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Example sentences for "riflemen"

Lexicographically close words:
riffraff; rifier; rifle; rifled; rifleman; rifles; rifling; riform; rift; rifted
  1. A plan was agreed upon for an entirely new organization of the army, which provided for the enlistment of twenty-six regiments of eight companies each, besides riflemen and artillery.

  2. The riflemen were commanded by Captain Daniel Morgan, the renowned partisan leader in subsequent years of the war.

  3. No time was * Morgan's riflemen wore linen frocks, their common uniform.

  4. Eleven hundred hardy men were detached for the service from the army, consisting of ten companies of musketeers from New England and three companies of riflemen from Virginia and Pennsylvania.

  5. To-la-go-to-de knew that Captain Skinner was exactly right, and that the Lipans would be in no condition for a battle with the band of Many Bears after one with so desperate a lot of riflemen as those miners.

  6. Whipping sixty Lipans was one thing; attacking them with a strong force of pale-face riflemen to help them was quite another.

  7. When they were not more than fifty yards away from the first wall, I shouted an order to my riflemen to fire, aiming low, and set the example by loosing both barrels of an elephant gun at the thickest of the mob.

  8. Nor would I allow my riflemen to fire, as the result must have been many misses and a great waste of ammunition which ere long would be badly wanted.

  9. Meanwhile I and my riflemen rained bullets on them from certain positions which we had selected beforehand, until at length our ammunition began to run low.

  10. Grim old Andrew Lewis lit his pipe and studied the field while his riflemen and sharp-shooters braced themselves behind the white-armed sycamores.

  11. Some Spanish riflemen were coming out of the intrenchments and he killed one with his revolver.

  12. It was he who first talked over with me the raising of a regiment of horse riflemen from among the ranchmen and cowboys of the plains.

  13. John Hillyard Cameron and a detail of riflemen from the St. Catharines Battery of Artillery.

  14. But the Canadian riflemen having discovered his presence there, directed their fire upon him, and Mr. Richards ordered O'Neil to leave his residence, which was getting seriously damaged by bullets.

  15. These riflemen were carefully marked by the Canadian skirmishers, and searched for by a shower of bullets whenever a shot was fired.

  16. Our doubts were resolved when Congress authorized the raising of three cavalry regiments from among the wild riders and riflemen of the Rockies and the Great Plains.

  17. One of my riflemen who did best at this kind of work, by the way, got into trouble because of it.

  18. Heading the tireless riflemen of his command, Valois throws himself in desperation on the Union lines at Chickamauga.

  19. On some worthy field, he would lead the dauntless riflemen of Louisiana into the crater of death.

  20. Indians, even the bravest, don't like to rush riflemen that are ez good ez a batt'ry.

  21. The head of it also suffered severe loss from riflemen concealed in Kew Gardens, and the whole force had to extend and fall back for some distance in a northerly direction.

  22. A battalion of the Brunswick Infantry with some riflemen of the Guard took several houses by rush in Chalk Farm Road; but in many cases the Germans were shot by their own comrades.

  23. More than once a high explosive shell burst right among the crowd of riflemen behind a barricade, sweeping dozens into eternity in a single instant.

  24. This withdrawal was skilfully executed, the move of the riflemen down Boyne Trench being covered by Lewis guns in Bedford Row.

  25. The Germans were holding the opposite bank, a very steep bluff, with a battalion of riflemen and eight machine guns.

  26. By now our infantry had forced the German riflemen back, and we had orders for a general advance.

  27. Now the advantage gained by the passage of Kempt's brigade became manifest, for the riflemen of his division advanced and took the French advanced cavalry and artillery in flank.

  28. On the 6th Morgan and his riflemen attempted to draw the enemy from his trenches but were unsuccessful; the cannonade was opened on the fort on the morning of the 7th and was continued until the 13th.

  29. These were met so gallantly by Morgan and his riflemen that they were compelled to return.

  30. If General Morgan had ever been enabled to develope his plan of organization as he wished, he would have made his division of mounted riflemen a miniature army.

  31. The British advance had been marked by more than the usual destruction of war; the Loyalists rose to arms; the whig population scattered and without much organization formed groups of riflemen and mounted troopers to harass the enemy.

  32. North Carolina line, by bands of riflemen under Colonels Isaac Shelby, James Williams, William Campbell and others, and after a desperate fight on the wooded and rocky slopes, surrendered.

  33. Sabbath evening there was a warm fire from Prospect Hill and Bunker's Hill, begun first by the riflemen taking off their guard.

  34. They have voted ten companies of riflemen to be sent from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, to join the army before Boston.

  35. Private JACOB HAAS served in Captain George Dinckey's Company, 18th Section of Riflemen from Pennsylvania.

  36. First Lieutenant ISAAC MERTZ served in Captain Middleswarth's Company, Battalion of Riflemen from Pennsylvania.

  37. The hardy riflemen were quick to respond to a real leader of men.

  38. Captain Spencer's company, of mounted riflemen composed the right flank of the army.

  39. Under the walls of the fort were a detachment of ninety riflemen and fifty dragoons under the command of Major McMahon, who had escorted a train of packhorses from Fort Greenville on the day before, and who were now about to return.

  40. If the regulars have been valorous, the mounted riflemen of Harrison County have been brilliant.

  41. Under him are the companies of Baen, Snelling and Prescott, and a small company of United States riflemen armed with muskets.

  42. With deadly and terrible aim the riflemen empty the boats to the last man.

  43. Back of these riflemen are two troops of dragoons under Major Joseph Hamilton Daviess, and in the rear of the front lines are the Light Dragoons of Vincennes, led by Captain Benjamin Parke.

  44. Warrick's company is in the southwestern corner of the camp, and next to the mounted riflemen under Spencer.

  45. The end was Tippecanoe, and the eternal enmity of the hunters and riflemen of southern Indiana and Kentucky who followed General Harrison on that day.

  46. The left flank is filled up by two companies of mounted riflemen under the command of Major-General Samuel Wells, of the Kentucky militia, acting as major.

  47. The Indians were now caught between Hall's battalion on the west and McMullen's riflemen and Fontaine's cavalry on the east.

  48. To inspire emulation, the riflemen and the infantry strove to excel, and the men soon attained to an accuracy that gave them confidence in their own prowess.

  49. Bara Miyan beckoned, and with a command brought six riflemen from their horses.

  50. Then bring six of thy best riflemen and station them a dozen paces from me," the Master challenged.

  51. Wellington sent a detachment of riflemen to drive away some French troops occupying the top of a hill near Bayonne, and as they approached the enemy he ordered them to fire.

  52. Our riflemen were firing at individual askaris (were they all askaris, and not unhappy villagers?

  53. I edged out of the way of the Indian riflemen who were sorting themselves, making ready for action.

  54. Evidently they dreaded to test the marksmanship of such riflemen as they knew most border men to be.

  55. Beverley submitted to Clark's plan with what patience he could, and all night long fired shot for shot with the best riflemen in his squad.

  56. By nine o'clock the fort was completely surrounded, and from every direction the riflemen and musketeers were pouring in volley after volley.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riflemen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.