He advanced his bony hand, gnarled and mean with useless abstemiousness and miserable abnegations, and revolved the button in the concave.
With rigid economy and almost miserly abstemiousness this sum would suffice for his meals, unless he developed a mania for Delmonico's, and for his carfare, provided he did not venture outside the possibilities of the elevated.
Abstemiousness shortens the length of respiration, diminishes the waste of the body, promotes longevity, and engenders purity of heart.
Their diet was plain, and their abstemiousness carried to a degree Hindu devotees and fanatics are alone capable of reaching.
But this singular abstemiousness is not his sole good quality; his vigour, his docility, his swiftness render him equally valuable.
His abstemiousness is remarkable, and he will not feed during the night.
Abstemiousness is present within the circle of abnormal human beings, as a more or less attainable ideal; but it must be regarded as the pedagogic goal, when the problem arises of educating an untypical class of individuals.
Abstemiousness represents a corrective, without which the individual tends toward an anti-social line of action and contracts diseases.
She was temperate even to abstemiousness in her diet, seldom or never tasting wine; [24] and so frugal in her table, that the daily expenses for herself and family did not exceed the moderate sum of forty ducats.
He had no relish for the pleasures of the table, and, like Isabella, was temperate even to abstemiousness in his diet.
Their conduct is perfectly in harmony with that of the theoretic friends of cold water, plain dress, and abstemiousness in general.
Knowing the abstemiousness of Italians everywhere, and seeing the hungry fashion in which the islanders clutched our gifts and devoured them, it was our doubt whether any one of them had ever experienced perfect repletion.
Fathers, be mild, but firm in training your sons into habits of sobriety, temperance and abstemiousness from all bad habits.
Temperance in eating and drinking, and abstemiousness in the way of rejecting the use of all unnecessary or injurious things is another tongue of power on the Lord's side.
Example: There is remote danger in an occasional drink, if a person who had several times relapsed into intemperance, has practised abstemiousness for years.
It should be noted here too that abstemiousness is not the same thing as abstinence.
Abstemiousness is a virtue that moderates according to reason the desire and enjoyment of the pleasures of the table.
The abstinence required by the Second Precept is a grave duty, because the Church makes it the necessary act of the necessary virtue of abstemiousness and a serious duty of obedience.
The subtraction he makes in his food will more likely benefit his health in the long run and promote longevity, for, in the wise words of old Galen, "abstemiousness is the best medicine.
Those who are dispensed from the ecclesiastical fast or abstinence should remember that they are not dispensed from the natural law of temperance, and they should practise some abstemiousness according to their ability (e.
As abstemiousness and sobriety preside over the pleasures of the self-preservative instinct, so purity governs those that pertain to the species-preservative instinct.
He had read of the wonderful abstemiousness of these children of the desert: how they can live on a single meal a day, and this scarce sufficient to sustain life in a child of six years old; that is, an English child.
In self-examination temperance or abstemiousnessplays an important rĂ´le.
He had read of the wonderful abstemiousness of these children of the desert; how they can live on a single meal a day, and this scarce sufficient to sustain life in a child of six years old; that is, an English child.
Alfred, quoted Chewing as a stimulant City life, exhausting and unwholesome nature of Cobbett's abstemiousness Coffee, a slow poison Do.
A not too strict abstemiousness in any of these matters, coupled with long daily walks on the Mesa, with its fascinating flora and fauna, found me in the observer's chair every night, somewhat fatigued mentally and physically.
Breath is conquered by abstemiousnessof diet O king.