Let bigots rear a gloomy fane, Let superstition hail the pile, Let priests, to spread their sable reign, With tales of mystic rites beguile.
Redeeming worlds to be by bigots shaken, How was thy toil rewarded?
And the bigots outside the Christian ministry and church must share the same condemnation with any who, professing freedom, have yet forgotten the injunction of the Bible and the Christ.
From genuine bigots they have no right to expect mercy.
None have done more to perpetuate error than these time serving 'men of the world,' for instead of boldly attacking it, they preserve a prudent silence which bigots do not fail to interpret as consent.
The reputation bigots have created for him fades away, even as the creeds for which they raved and lied fade away; but distinct and luminous, there remains the noble character of Thomas Paine created by himself.
Religious bigots have done all in their power to defame his character and rob him of the laurels with which we crown him to-day.
As the Russian bigot was haunted by the statue of Voltaire, so the bigots of our day and country are haunted by the memory of Paine.
Russia furnishes a fitting parallel to what the bigots of our time are now experiencing.
In Springfield, where he lived, Lincoln's rejection of Christianity was known to every person and while he was very popular and greatly beloved by all who were not dominated by their religious prejudices, the bigots always opposed him.
His tirade of abuse is seemingly for the sole purpose of securing for his books the endorsement of the clerical bigots who dominate our schools and colleges.
But the aversion to the marriage with Philip, and dread of falling under the yoke of Spain, was common to both religions, with the exception of a few mere bigots to the church of Rome.
Bigots and fanatics have existed, such as Nasooh Pacha, but they were and are regarded by all true Moslems as little better than heretics and infidels.
Happily for the Christians the opposition offered was strong enough to delay the carrying out of the plan the turbulent bigots had formed.
We are told that the bigots are growing old and fast wearing out.
By fools knaves fatten; by bigots priests are well clothed; every knave finds a gull.
Persecuting bigots may be compared to those burning lenses which Lenhenhoeck and others composed from ice; by their chilling apathy they freeze the suppliant; by their fiery zeal they burn the sufferer.
The bigots raised a cry against him as though he had by his assertion disowned Judaism.
The bigots of Montpellier well-nigh kindled the fire of discord in Jacob.
A friendly connection was formed between Jewish masters and Christian pupils, to the intense vexation of bigots on both sides; and many prejudices died out by these means.
Of Samuel Ibn-Tibbon, the translator of Maimuni's works, and propagator of his theories, the austere bigots had not a good word to say.
But it was inevitable that, in deriding the bigots and the papacy, the whole tyranny of the hierarchy and the church should be laid bare.
The bigots of Toulouse started the story that his parents had killed him to prevent his becoming a Catholic.
All the theological disputes excited his laughter, the creeds his pity, and the conduct of bigots his contempt.
Sacheverell and the bigots of his party in 1709 lashed themselves into fury at the very thought that comprehension could be advocated.
In 1768, 'We are, in truth, so far from being enemies to the Church that we are rather bigots to it.
But reformers are compelled to legislate fast, just because bigotswill not legislate early.
Reformers are compelled to legislate in times of excitement, because bigots will not legislate in times of tranquillity.
Irish Unionists who refused to believe these assurances were denounced by Nationalists as bigots and humbugs.
The Irish Unionist members, knowing quite well how it would be worked, opposed the clause; and as usual were denounced as bigots and fanatics.
Bigots of all denominations will laugh at the idea of such a transfer being seriously considered.
Hearing of his widespread fame, a few sectarian bigots went to his court to test his Yoga-power.
No, sir; Judas I honour and love, but these bigots who give a man no peace I cannot away with.
We Greeks are not such bigots as you are, cursing every man, woman, or child that does not go exactly in our own way; but you must treat us and our belongings with respect.
Gentlemen, the supporters of the established religion in the days of the Apostles, pursued the same course that the bigots of the present day are pursuing.
Nor let me suffer that outrageous zeal Which, without knowledge, furious bigots feel, Fair in pretence, though at the heart unsound, These separate points at random to confound.
Whilst with mistaken zeal dull bigots burn, Let Reason for a moment take her turn.
In especial, would it not have given these bigots some trouble to determine by which of their two roads was reached the most momentous and sublime of all their truths--the truth--the fact of gravitation?
Political partisans and religious bigots may condemn the work, but impartial critics are almost unanimous in their praise of it.
It seemed likely that Catholic bigots would have to give up persecuting, and Protestant bigots to acquiesce in the official establishment of the old religion.
None have done more to perpetrate error than these time-serving 'men of the world,' for instead of boldly attacking it, they preserve a prudent silence which bigotsdo not fail to interpret as consent.
Three weeks afterwards the bigots convened a ticket meeting at Exeter Hall.
Such a lesson was taught the bigots that they never made another attempt.
He had fought all the bigots face to face, and held them all at bay; so they put a stiletto into Sir Hardinge Giffard's hands, and paid him his blood-money to attack the hero from behind.
Mr. Bradlaugh had trusty lieutenants and stern supporters, and the bigots knew he would spoil every private meeting that professed to be public.
At the close of the same year, however, Punch castigates sectarian bigots with equal vigour.
Troops had just been despatched to hunt and scatter the Protestants of the desert, and bigots exulted in the thought of pastors swinging on gibbets, and heretical congregations fleeing for their lives before the fire of orthodox musketry.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bigots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.