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Example sentences for "being always"

  • We must generally, therefore, content ourselves with them, not as being always exactly in the same proportion as the current prices of labour, but as being the nearest approximation which can commonly be had to that proportion.

  • We know that ink thus secured has been carried many hundred miles, with the convenience of being always at hand to write with, whenever wanted, in a steamboat or at a stopping-place.

  • This you will say is a strange Character, but what makes it stranger yet, it is a very true one, for he is perpetually the Reverse of himself, being always merry or dull to Excess.

  • Opposite to this Folly is another no less unreasonable, and that is the Impertinence of being always in a Hurry.

  • The two Circumstances of being always at Home from her Lameness, and very attentive from her Blindness, make her Lodgings the Receptacle of all that passes in Town, Good or Bad; but for the latter, she seems to have the better Memory.

  • Kit himself, being always flattered by the sensation he produced, would often burst into a loud roar, and stand with his mouth wide open, and his eyes nearly shut, laughing violently.

  • He has lately got in the way of being always goosed, and he can't stand it.

  • He allowed himself very little time for sleep, being always up the first and last in his family.

  • The verb bet is given in Worcester's Dictionary, as being always regular: "BET, v.

  • As the simple word who differs from which and what, in being always a declinable pronoun; so its compounds differ from theirs, in being incapable of either of the double constructions above described.

  • But, in nearly all our English grammars, lay and pay are represented as being always irregular; and stay is as often, and as improperly, supposed to be always regular.

  • With it, says a contemporary, people were never sure of anything, being always obliged to wait[4312].

  • As they have become enamored without love, they part without hate, deriving from the feeble desire they have inspired the advantage of being always ready to oblige.

  • Their prominence proves irksome to them and they grow weary of being always on parade.

  • He went away suddenly as he came, being always of the comet order, but as lovable as the evening-star, whenever you could get hold of him.

  • You are not among the niggers yet," I said, being always polite to everybody, and indignant at not being allowed to speak, while his voice rang along the glazing.

  • He couldn't have made more row if he had been kilt, as an Irishman is being always.

  • But Pith, itself, is only a conversion of Fidh, the initial letters P and F being always interchangeable, and not more so than the penultimates t and d.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being always" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being affected; being alarmed; being applied; being attached; being aware; being baptized; being bound; being confined; being covered; being easily; being first; being gone; being invited; being left; being mentioned; being modified; being much; being ordered; being prepared; being rather; being regarded; being sick; being supposed; being the; being useful; police regulations