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Example sentences for "festivals"

Lexicographically close words:
festins; festis; festiuall; festival; festivall; festive; festivities; festivity; festliche; festo
  1. All took the oath to fight against the infidels; and it must have been surprising to see numerous defenders of the cross come forth from these warlike festivals that were so severely reprehended by the Church.

  2. Imagine what fine festivals were given at this wedding!

  3. She was charitable, and had festivals celebrated in the church; but no children.

  4. They disgraced the most solemn festivals by open profanations.

  5. The ordinances of religion became irksome, and it was remembered with bitterness that the Puritans, in the days of their ascendency, had cruelly proscribed the most favorite pleasures and time-honored festivals of old England.

  6. In the festivals of Ceres the modesty of her ears was assailed.

  7. During one of their recurrent festivals an entertainment was held at the home of Folco Portinari.

  8. In the conjunction were festivals that magnetized the stranger from afar.

  9. Such festivals are, from their very nature, anti-Cæsarean.

  10. MEDIÆVAL England was the home of merriment and the scene of all manner of family festivals and athletic rejoicings.

  11. Family gatherings and the old festivals authorized by religion did not meet with his approval.

  12. Clubs and associations kept up their emulation and skill, and charitable objects and public festivals afforded them the opportunity for that public display without which their zeal might have languished.

  13. At the feet of the Lar was placed the figure of a dog, to intimate vigilance; and special festivals were devoted to them in the month of May, when offerings of fruit were presented, and the images were crowned with flowers.

  14. He found that the order of the years and festivals repeat themselves after a cycle of two hundred and forty-seven years, and that the forms of the years can be arranged in fourteen tables.

  15. They continued to celebrate the Jewish festivals in their homes, and to disregard the holy-days instituted by the Church.

  16. The poetical compositions for the festivals were not yet in general use at this time, and Mar-Amram left the selection to the taste of the individual.

  17. They were not to be molested during their festivals by being whipped, and having stones thrown at them; and, lastly, their cemeteries were to be respected, and their dead were neither to be disinterred nor dishonored.

  18. And so it happened that the people of Khorasan observed the festivals in a manner different from that of the other Karaites.

  19. But all of the smart set went to the lawn-festivals of the Episcopal Church, and were reprovingly polite to outsiders.

  20. The fact that I might like a glimpse of old friends hasn't any particular relation to the question of whether Gopher Prairie oughtn't to have festivals and lamb chops.

  21. We do not find any very early regulations made to enforce the observation of festivals among Christians.

  22. Attendance at church on the principal festivals was made a subject of inquiry, about A.

  23. At festivals when nobles assemble, if two distinguished players match their skill, there is soon an excited, if decently silent, crowd around their table.

  24. On days before festivals everyone must close by 3 P.

  25. The above form the eight public yearly festivals of the Iroquois, but occasionally other dances are introduced.

  26. The annual public national and religious festivals are eight in number, with the occasional addition of those specially appointed.

  27. To this day yearly festivals are held in their honor, and they are appealed to as "Our life, our supporters.

  28. As the nucleus to the ceremonies observed at these festivals we find many of their ancient practices retained, such as dancing, games, the use of incense, &c.

  29. Although the Tuscaroras of western New York retain many of the old superstitions none of the national festivals are there observed, and hardly a trace now remains of their old religious customs.

  30. He was responsible for the superintendence of the priests of Amon in the numberless festivals held in honour of the gods, from which he could not absent himself except for some legitimate reason.

  31. Yearly festivals were celebrated before it, and it was consulted as an oracle by all the Israelites.

  32. Thus in 1577, in the diocese of Lyons, there were almost forty annual festivals of a compulsory character.

  33. On the whole subject of Jewish festivals see Reland, Antiq.

  34. By the concordat of 1802 the number of such festivals was for France reduced to four, namely, Christmas day, Ascension day, the Assumption of the Virgin, and All Saints day.

  35. The general tendency of this and the following centuries was largely to increase the festivals of the Church, and by legislation to make them more fixed and uniform.

  36. Two festivals called Faunalia were celebrated in honour of Faunus, one on the 13th of February in his temple on the island in the Tiber, the other in the country on the 5th of December (Ovid, Fasti, ii.

  37. The numerous yearly festivals of the later Christian church, when historically investigated, can be traced to very small beginnings.

  38. Ovid's Fasti is a poetical description of the Roman festivals of the first six months, written to illustrate the Fasti published by Julius Caesar after he remodelled the Roman year.

  39. Still more plainly connected with the revolutions of the seasons was the public worship of the ancient Peruvians, who, besides the ordinary feast at each new moon, observed four solar festivals annually.

  40. On what are such festivals as Christmas and Thanksgiving Day based?

  41. Mozart gave no parties at home, but his wife used to organise little musical performances on family festivals or to amuse her husband; few friends were present on such occasions, and Haydn's music was generally preferred by Mozart himself.

  42. Hence men who seek their own welfare should always honour women on holidays and festivals with gifts of ornaments, clothes, and dainty food.

  43. Footnote 46: Fowler, Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic, pp.

  44. An Egyptian god cannot be conceived without his house in which he lives, in which his festivals are solemnised, and which he never leaves except on professional days.

  45. The Pipiles of Guatemala celebrated every year two festivals which were accompanied by human sacrifices, the one in the beginning of the rainy season, the other in the beginning of the dry season.

  46. Fowler, Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic, p.

  47. Warde), The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic.

  48. And on great festivals powdered nutmeg was strewn in front of his hutch, an important feature of the offering being that the nutmeg had to be stolen.

  49. These festivals were of irregular occurrence, and were chiefly appointed to celebrate some passing event.

  50. Let no one on the festival of St. John or on any of the festivals join in the solstitia or dances or leaping or caraulas or diabolical songs.

  51. The ancient festivals of Yule and Eostra continued under another guise and polytheism still held its sway.

  52. At all the festivals Mary Beatrice was placed between Louis XIV.

  53. A number of festivals succeeded, and the king introduced his son formally to the assembled houses of parliament during the following week.

  54. The observance of public religious festivals has been common to all the chief religions of the world, both ancient and modern.

  55. The weekly Sabbath, first of all, was the seventh day; the length of the great festivals of unleavened bread and of tabernacles was also, in each case, seven days.

  56. Beyond this series of sacred festivals recurring annually, in chap.

  57. Fêtes and festivals shall greet him; he shall have every reverence and every joy.

  58. What the sword spares, famine and pestilence will slay, and an expedition begun with festivals and successes will end in disaster and tears.

  59. I will change your festivals into lamentation, and all your songs into mourning, and will bring sackcloth about your loins.

  60. It requires that all slaves should participate, not only in the rest of the Sabbath, but in the enjoyment of the festivals of harvest and vintage.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "festivals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.