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Example sentences for "anns"

Lexicographically close words:
annoyances; annoyed; annoying; annoyingly; annoys; annua; annual; annuall; annually; annuals
  1. Oh, this is the place where the fishermen gather, With oilskins and boots and Cape Anns battened down; All sizes and figures with squid lines and jiggers, They congregate here on the squid-jigging ground.

  2. Tha biodag anns a chliobadaich, Air mac a bhodaich leibidich; Tha biodag anns a chliobadaich, Air mac a bhodaich romaich.

  3. It is a question whether the Chaldæanns possessed in early times, as did the Assyrians of a later period, two kinds of shekels and minas, one heavy and the other light.

  4. Sayce has given good reasons for believing that the Chaldæanns of the early dynasties knew of the papyrus, and either made it themselves, or had it brought from Egypt.

  5. Among those who settled at St. Anns at this time was Lodewick Fisher, who had seen nearly seven years service in Col.

  6. In the year 1769, by arrangement with James Simonds, Benjamin Atherton settled at St. Anns Point, where he established a trading post near the site of Government House, Fredericton.

  7. Furs and produce were frequently transported to St. John from the post at St. Anns in summer in gondolas and in the winter on ice by means of horses and sleds.

  8. It was not during the first season only that the settlers at St. Anns suffered for food, other seasons were nearly as bad.

  9. The night was spent on shore and the next day the women and children proceeded to St. Anns in Indian canoes, the others coming on foot.

  10. The exigencies of the situation were such that Hayes and Peabody ventured to press into their service a pair of fat oxen that had been sent down the river from St. Anns by Philip Weade for an entirely different purpose.

  11. Of which things she thought again as she passed various Centralias and wondered if there were Anns longing for love in all those unlovely places.

  12. She wondered if the Anns of her uncle's city would find the world a safer or a sweeter place after that cathedral had been erected.

  13. She feared that many Anns had yet to go down before them.

  14. Ni robh anns an domhan mhòr, neach da ’m bu chòir Ni robh anu an Almha nan lann breac, a gharbh .

  15. Ach sin sealg a rinn Fionn, mhic Alpainn nam mionn blath, Thar na gòlan anns a chill, gum bu bhinue leams’ an la.

  16. Na bitheadh anns an duan so de shagairt no de thuathach, ’G a bheil ni ’n an comhairse nach cuirear e ’s an duanair.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.