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Example sentences for "boiled"

Lexicographically close words:
bogy; boid; boil; boild; boile; boiler; boilers; boiling; boilings; boils
  1. Schomburgk sent the cook, who had come along with us on a bicycle, to forage round for eggs, and on his returning with a handkerchief full he boiled six of them hard and ate them without any bread or salt.

  2. But when I wanted to give the men a real treat, I used to prepare for them a special Hamburg dish, consisting of dried apples and plums, boiled with bacon and little suet dumplings.

  3. It all had to be boiled for a full ten minutes by my watch, and always under my personal supervision.

  4. They are afterwards mixed with boiled oil, and put up in kegs of different sizes for sale.

  5. Linseed-oil, thus prepared, is vended by dealers in paints, under the name of boiled oil.

  6. They are then boiled with a quantity of grained tin, in a solution of crude red tartar or argol, and lastly, finished with finely-pulverized crocus, applied with buff leather.

  7. Oil is used, instead of water, that the ink may not dry during the process; and it is boiled till it has become thick and viscid, that it may not spread on the paper.

  8. Before the oil is used, it is commonly boiled with a small quantity of litharge and red lead, to cause it to dry rapidly, after the paint has been applied.

  9. The two countries are hard-boiled eggs indeed.

  10. The rice was boiled and then formed into lumps resembling a chop.

  11. The water beneath, then ruffled on its surface, increasing its agitation more and more until it boiled and bubbled like a large cauldron, throwing its foam aside in every direction.

  12. Our boats were soon hoisted out, and we were extremely fortunate, having twenty-three fish on board, and boiled down before the season was over.

  13. Jerry bustled proudly over to the free-lunch counter, whipped off the steam-covers, and disclosed a fragrant joint of corned beef nestling among cabbages and boiled potatoes.

  14. Beets of medium and uniform size are first boiled until tender, then peeled and placed on the ice.

  15. Little dishes of rice, hard-boiled eggs, cabbage chopped fine, and small cups of tea comprised the first course.

  16. In them are placed eggs of different varieties, some genuine hard boiled eggs, some of china or wood and some of candy.

  17. Ground coffee, water, cold or boiling, white of egg or egg shell for boiled coffee.

  18. May be used with old beets of rank flavor, strong onions, old potatoes, or potatoes boiled with the skins on.

  19. Arrange in a mound and garnish with slices of hard-boiled egg, olives, pickled beets, etc.

  20. Cold-boiled or roast fowl Celery, 1/2 as much as fowl French dressing Mayonnaise or boiled dressing Olives Method.

  21. Use thick pieces of large fish for boiling, or if small fish are used they may be boiled whole.

  22. An amusing story is told of the first tea party in a town of western Connecticut, where the tea was boiled violently in a large iron kettle and served on a platter with the leaves, as a form of soup, the leaves themselves being eaten.

  23. Boiled potatoes may be used, but baked are better in texture and flavor for creaming.

  24. Cooking in a stew pan or kettle with so little water that it is almost boiled out at the end of the process, any remaining liquid being served with the vegetable.

  25. The hard-boiled egg should remain in the boiling water half an hour.

  26. The boiled dressing works in well as a variation of the boiled custard.

  27. Boiled macaroni and spaghetti may be served with tomato sauce and a little grated cheese.

  28. Arrange the meat in the center of the platter, and pile mashed potato, or boiled rice or peas or beans, or a mixture of hot vegetables around the edge.

  29. Geese are always roasted in Britain, though a boiled goose is not an uncommon dish in Ireland; and their flesh is certainly much heightened in flavour by a stuffing of onions, and an accompaniment of apple sauce.

  30. We suppose a boiled goose must be especially tasteless, as we once knew an old schoolmaster on the North Tyne, whose very stupid pupils were always christened boiled geese.

  31. When Pedro arrived, he had the ringleaders of the riot arrested; and, in his presence, the unhappy wretches were burned alive, or boiled in immense cauldrons.

  32. Young fowls may either be roasted or boiled, the male making the best roasted, and the female the neatest boiled dish.

  33. I dropped down behind a stone out of the line of fire, and to keep my eyes off the devilish piece of work, though my blood boiled to knock the fellow down that I was speaking to.

  34. A mixture of honey, water, vinegar, and spice, boiled to a sirup.

  35. On their arrival, they found the remains of their brother boiled to a jelly in the large iron kettle!

  36. They incautiously set their rifles against the cabin, entered it, and searched for food, finding nothing, however, but part of a pot of boiled mush and some lard.

  37. As soon as it could be prepared, a large pailful of boiled rice was placed before them, and this was finished without any sign of flagging being shown.

  38. Of a sudden rage boiled in his veins like a fountain of fire, and drawing the dagger from his girdle, he rushed at the boys, dragging the hooded hawk, which had become dislodged from his wrist, fluttering through the air after him.

  39. His mind was one mad whirl; rage, shame, disappointed passion, all boiled in it like bones in a knacker's cauldron.

  40. In one corner of this hut stood a fireplace with a chimney artfully built of clay, and on the fire of turfs boiled an earthen pot.

  41. The boiled ham and some crackers were put where they could be got at easily for luncheon.

  42. It was instantly stripped of its feathers, pounded between stones, and boiled in a tin can which Everts had found.

  43. The doctors could not save him with boiled turnip juice or with any other of the medicines they used, so my parents begged the gods.

  44. After I had boiled your duck and eaten it, I went to bed.

  45. She afterward boiled a cup for herself, and toasted a biscuit to eat with it.

  46. Soon the boiled potatoes became a porridge, and after all the family had dined the dog received permission to lick the plates.

  47. At Hirschau they both went into a tavern: Marem had a good soup boiled for Vefela; but after the first spoonful she got up again to continue her journey.

  48. But, when some tale-bearers informed him that during his absence people had said he had run away, his blood boiled within him.

  49. Sometimes I heard his low laughter, for though I could neither see nor hear aught in the world, I could hear the demon sometimes, and feel him in my body, setting fire to the blood till it boiled like the water he craved.

  50. The latter dish is a preparation of boiled yams, which are pounded in a mortar until they obtain a tenacity that will admit of being drawn out like birdlime.

  51. He taught it to eat bread, sweet cake, and biscuit, and even roast and boiled meat, and it would drink milk too.

  52. Then nurse tried to make Lady Mary understand that the heat of the sun, or of a warm room, would make the liquor ferment, unless it had been boiled a long time, so as to become very sweet, and somewhat thick.

  53. Once or twice it boiled over and I was threatened with summary arrest.

  54. I had always got around it somehow; it choked me even then, twenty years after and more, anger boiled up in me so at the recollection.

  55. It boiled out of the pot and into another and another, while I kept pouring on water until nearly every jar in the house was full of sago that stood around until moss grew on it with age.

  56. The landlords should be boiled in oil to a man; hanging was too good for them.

  57. Twice a week we serve eggs, preferably raw, soft boiled or poached.

  58. The stronger cheeses like Camembert and Roquefort should not be used at all Eggs: Raw, soft-boiled or poached, not fried or hard-boiled.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boiled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afflicted; antiseptic; baked; barbecued; bent; cockeyed; coddled; curried; elevated; fired; fried; fuddled; heated; high; hygienic; illuminated; intoxicated; lit; loaded; organized; parboiled; pickled; pissed; plastered; polluted; potted; prophylactic; raddled; roast; sanitary; scalloped; seared; smashed; soaked; soused; sterile; stewed; tanked; tight

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boiled beef; boiled custard; boiled eggs; boiled fish; boiled lobster; boiled potatoes; boiled rice; boiled salmon; boiled water; boiled yolks