The stalactites here are of different character from those found in the other caves, beingcomposite and covered with ornamentation of various kinds.
In some instances the scribe-author set himself the more ambitious task of casting certain tales together in a single, yet composite story.
Hence his sovereignty and that of his successors was not a simple development of Teutonic kingship, nor was it a continuation of Roman imperial or proconsular rule, but rather a new composite evolution.
The composite Tantra dogmas fed the fancy and stimulated the imagination, filling them with pictures of life, past, present and future.
In origin and formation, this people is a compositeof many tribes.
His composite forces, in which five languages were spoken, were unfit for a long contest with Napoleon's army.
He had done magnificent work with his composite force, and after five days' terrific fighting received orders to retire.
Asked to go to the relief, the Princess Patricias formed a composite Battalion with the 4th King's Royal Rifle Corps, and successfully made the last exertion which was asked of them at this period of the war.
Towards the end of the sixth century, however, there is a tendency to drop these composite ornaments, and attention is devoted to the palmette alone.
Thus it was the time of year at which the Bois de Boulogne displays more separate characteristics, assembles more distinct elements in a compositewhole than at any other.
The Highlanders, a composite battalion of the Black Watch and Seaforths, and the 92nd Punjabis, as they struggled grimly through, came under a terrific fire.
Bowditch, "who are constantly seeking new worlds to conquer, the opportunity of doing useful work in developing the possibilities of composite photography ought to be very welcome.
By comparing, for instance, thecomposite of a group of doctors with that of a group of lawyers, we may hope to ascertain whether there is such a thing as a distinct legal or medical physiognomy.
Much propolis gathered from the large composite heads of the flower and stems and leaves of the plant.
The materials with which the Gracchi worked were far too composite to enable them to forecast the shape of the structure of which they were laying the foundations.
Their leaves, moreover, are generally more highly differentiated and more composite than those of the Monocotyledons; they are traversed by crooked, branching bunches of vessels or "veins.
But in consequence of this the vegetable cells cannot combine, as do the animal cells, for the construction of higher and composite fibrous tracts, for example, the nervous and muscular tissues.
In each of these main divisions there is a tree-shaped and branching gradation from most simple and imperfect forms to those which are exceedingly composite and highly developed.
But all the composite apparatus for the movement of the eye and its accommodation to variations of light and distance are still absent, namely, the various refractive media, the highly differentiated membrane of the optic nerve, etc.
These facts of condition attending and characterizing the trial of President Johnson, pointedly accentuate the danger to our composite form of government which the country then faced.
It was a crucial test, and the result a magnificent vindication of the wisdom and patriotism of the founders of our composite form of Government.
If the ray florets of a composite are counted, and the figures brought into a curve, a prominent summit usually corresponds to the average.
On the other hand, mutations as a rule make their appearance in groups, and there are many systematic species which on close inspection [518] have been shown to be in reality composite assemblages.
On mountain slopes in South Africa, and especially in Natal, a species of composite is found, which has been introduced into culture and is used as a hanging plant.
This series gives the terms of the disposition of leaves in general, and of the bracts and flowers on the composite flower [739] heads in our particular case.
So it is with the begonias of our gardens, which are also composite hybrids, but are usually sown on a very large scale.
Partly so by the morphologic peculiarities of lamarckiana, which seem to exclude red flowers, composite leaves, etc.
This assault force, a composite company, consisted of a platoon each from A, B, and C Companies, together with the weapons platoon from C Company.
Since the food and ammunition situation remained uncertain, the composite force went into a perimeter in defense of San Pablo strip, where it remained for the next few days.
By the mere threat of a resistance which could only be overcome through the use of troops, Ulster had made the first dint for the insertion of a wedge into the composite Home Rule alliance, and into the Cabinet itself.
In such a process men saw that the driving force of the majority would waste away and that the composite character of their alliance would lead to certain disruption.
Such composite or conglomerate work was quite foreign to Wordsworth's genius.
So the composite drops go up and down, until finally they reach the surface, when the vapour passes into the air, and the suspended liquid falls back to the mass at the bottom of the beaker.
On withdrawing the tube gradually, the composite sphere is left hanging from the surface of the water.
The heart of the grove became instinct with life, life that I could appreciate and understand, each individual tree contributing its thread to form the composite whole, Julius and myself contributing as well.