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Example sentences for "extremism"

Lexicographically close words:
extremely; extremer; extremes; extremest; extremis; extremist; extremists; extremitie; extremities; extremity
  1. CUSA loathes extremism of the right, typified by the American Nazi Party, as much as it does the extremism of the left, exemplified by the Communist Party in the U.

  2. I just said that there was a lot of extremism both in Dallas and in the Nation as a whole, and in an attitude of extremism a warped mind can flourish much better than in a more stable atmosphere.

  3. We will work to undermine the ideological underpinnings of violent Islamic extremism and gain the support of non-violent Muslims around the world.

  4. It is from this enthusiasm and extremism that there sounds one of the key-notes of woman's nature--her loyalty.

  5. Extremism is always a mark of enthusiasm, and enthusiasm accomplishes effects which must have been left forever unattained by mere regulated and conscientious effort.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extremism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; bigotry; conversion; exaggeration; exorbitance; extravagance; extreme; extremism; extremity; fanaticism; gluttony; hyperbole; hypertrophy; incontinence; intemperance; nihilism; overgrowth; overmuch; radicalism; reform; reformation; regeneration; revolution; sedition; syndicalism; transformation; unreasonableness; zealotry