At one time he was actually in prison, for what was deemed a libellous attack, but we are told that he obtained his "enlargement" from it, upon his writing the following Pindaric Petition to the Lords in Council.
John Bull, his mark," was subscribed at least fifty times to the petition addressed to himself!
When he was acquitted at Woburn and set free, he withdrew his petition from the Committee of Safety.
I flatter myself before you reach England our petition will have been taken into consideration and our request granted.
That before any measures are taken for carrying the plan into execution, a petition be presented to his Majesty, praying that he would be graciously pleased to grant a charter to the Institution.
I made known to both of them that I looked upon my petitionas so just that I should remain at Angers until I obtained a favourable reply.
It was my sister, who had just arrived from the provinces to petition me on behalf of her husband, who had told her this.
M'Crie accepts that date, but finds that Knox places Calder's petition before the burning of Myln, in April 1559.
A committee was immediately formed in London, and the petition was circulated.
Mrs. Clara Lyon Peters of Watseka, furnished the largest petition ever sent from Illinois; W.
Only those who have carried a petition from door to door can know the fatigue and humiliation of spirit it involves.
The prayer of the petition was that every unmarried female, possessing the necessary pecuniary qualifications, should be entitled to vote for members of parliament.
In response to a petition from the society, the legislature in the winter of 1885 passed a law, giving to the tax-paying women of the city the right to vote on school questions at the charter elections.
While this petition was being circulated, favorable articles appeared from time to time in the public prints.
Hansard thus describes it: Mr. Hunt said he had a petition to present which might be a subject of mirth to some honorable gentlemen, but which was one deserving of consideration.
Among the other Sarmatians the prince had brought with him three chiefs of tribes, Rumo, Zinafer, and Fragiledus, and many nobles who came to offer the same petition with earnest hope of success.
Petition of several citizens, merchants, and traders in London, and others, subscribers to a British stock for a general insurance from fire in any part of England, praying to be incorporated for carrying on the said undertaking.
The idea of such an immense privilege was generally scouted by the nation, and petition on petition was presented to the parliament that they would refuse to register the decree.
Petition of Joseph Galendo of London, snuff-maker, praying a patent for his invention to prepare and cure Virginia tobacco for snuff in Virginia, and making it into the same in all his majesty's dominions.
Petition of several of his majesty's loyal subjects of the city of London and other parts of Great Britain, praying to be incorporated for carrying on a general insurance from losses by fire within the kingdom of England.
Petition of several persons, praying letters patent for carrying on a fishing trade by the name of the Grand Fishery of Great Britain.
Petition of Samuel Antrim and others, praying for letters patent for sowing hemp and flax.
Petition of Sir John Lambert and others thereto subscribing, on behalf of themselves and a great number of merchants, praying to be incorporated for carrying on a Greenland trade, and particularly a whale fishery in Davis's Straits.
Petition of several merchants, gentlemen, and citizens, praying to be incorporated for buying and building of ships to let or freight.
Petition of George James, on behalf of himself and divers persons of distinction concerned in a national fishery, praying letters patent of incorporation, to enable them to carry on the same.
Petition of several merchants of London, praying a charter of incorporation for carrying on a salt-work.
This petition was followed by a scandalous paper, called The Unmasking of Virginia, presented to the king by another tool of Count Gondomar, one Captain Nathaniel Butler.
At the same court a petition of the Salem church for some land in Marblehead Neck was rejected "because they had chosen Mr. Williams their teacher.
Then, to the horror of the rulers of Massachusetts, there was discovered a petition addressed to Parliament, suggesting that Presbyterianism should be established in New England and that a general governor should be sent over.
A petition to the king protesting against the restoration of the company was adopted, but although it was signed by the council and burgesses, as well as by Berkeley, the preamble alludes to strong differences of opinion.
The ill success of Frobisher had no influence upon their purpose; but four years elapsed after Gilbert's petition to the crown in 1574 before he obtained his patent.
After this, when the epidemic on the Connecticut became known, a petition to be permitted to move out of the Massachusetts jurisdiction was presented to the general court in September, 1634.
Cleves, at the head of the Rigby colony, made common cause with Godfrey and carried the petition to England, but he met with no success.
This action brought forth a petition from the church of Boston in Wheelwright's behalf, which the court declared "presumptious" and rejected.
She would appeal to the Squire for a release from her promise--humbly petition his better self to spare her the misery of a marriage, loveless at least on her part.
The petition is dismissed, but not the petitioner; so listen to me instead.
I must be now solicitous for a last blessing; and that is all I shall presume to petition for.
O God, don't please lemme drown," she said aloud, in order to be quite sure her petition would be heard.
N-never heard of a hold-up gettin' up a petition for better street lights, did you?
The petition was introduced by the labor Congressman from New York, Ely Moore.
At its second convention in 1835 it decided to petition Congress for a ten-hour day for employes on government works.
The latter referred the petition to the Board of Navy Commissioners, who returned the petition with the opinion that it would be detrimental to the government to accede to their request.
And now he was to file his petition in bankruptcy, and to-morrow the entire town would have "been seeing it coming" for years.
I 'm going to file my petition to-morrow," said he, and gave a short laugh.
On this ground their friends engaged them to petition the Assembly for a revision of the sentence, and the restoration of their property, which was in consequence forfeited.
In fact, one of the chief grievances against the Governor was his refusal to send to the King a petition of the Burgesses, which he considered offensive because they had made it "a popular business, by subscribing a multitude of hands thereto.
In 1628, the Governor, Council and Burgesses, in a petition to the King, declared that for years they had "groaned under the oppression of unconscionable and cruel merchants by the excessive rates of their commodities.
Petition of the Governor and Council to the King, July 1673.
This petition was presented by the Honourable Ann Poulet, and Alexander Hood, Esq.
The petition was then brought up and read, after which it was ordered to lie on the table.
For the society, as I have before stated, had sent a petition to parliament in this year, praying for the abolition, of the Slave Trade.
Author secures the Gloucester paper, and lays the foundation of a petition from that city; does the same at Worcester, and at Chester.
The next attempt was to lay the foundation of a committee in Bristol, and of a petition to Parliament from it for the abolition of the Slave Trade.
This petition was presented by Sir Cecil Wray, who, on introducing it, spoke very respectfully of the society.
This was the first petition (being two years earlier than that from the inhabitants of Bridgewater), which was ever presented to parliament for the abolition of the Slave Trade.
Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?
Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land.