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Example sentences for "batteau"

Lexicographically close words:
battalia; battalion; battalions; battallion; batte; batteaus; batteaux; batted; battell; battels
  1. Behind her dragged a batteau carrying her powder, while her magazine was being finished.

  2. The next morning at sunrise one batteau was missing, but the other eighteen entered the Salmon River, over twenty miles from Oswego.

  3. With much difficulty the clumsy batteau was swung around and the journey shoreward began.

  4. It did not take the batteau long to reach the north shore of the lake, and as soon as the craft grounded all leaped out.

  5. Then came a gust that whirled the batteau around in spite of all the rowers could do to keep the craft up to the wind.

  6. At length another flash of lightning showed him that one batteau had gone down and also showed him the sailor-soldier struggling near him.

  7. On they went, the wind blowing the waves into the batteau until the craft was speedily in danger of becoming waterlogged.

  8. It was truly an imposing sight, for the leading batteau was flying the flag of England, and other banners were by no means lacking.

  9. Several soldiers who had been taken sick on the march to Oswego had been left behind, but now others were overcome by the heat and the glare of the sun on the water, and one batteau had to be turned into a floating hospital.

  10. Then the batteau began to settle and in a moment more Dave found himself struggling in the waters of Lake Ontario.

  11. Sold the old batteau for $100 in merchandise, which I conceived infinitely preferable to leaving her to the uncertain safeguard of the Indians.

  12. They sometimes tear a batteau to pieces for the sake of the tar with which it is besmeared.

  13. Anxious to avoid the delay, as well as the labor, of the portage here, our boatmen went forward first to reconnoitre, and concluded to let the batteau down the falls, carrying the baggage only over the portage.

  14. Having carried round Pockwockomus Falls, our oars soon brought us to the Katepskonegan, or Oak Hall carry, where we decided to camp half-way over, leaving our batteau to be carried over in the morning on fresh shoulders.

  15. While the batteau was coming over to take us off, I picked up some fragments of arrowheads on the shore, and one broken stone chisel, which were greater novelties to the Indians than to me.

  16. I saw them load a batteau at the Moosehead Carry, the next Tuesday, with about thirteen hundredweight of bar iron for this shop.

  17. By two o'clock we, who had walked on before, reached the river above the falls, not far from the outlet of Quakish Lake, and waited for the batteau to come up.

  18. The carry around Pockwockomus Falls was exceedingly rough and rocky, the batteau having to be lifted directly from the water up four or five feet on to a rock, and launched again down a similar bank.

  19. It was requested that a batteau which Melendez had brought along shore with his provisions, and which was now safely moored beside the eastern banks, might be sent to bring them over.

  20. Something of the solicitude of owners for their slaves may be seen from the request of Governor Bennett himself in behalf of Batteau Bennett.

  21. To these names must be added that of Batteau Bennett, who was only eighteen years old and who brought to the plan all the ardor and devotion of youth.

  22. The batteau was too cumbrous for use toward the head waters of the Missouri, and it was to be sent back to St. Louis.

  23. The expedition was embarked on board a batteau and two periogues.

  24. The Durham boat, a batteau on a larger scale with false keel, had yet to be introduced.

  25. Shortly after his arrival six men, influenced by an artificer, stole a military batteau and started across the lake to Niagara.

  26. By midnight Brock, with his trusty sergeant-major and the ever-watchful Dobson, in another batteau with twelve men, passed out of the western gap in hot pursuit of the defaulters.

  27. As the batteau drifted around the point, Monkey Rae, who had been the first to get aboard and conceal himself, rose, and putting his fingers to his nose, shouted back some insulting epithets.

  28. Then, with the steamer's boat in tow the batteau was taken back into the mouth of the creek and securely anchored to the bank to be called for by Colonel Snow's men the following fall.

  29. Before placing in the batteau the coffin containing the body of the deceased, it is lawful for each one present to accuse him.

  30. A batteau approaches the shore, carrying those who have charge of this ceremony, and in which is a sailor, whom the Egyptians name in their language Charon.

  31. The corporal of the guard was called, to whom they also gave the order for the use of the batteau and men to row them over.

  32. The batteau had no sooner touched the shore than those in the bow sprang out and pulled the boat partially onto the gravelly beach.

  33. Peak as they beached the batteau and sprang ashore, "I see you have the boat.

  34. They had hardly taken their positions, when the faint sound of oars came to their ears and a couple of minutes later a good-sized batteau came into sight through the darkness.

  35. There was naught to cross in except a broken, leaky little batteau that was found in a cellar.

  36. At last, making my thanks and farewell, I started back, only to find my man at the river's edge almost frozen and the batteau sunk out of sight with darkness on us!

  37. A small batteau lay close to where Ormiston stood; in two seconds he had sprang in, shoved it off, and was rowing vigorously toward that snow wreath in the inky river.

  38. Before she could be properly established on the cushioned seats, the batteau was alongside, and Ormiston turned a very white and excited face toward the Earl of Rochester.

  39. The barge or batteau was the freight craft and could be loaded with any burden the stage of water permitted.

  40. In the earliest days the primitive light canoe, the unwieldy pirogue, and the heavy batteau were the common means of navigation on the Ohio.

  41. The batteau or barge has its direct descendant in the wooden and magnificent steel barges in which thousands of tons of coal and ore are transported yearly up and down the Ohio.

  42. The keel-boat was the only craft of burden that could ascend many of our streams to the carrying-place; they were also less unwieldy to carry than the old batteau which was used also in the portage carrying-trade.

  43. The batteau form was more or less adopted by later barges; but the ordinary early barge was much the shape of the present-day coal barge.

  44. He had been gone from Vincennes several months when the batteau arrived, having been recalled to Detroit by the British authorities; and he never returned.

  45. Meantime certain citizens, who had been in close relations with Governor Abbott during his stay, quietly slipped out of town, manned a batteau and went up the river, probably to Ouiatenon first and then to Detroit.

  46. In fact his promptness must have been admirable, for the savage grunted approval and straightway conducted him to Hamilton's headquarters on a batteau in the river.

  47. We happened to pass the bridge as a batteau was coming up to a store at the end of it, to discharge its cargo.

  48. The water was so shoal that the batteau grounded before it could be brought to its proper place.

  49. Instances of rudeness and profanity are to be met with in almost every place, but the people engaged in unloading the batteau were much more extravagantly and unnecessarily profane than is common.

  50. A more favourite resort of Alexander's was Batteau Street, under whose great elms he formed the habit of strolling and muttering his lessons, to the concern of the passer-by.

  51. That respectable Albany gentleman seemed to feel it his duty to write me by every batteau and inquire concerning my health, happiness, and pleasure, and if I lacked anything on earth to please me.

  52. I left the batteau where it touched at Towanda Creek, and hid in the woods and dressed me in the Oneida dress you gave me.

  53. And now batteau after batteau swung out into the stream, and all in line dropped slowly down the river, pole and paddle flashing, kerchiefs fluttering.

  54. Miss Helmer went on the lake in a batteau with Mr. Boyd.

  55. Our batteau is waiting," she said quietly.

  56. While he was speaking, I kept my eye on the slow batteau which led.

  57. As soon as we understood that they had not been ordered into the Indian country we packed our boxes and came up by batteau last night.

  58. By one of the escort, a drummer lad, I sent a letter directed to Lois, hoping it might be relayed to Otsego and from thence by batteau to Albany.

  59. In the evening he went to the dam which had been cut there to give a passage for the pirogues; and by sinking a batteau in the gap, and stopping the water with sods and paddles, he raised the water.

  60. Forts Six miles from Each is good Batteau Navigation & a fine Landing place on the west side covered by an Island.

  61. The news that Congress, on June 14, had adopted the flag had just reached the inland portage fortress by a batteau from down the Mohawk.

  62. Waal, Major Littlepage, I'll put faith in you, and will look for the batteau at the place you've mentioned.

  63. I remember to have seen a batteau of some size in the stream below the mill; can you tell me whether it remains there or not?

  64. The crew of the batteau was then transferred to the schooner and her prize--the same armed sloop Nathan so well remembered seeing when she brought supplies to the Fort he had just borne a part in surprising.

  65. While amid loud rejoicings the story of her bloodless capture was told, they went merrily bowling homeward with the clumsy batteau surging along in tow at such speed as she had never known before.

  66. No order was observed in this melancholy procession, each batteau moving off as her load was completed.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "batteau" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.