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Example sentences for "sleeves"

Lexicographically close words:
sleet; sleety; sleeve; sleeved; sleeveless; sleigh; sleighbells; sleighing; sleighride; sleighs
  1. She had her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, and her arms and hands were still moist with water which she had but imperfectly wiped away.

  2. That young man put away hat and stick, had his coat off, and was rolling back his shirt sleeves for a wash, humming the refrain of Kentucky Babe.

  3. He was a picturesque figure dressed in a long coat of green silk of Chinese shape, with large sleeves turned up, showing his arms up to the elbow.

  4. The children and everyone in the house, including the maid from the kitchen, with rolled-up sleeves and wet hands, encircled Beile as she read aloud.

  5. She had nothing on her head, her sleeves were tucked up, she held a ladle in her hand, and she was chewing something or other.

  6. Mantelot of grey cachmere, the sleeves à la Maintenon; the edges are all scalloped and trimmed with braid.

  7. The mere thought of the Bishop in his lawn sleeves seemed unreal out there in the sunshine.

  8. This is my last coat but one, and the sleeves of it are damp.

  9. And is not a man in lawn sleeves a disturbing element in a remote Highland glen, where half the people are rigid Presbyterians?

  10. Roger waved his arms, which were too long for the sleeves of his coat, and from his mouthings it was evident that he was shouting back, but the wind took it all.

  11. None of our party wore any upper clothing except a flannel shirt; I had cut off the sleeves of mine at the elbow.

  12. She laid the bertha across her shoulders and ran to a mirror, laughing at the effect of the costly lace over the striped gingham; she pushed the sleeves of her dress up to her elbows and slipped the lace sleeves over her bare, slender arms.

  13. Mary opened her eyes and started up with an exclamation of self-reproach at the sight of John in his shirt sleeves and the realization that she had slept all through the minister's sermon.

  14. Then from the scented darkness of the treasure box she drew out a bertha and sleeves of filmy lace and laid them on the silk.

  15. Certain important-appearing trainmen, with sleeves rolled to the elbows, hastily throwing open the door of the baggage-car, seemed to take the hint.

  16. The glossy haired one was putting links in the sleeves of a shirt.

  17. It fitted him to a charm, save for the almost negligible fact that the sleeves came down nearly to his knuckles.

  18. With my new strength, and because her weight was not on my arm, I climbed higher than usual; and then the noise of chopping drew me on to the upper edge of the forest, where I found Brother Polifilo with his sleeves rolled, hacking at a tree.

  19. They rush on him and bind him with strings of sausages (will the Donna Julia oblige by tucking up her sleeves and fetching the sausages from the back kitchen, with a brazier?

  20. Over the elegant suit was his winter overcoat, making him bulky, and round what may be called the rim of the overcoat was a white woollen scarf, and the sleeves of the overcoat were finished off with white woollen gloves.

  21. When the bride saw Captain Murderer produce the golden rolling-pin and silver pie-board, she remembered this, and turned up her laced-silk sleeves to make a pie.

  22. The scratched arm was bandaged, and the torn sleeves adjusted as well as could be.

  23. He stood holding her arm--her arm whence the sleeves had been ripped, and the young man was gazing with fascinated eyes at a peculiar star-shaped mark in deep red imprinted on the white flesh.

  24. He threw his arms upward, shook his head with hopeless gesture, then buried his face in the sleeves of his rough campaign overcoat and strode blindly from their midst.

  25. I have a black one with lace sleeves and heliotrope chiffon, if that will do--it was made in Paris.

  26. Over at Mr. Fox's house the feathers were flying, and at the Hollow Tree Mr. Crow had his sleeves rolled up, baking all day long.

  27. He had his sleeves rolled up and an apron on, and the way he was flying around and getting ready was a caution.

  28. You might knit forever and your sleeves would not be 'bound off,' if you do nothing but put your worsted over.

  29. Rose glanced up at her teacher with a bright smile, and went skipping off, ready for fun and frolic, now that those troublesome sleeves were finished.

  30. Your sleeves are very pretty, and I know your mother will be glad her daughter took so much pains to please her.

  31. I think these sleeves are a perfect nuisance.

  32. Now he had on a bright red flannel shirt--his tastes in costume seemed a trifle lurid--the sleeves of which were turned up above the elbows.

  33. A second and louder one brought a fat, red-faced woman with rolled-up sleeves and a dish-towel in hand, to answer the summons.

  34. A boiler of clothes was on the fire, and May had her sleeves rolled up, ready to begin the wash.

  35. We had many a good talk, sitting on the dusty stone steps in our shirt sleeves late summer nights, when it was too hot to sleep.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sleeves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.