune canst thou fynde To what ende or vnto what conclusyon Shall fortune frayle vnrightwyse and vnsure Lede the blynde fole by hyr abusyon.

  3. Coude nat the damsell (by name Danes) defende But that Jupiter fonde a cautell and trayne In a golden shoure into hir to discende And to be short, at conclusyon and ende This mayde for all this Toure was there defylyd.

  4. I pray God be your gode spyde in all your maters, and yef yow grace to have a gode conclusyon of hem in haste for thys ys to wyry a lyffe to a byde for you and all youre.

  5. The Blessyd Trynyte have you [in] Hys kypyng, and send you gode spyde in all your maters, and send you grace to have a gode conclusyon in hem in haste.

  6. Howbeyt in conclusyon we haue d[one] as our predecessors haue been wont to doo that ys to say, as well as we myght and lefte wher we begann.

  7. Further conclusyon to be takyn & Such as to your highnes shall Seme most mete.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conclusyon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.