Victor, gaily as before; but ere I had buckled on my sabre to leave the tent, the chibouque had fallen from his lips, and he was fast asleep.
A curved Turkish sabrehangs from his belt, and a double-barrelled gun of English workmanship is thrown across his knees.
Down went the red fez and the shaven head; Turkish sabre and French musket lay masterless on the sand, and many a haughty child of Osman gasped out his welling life-blood to slake the dry Wallachian soil.
He was looking sleepily at his other arm, at the mess of blood on his uniform, at a small red pool on the ground, at his sabre lying a foot away on the path.
He drew his sabre and assured himself that it was properly fastened to his wrist.
That brutality of feeling, which he had known only when charging sabre in hand, amazed this man of forty, who did not recognise in it the instinctive fury of his menaced passion.
The ranking lady had a sabre which her chief had received as a present, and this she waved over the others in command.
The sabre was a Damascus blade, and made of such finely-tempered steel that it could be bent nearly double.
A laughing crowd dropped scissors and thimbles at parade-time and followed to the door to watch him hurry on his belt and sabre and take his place--the quintessence then of everything military and manly.
Hear ye not the sound of battle, Sabre clash and musket rattle?
I need not say that this was but a sorry stock of education, even at that period; when I must say, the sabre was more in vogue than the grammar.
I replied that it was just because Mark Sabre was so human, and made by God as well as Hutchinson, that the book was great.
Maurice screwed up his lips and began to whistle softly: "Voici le sabre de mon Pere.
With this true sign of your valor and your faithfulness come here to Berlin, and be assured that no one shall dare to suspect you when he witnesses your grief and especially your sabre thrust.
I drew my sabre and struck the peasant of the head.
A young Cossack struck her with his sabre on the head.
In one of the fights Sultan Quli was wounded severely by a sabrein the face, and disfigured for life.
The sight of a musket or a sabre froze him, and in his life he had never walked up to a cannon, not even at the Invalides.
It is our wedding day; and if you do but smile, I'm the happiest dog that wears a sabre and a doliman.
Never till now, as we rode to the charge, did I know how far the excitement reaches when, man to man, sabre to sabre, we ride forward to the battlefield.
Before I set out, I was able to deliver Miss Dashwood's packet to Captain Hammersly, barely recovered from a sabre wound.
Insignia of rank he had none, nor any indications of his military profession, excepting the heavy sabre that dangled against the flank of his powerful black charger.
We commenced by drilling the men in the sabre exercise, and I was watching him the first day.
Now those who do not understand the sabre drill may want a little explanation as to how this was to be done.
This, of course, was flat mutiny, and before I knew where I was I was seized from behind, the sabre whirled in the air, and I was lying all abroad with a sprained wrist.
He applied to me at last so vile an epithet that, in the heat of the moment, I forgot that I had a sabre in my hand, and, hitting out straight from the shoulder, I landed him on the mouth with the guard of the weapon.
Dragged from his horse at the first fierce shock, his revolver empty, his broken sabre a jagged piece of steel, Hamlin hacked his way through the first line of warriors, and found refuge behind a dead horse.
But the same thought always recurred when my arm became weary with carnage; and after wiping my sabre upon the mane of my horse, I have said to myself, 'I have killed!
If my head was carbonadoes withsabre cuts, I could not have more wrappings.
Two six-chambered revolvers glistened in his waist belt; on his right hip hung a machete, or short sabre with a very wide blade, and he held in his hand a double-barrelled rifle.
Don Antonio rolled on the sand, but, jumping up suddenly, he dealt his adversary a sabre stroke, which the latter parried by leaping on one side.
I remember this very well, and my servant standing at a respectful distance, holding my sabrewhile I was under this temporary cloud.
But the avenging sabre of Lieutenant Parsons (Davis' adjutant) severed the poor fellow's connection with this life.
In Berlin they would have said it was a revolution, and the cuirassiers would have been charging, sabrein hand, amidst that infuriate mob.
Admit the French doctor," he said to the soldier on guard, and marched out, his curvedsabre banging behind his spurred heels.
Without any emotion whatever I saw an Uhlan raise his sabre to finish me; also I saw a yellow-and-black sleeve interposed between death and myself.
Here I stood, sabre in hand, ready to stop the first man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sabre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.