His disillusion in regard to Paris is highly significant.
The present has its share of disillusion and discouragement, but it is primarily a period of search.
And then happened, what happened at other times in Israel's history when disillusion of this kind came down.
I wish to disillusion you; I wish to prove to you how deeply you are the dupe of those men.
Some men, for the sake of the adventure, would have left the truth to be found out later, to the disillusion of all concerned.
And yet, strangely, the disillusion and the fear were a source of pleasure.
He found words coming with difficulty in face of the pain and disillusion of her set look.
He had suffered worse than in seeing his chief beaten; but even in disillusion he was loyal.
As he listened to the most significant of her words he was distressed with shame, and now, in recalling them, he felt that he should have said something, done something, to disillusion her.
Even with a wife such as Sidwell the process ofdisillusion would doubtless have to be faced, however liberal one's allowances in the forecast.
With the dregs of disillusion after the sparkle has died out.
It is as though he would inflict upon the reader the disillusion from which he has himself suffered.
The disillusionthat followed is also one that the early pioneers would have had some difficulty in understanding.
The collapse of the Revolution of 1848 produced a plentiful crop of disillusion of this kind.
There is nothing specifically Christian in thisdisillusion and above all nothing mediƦval.
She set up as an object of worship humanity in its future progress; and then, like so many other dreamers, she suffered a violent disillusion in the Revolution of 1848.
When one gets beneath the surface of the nineteenth century one finds that it was above all a period of violent disillusions, and it is especially after violent disillusion that a man feels himself solitary and forlorn.
Such is the disillusion that comes from having sought an ideal communion in a liaison with a Parisian actress.
What I am saying applies especially to the French realists who are more logical in their disillusion than the men of other nations.
Something of the same radiant political hope and the same disillusion is found in Wordsworth.
This subject of disillusion may best be considered, along with certain other important aspects of the movement, in connection with the singular phenomenon known as romantic irony.
Instead of a "Peter Ibbetson" boyhood, he encountersdisillusion after disillusion.
But there is an emphasis upon revolt and disillusion and confusion in these latest novels that is new.
Whirled through in wild confusion They pass the narrow strait, To the sea of disillusion That lies beyond the gate.
They have a large democratic Press that will not hesitate to tell them that, that does already to the best of its ability disillusion them.
None the less those previous crowns and symbols that still show through the paint of the new design may help greatly, as that weakens under the coming stresses, to disillusion men about its necessity.
True, the reading of the letter might disillusion him; but always would there be that vision and the voice coming out of the fog.
The shadow of disillusion crept into his bright dream and clouded it.
Friendship was a mockery; love, disillusion and ashes; nothing held sweet and true but the hearts of little children.
Whatever happened, it could not be more terrible than to read disgust and disillusion in Vereker Sarle's eyes.
I have never myself been in love, so far as I can recollect, but if I were placed as you are I think I should hardly have the courage to disillusion the young lady.
If he were still infatuated with the woman, we should, between the lot of us, I thought, quickly be able to disillusion him.
Well, I can't disillusion the child, happily; she has given me no address.
I should like, some day, to meet the writer and disillusion her.
He had done his best to disillusion a young man tricked into love for an adventuress.
From what causes and by the operation of what laws has the great disillusion fallen upon the heart of Europe?
On, the one hand an exclusive reliance on tradition paves the way for the disillusion which is so often experienced towards the end of adolescence, when it frequently causes a violent reaction to materialism.
Dissatisfaction and disillusion possess him; the negative marks of his nascent intuition of another life, for which he is intended but which he has not yet found.
Martin and Davenport have so often boasted that no one outside their firm can perform their tricks that I have come here to-night resolved to disillusion them.
With the perception of this, there came upon her another disillusion In classing the Spences with people who were not "religious," she had understood them as lax in the observance of duties which at all events they recognized as such.
Disillusion had come to her only in the form of beneficent wisdom; no dolorous dead leaves rustled about her feet and clogged her walk.
This disillusion gave a shock to her self-respect; she suffered from a sense of shame; with difficulty she subdued resentment and impulses yet more rebellious.
It would be a disillusion which would haunt me all my life.
I mention the French driver and his coat because, in spite of what I have said about the disillusion of approaching a great city by air, yet aerial travelling does at least accentuate a change of country.
A Canadian orphan's passion for a beautiful schoolmate ends in disillusion when the older girl, Tammy, tries to force Nicola into a distasteful affair with a boy, the better to deceive her mother about a similar affair of her own.
A man makes the most important decision of his life on the rebound of disillusionafter discovering that a woman who risked her life to save him is a lesbian.