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Example sentences for "communions"

Lexicographically close words:
communicators; communing; communings; communion; communione; communique; communiquer; communiques; communis; communism
  1. The Relief Church eventually became one of the communions combining to form the United Presbyterian Church.

  2. We learn, in the outset, that the negotiation for the union of the Protestant communions with the Holy See was far more important than is commonly thought, and was continued for a much longer time.

  3. The theological writings of Leibnitz consist almost exclusively in his correspondence, and are parts of the negotiation for the reunion of the different Christian communions of which, for a brief time, he was the medium.

  4. When other non-national communions were passed over, the number of the catholics, and their subordination to a governing body, were the reasons assigned for their special countenance.

  5. The dispute of the prelates of the Anglican and catholic communions is an interesting exception.

  6. All communions insist on the same privilege; and when the church of Rome denounced the Protestants as heretics, like Coriolanus going into exile, they returned the sentence against her who gave it.

  7. Dryden is therefore well authorised to say, that both communions were aimed at by that cabal, which pushed on the investigation of the supposed plot.

  8. An extraordinary pamphlet, already quoted, recommends such an union, founded upon the mutual attachment of both communions to King James, upon their success in resisting the Bill of Exclusion, and their common hatred of the dissenters.

  9. Such a reconnoissance conducted necessarily to the indubitable conclusion that none of those communions had the marks of the true Church upon it, and that these were realized only in the Church in communion with the Pope.

  10. The Church of England and the dissenting communions all alike appeared to me to be upon the same level.

  11. She began by saying one Hail Mary daily for the intention; and since she had been older, she had said many novenas, and offered many communions for it.

  12. There are men, in all churches, and there are some whole communions whose creeds are the most orthodox, and also utterly useless, and as near as possible nonentities, simply because the creed is accepted and shelved.

  13. There is a great deal said to-day about the reunion of Christendom, by which is meant the destruction of existing communions and the formation of a wider one.

  14. Boissarie informed me, in round numbers, one million Communions were made, sixty thousand Masses were said, with two thousand Communions at each midnight Mass.

  15. The average number of Communions every day throughout the year in Lourdes is, I am told, four thousand.

  16. If wine were sent them, it was reserved for the communions or for the sick.

  17. An inward "experience of religion," which in some other communions was regarded as essential to the character of a minister of the gospel, was not demanded.

  18. The Catholic, Presbyterian, Orthodox Congregationalist communions were more suited to the new population than the Unitarian was.

  19. Ce n'est pas par ses propres moyens que le Sultan a reussi a expulser son vassal rebelle de cette contree, berceau du christianisme et cher a toutes les communions de la grande Eglise chretienne.

  20. This Catholicity, or universality, is not to be found in any, or in all, of the combined communions separated from the Roman Catholic Church.

  21. None of the Christian Communions outside the Catholic Church can have any reasonable claim to Perpetuity, since, as we have seen in the preceding chapter, they are all(104) of recent origin.

  22. The absence from the Protestant communions of a Divinely appointed, visible Head is to them an endless source of weakness and dissension.

  23. The representatives of the different religious communions hoped to effect a reunion.

  24. But in case of Communion, since the separate Communions are parts of the one Eucharistic banquet, there is but one sin, mortal or venial, according to the view taken of an administration that is not also performance of a Sacrament.

  25. If in our communions we seem to receive, instead of torrents, scarce a small portion of heavenly grace, the reason is, because our hearts are too narrow.

  26. From this time his communions were accompanied with overflowing sweetness and consolations, and with raptures of divine joy and love.

  27. The more conservative communions neither accept nor teach the results of the higher criticism, and so it reaches the body of their communicants only as rumour and a half-understood menace to the truth.

  28. Those members of Christian communions which are attracted to Bahaism find in it a real hospitality to the inherited faith they take over.

  29. Livingston, Blair and others, were settled among the Scots in the north of Ireland, where they were remarkably owned of the Lord in their ministry and communions about the six-mile water, for reviving religion and the power and practice of it.

  30. The Lord's marvellous assistance at the two communions of Cathcart and Dunlop, with the great enlargement I had at the last of these two places at the last table.

  31. Before discovering a single false doctrine, we meet, he says, a thousand prayers and disciplines and communions and pious sighs and devotions.

  32. In the country, quarterly communions had become the general rule.

  33. From the very beginning of the Reformation it had been a vexed question how far the cause of the Reformed Church of England could be identified with that of other communions which had cast off the yoke of Rome.

  34. Religious life was circulating but feebly in the Church and country generally; it had no surplus energy to spare for sisterly interest in other communions outside the national borders.

  35. It only, as orthodox and unschismatic, 'was entitled to have its communions and excommunications ratified in heaven.

  36. There was no party in the Church which did not highly value it; a section of High Churchmen reckoned it one of the essential notes of a true Church, and unchurched all communions that rejected it.

  37. Ursinus, willingly co-operated with the King in a scheme for uniting the two communions on a basis of mutual assimilation to the Church of England.

  38. I take it that, with this growing intermittence in the sight of her particular sins, her Confessions, though still practised, will have become less frequent, and her Holy Communions more so.

  39. And finally, her Communions produced effects direct and indirect, spiritual and psychical.

  40. He forgets that there were entire heretical communions of primitive Christians who spread this opinion, which was preserved in Syria and Arabia until Mahomet's time.

  41. The Anabaptists and some other communions out of the pale have thought that no one should be baptized without a thorough knowledge of the merits of the case.

  42. The Greeks re-baptize such of the Latins as pass from one of our Latin communions to the Greek communion.

  43. On the occasion of a celebrated festival, Catharine gave a grand dinner party to ecclesiastics of all communions at the palace.

  44. Rome and also all other communions have too often ignored.

  45. How many of you, for example, make your confessions and communions with the frequency and regularity that your theory about the sacraments implies?

  46. There must have been many wonderful first Communions in the early Church when those who had rejected Jesus in His humility came to receive Him glorified.

  47. I am more and more inclined to think that much of the fruitlessness of communions which is so sad a side of the life of the Church is due to careless reception and inadequate thanksgiving.

  48. These communions were very spiritual and solemn.

  49. And these were the people who had followed them into the wilderness, gathered about them in great Conventicles, enjoyed wonderful Communions under their ministry, and adventured their lives in their defence.

  50. He gave them at this time some remarkable Communions and memorable seasons of refreshing.

  51. We may receive an impression of the greatness of these occasions, from memorials yet to be seen on some of the sacred places where the Communions were held.

  52. How may we have the same rapturous joy at communions now?

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "communions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.