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Example sentences for "abstinences"

Lexicographically close words:
abstemious; abstemiousness; abstention; abstentions; abstinence; abstinent; abstract; abstracted; abstractedly; abstracting
  1. And first about abstinences and disciplines.

  2. The same reasons that make me decide against mere wanton abstinences make me hostile to the common convention of emotional indifference to most of the charming and interesting people one encounters.

  3. It follows naturally from my fundamental creed that avoidable silences and secrecy are sins, just as abstinences are in themselves sins rather than virtues.

  4. And yet there seem to be acts and abstinences which we praise as virtuous, without imposing them as duties upon all who are able to do them; as for a rich man to live very plainly and devote his income to works of public beneficence.

  5. The same results are obtained by fasts, abstinences and self-mutilations as by communions, oblations and commemorations.

  6. Abstinences and effusions of blood stop famines and cure sicknesses directly and by themselves.

  7. Under these circumstances, the internal state of the believer is out of all proportion to the severe abstinences to which they submit themselves.

  8. Likewise, the ascetic rites certainly imply privations, abstinences and mutilations, but ones which must be borne with an impassive firmness and serenity.

  9. But abstinences and privations do not come without suffering.

  10. This time is a period of all sorts of abstinences for him.

  11. It is not made up merely of pious regrets accorded to him who no longer is, but also of severe abstinences and cruel sacrifices.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abstinences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.