On the working side the life of the family has an evil record for pettiness and monotony, but much of this is due to wrong comparisons.
Experience in selecting candidates for public office would also do much to broaden women's judgments of life, and would help to break down the pettiness which sometimes characterizes their personal relations.
And should the last word of all this be wretched, it will be no little achievement to have laid bare the inanity and the pettiness of the aim of nature.
A lark, which seemed mingled with the stars, was carolling at a prodigious height, and one would have declared that that hymn ofpettiness calmed immensity.
The meanness and pettiness of this last insult cut her to the quick, and she resented it with the pride and energy natural to her character.
Besides, it was unworthy of her to betray such pettiness and spoil Cassie's dance.
Such pettiness restricts a miracle Wrought by the Great Physician, who hears prayer, Visibly seated in your mother-lap!
Forgive us for the sins which crowd into the mind as we realise Thy presence; our ungovernable tempers, our shuffling insincerities, the craven fear of our hearts, the pettiness of our spirits, the foul lusts and fatal leanings of our souls.
With fatal pettiness religious men have reduced the great faiths to technicalities and some beliefs called religious a man may hold or not, with utter indifference to anything he is or does.
The romantic and adventurous character of Gustavus is still the greatness of a restless and struggling soul in the pettiness of its destiny.
They have gained that largeness of vision and of understanding which perceives the pettiness of everyday affairs and which disregards them for greater things.
The books of politeness, though descended from Castiglione, depart with Chesterfield, perhaps from some pettiness that had turned courtesy into etiquette; and parody retires with Buckingham.
Once stirred, the littlepettiness of Bridnorth folk charred all like shavings from the plane at touch of her.
With persistent effort of will, she knew she could make blind her vision of that scene in the manger at Bethlehem which the Vicar in his ignorance and the pettiness of his apprehensions had conjured forth so clearly in her sight.
No longer was she the Jane who, with her sharp tongue, had often made them laugh, who, with her shrewd criticisms had often shown them their little weaknesses and the pettinessof their thoughts.
Strangely enough, in the grand surroundings, too much of the Northern pettiness came to the surface in them.
By showing the pettiness of his attitude toward the heathen the author sought to broaden the vision and quicken the conscience of his fellow-Jews.
We hold it dear Too dear for pettiness an' meanness, An' nasty tales of men's uncleanness.
But his maturity and later years saw the growth of a purified and enlightened spirit of culture which raised Greek thought above local pettiness and prepared for the day of alliance with Roman enterprise.
The gross lusts of the flesh, the commonness which is in all of us, the pettiness of spirit, disappear in these profitable afflictions.
It was an unwelcome thought that Bertram could be influenced by vain notions, and she upbraided herself for the pettiness of the suspicion.
It was Miss Aldclyffe's turn to start now; and the remark she made was an instance of that sudden change of tone from high-flown invective to the pettiness of curiosity which so often makes women's quarrels ridiculous.
The place felt like home to her now; she did not mind the pettiness of her occupation, because Edward evidently did not mind it; and this was Edward's own spot.
The whole incident throws a curious light on the pettiness of the Ferrarese Court, a characteristic in which it was, however, not peculiar.
Law, no doubt, has given him a good training, but the pettiness of most of the business can hardly be exaggerated; and he hardly feels inclined to make it the great aim of his life.
We complain about pettiness and smallness of soul in our own surroundings; do not imagine for a moment that we think that in Holland we shall not find pettiness too.