The main party moved to the left eventually, followed by other parties, and lost direction.
The two scouts who had reconnoitred the gaps and knew the ground well were sick four days before the raid took place.
And when by the space of many yeares he had ledde a vertuous and godly life, he died an honourable death in the warres which the Athenians had with theyr neighbours, at the battaile of Eleusina.
Cyrus after the battaile and victorie, had against Cræsus, called diuerse of his men vnto him, and demaunded if they sawe Abradatas.
Fire answers fire, and through their paly flames Each Battaile sees the others vmber'd face.
Gods will, my Liege, would you and I alone, Without more helpe, could fight this Royall battaile King.
The King himselfe is rode to view theirBattaile West.
The summe of all our Answer is but this: We would not seeke a Battaile as we are, Nor as we are, we say we will not shun it: So tell your Master Mount.
The battaile Nano in this troubled minde, Is farre more fierce then euer we may finde.
Away with the Lords troupes about my tent, Let all our souldiers stand in battaile ray, For lo the English to their parley come.
Xerxes hymself would be laste in battaile to fight, and the firste to retire, and runne awaie.
Xerxes had a mightie power, but Xerxes was a cowarde, in harte a childe, all in feare the stroke of battaile moued.
So that by no meanes it can followe, these thynges to bee true, of the battaile of Troie.
What victories thei haue in battaile obteined, how diuers nacions haue sought their amitée and [Sidenote: Fraunce and Scotlande vpholded by y^e gouernors of this lande.
It was the ladies pleasure To give him gold and treasure, And to maintaine him in great pomp and fame; At last came newes assuredly Of a battaile fought in Barbary, 65 And he would valiantly go see the same.
Bloody was this slaughter, Or rather wilfull murther, Where six score thousand fighting men were slain; Three kings within this battaile died, 100 With forty dukes and earles beside, The like will never more be fought again.
Many a noble gallant Sold both land and talent To follow Stukely in this famous fight; Whereas three kings in person would 70 Adventurously, with courage bould, Within the battaile shew themselves in sight.
Shee ledd upp her souldiers in battaile array, Gainst three times theyr number by breake of the daye; Seven howers in skirmish continued shee: Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Ambree?
And in the tyme of his Esquierhood was at the Battaile of Shrewsbury and at the Journey of Husks wyth the Lord Grey at the discomfiture and taking of Owenson.
And after with my Lord of Excester at the Battaile of Vallemont, and of Quies de Caux.
And also the sayd Radeclyff was at the Battaile of Assincouert, and hath contynowed and exercysed the Armys the Space of xxviij Wynters unreproched.
How well we see The Battaile labour’d worthy him, and thee, Where, wee may Death discouer with delight, And entertaine a pleasure from a fight.
Note c: An expressiõ of King Harolds death, slaine with an Arrow in the head, at the Battaile of Hastings, fighting against the Conqueror.
Stanza 18: King Iohn of France and Philip his Son taken by the Black Prince at the Battaile of Poyteers, brought Prisoners to England.
Whiles Lyons Warre, and battailefor their Dennes, Poore harmlesse Lambes abide their enmity.
Octauius, leade yourBattaile softly on Vpon the left hand of the euen Field Octa.
I heare their Drummes: Let's set our men in order, And issue forth, and bid them Battaile straight Yorke.
Many a Battaile haue I wonne in France, When as the Enemie hath beene tenne to one: Why should I not now haue the like successe?
The middle battaileconsisting of Souldiers out of Germanie and Poictou, was led by Geoffrye Martell, and a Prince of Almaine.
Assuredly, the Duke before the battaile encouraged his men, for that they should deale with enemies who had no shot.
This battaile continued aboue the space of nine houres, with incredible obstinacie; the doubt of victory being no lesse great, then was the desire: and yet neither part so hastie to end, as not to stay for the best aduantage.
The night before the battaile for diuers respects was vnquiet.
Besides these ballads there is a poem attributed to Lydgate, and Drayton's Battaileof Agincourt.
Shee led upp her souldiers in battaile array, Gainst three times theyr number by breake of the daye; Seven howers in skirmish continued shee: Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Ambree?
Shee forward went on in Battaile array, & straight shee did make her foes flye away; 7 houres in sckirmish continued shee; was not this a braue bonye lasse, Mary Aumbree?
Which act he did at the request of =Sextus Pompeius=, that so he might by him learne what woulde be the issue of the battaile fought at Pharsalia.
Sidenote: Theseus seene in the battaile of Maratho.
The trumpets blew, and looke euen as the battaile ioynd apace, So did the night with silent shades increase her darkish face.
Sidenote: How a battaile is made with twoo hornes; The orderyng of a battaile with a voide space in the middeste.
These twoo hornes, serve to kepe betwene theim the artillerie, when this battaile should have any withit, and the cariages: The Veliti muste stande a long the flankes, under the Pikes.
To mynde now, that this battaile maie be set together in this facion, the men goyng ordinarily, it is convenient to order them thus.
Here's your battaile then, and here's your conquest: What need such a coyle?
So, hasten; there's in me a battaile too; Be quicke, or I shall fall.
We then thus hand in hand will fight a battaile Worth all the pitch-fields, all the bloody banquets, The slaughter and the massacre of Christians, Of whom such heapes so quickly never fell.
A little oyle of favour will secure thee agen, And make thee shine as bright as in that day We wonne the famous battaile 'gainst the Christians.
This battaile is thy last; fight well, and winne A Crowne set full of Starres.
I will be ever his; goe thou to Warre, These hands shall arme thee; and Ile watch thy Tent Till from the battaile thou bring'st victory.
Here doe I fix my Standard, here bid Battaile To Paganisme and infidelity.
PC A More True and Exacter Relation of the Battaile of Keynton, &c.
Lord Mayor of London, being a true Relation of the Battaile fought between his Majestie and His Excellencie the Earl of Essex.
PA A Relation of the Battailelately fought between Keynton and Edge-hill by His Majesties Army and that of the Rebels.
The Gates are open, see they enter in, [eas039] Lets follow them and bid them battaile in the streetes.
Now by my faith Lords, twas a glorious day, [daw093] Saint Albones battaile wonne by famous Yorke, Shall be eternest in all age to come.
Why I am not coopt vppe heere for defence, ·eas075· I will awaie to Barnet presently, And bid thee battaile Edward if thou darest.
The seelie man when all the Greekish Sea His fleete had hidd, in hope me sure to drowne, Me battaile gaue: where fortune, in my stede, Repulsing him his forces disaraied.
Against his foes in battaile shewing force, And after fight in victorie remorse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battaile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.