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Example sentences for "wagon"

Lexicographically close words:
waggonette; waggonettes; waggons; wagin; waging; wagoned; wagoner; wagoners; wagonette; wagonettes
  1. Bertie jumped from his wagon and threw the reins upon Whitefoot's back, and instantly the tame creature began to taste the grass.

  2. The little fellow drove the wagon under the shade of a tree; and very soon Whitefoot, finding himself at liberty, walked slowly off toward the lake, nibbling grass as he went.

  3. We hired a sloop to take us to Carter's creek, and thence we proceeded in a farm wagon to his home in the village of Kilmarnock.

  4. We did our own cooking, the men of each mess taking it by turns, but the bread was baked in ovens outside and was brought in a wagon every morning.

  5. Yesterday, in the midst, while I was escorting a huge wagon of that invaluable farming wealth, I encountered Mrs. Pratt and family making their reappearance in civilization.

  6. All Brook Farm in the golden age seemed to be strapped to the rear of their wagon as baggage, for Mrs. Pratt was the first lady I saw at Brook Farm, where ladyhood blossomed so fairly.

  7. They took us in a wagon like a prison with a little grating, and then in a boat like a prison with a little grating.

  8. Out near the grub-wagon the remuda was grazing, and thither at intervals came the perspiring horsemen to change their mounts.

  9. First he fetched and laid in her lap a cigar-box wagon with wooden wheels--evidently the handiwork of his father.

  10. I gets the Old Age Pension and meets the wagon and gets a little commodities.

  11. She walked or come in a ox wagon part of the way.

  12. He was standin' on the wagon and I guess he lost his balance.

  13. Whar I set, right between old missus and master on de front seat ob de wagon and my ma set between missus Snibley's two girls right behind us.

  14. They was shot and all the children run but they caught my Grandma Evaline and put her in the wagon and brought her to Monticello, Arkansas.

  15. We loaded up our wagons an put up our wagon sheet an we had plenty to eat an plenty of horse feed.

  16. He nearly always walked long side of em; sometimes he'd crawl upon the front wagon an' ride a piece.

  17. We'd never seen a wagon nor a train neither.

  18. The biggest younguns had to walk till theys so tired theys couldn't hardly drag they feets; them what had been a-riding had to get out the ox wagon and walk a far piece; so it like this we go on.

  19. An when we wuz goin ter bury mah pa lamme tell yo what happened: Two turtle doves flew roun the wagon three times, den dey flew right on top uv mah pa's coffin box an hollered three times; and yo know mah sistuh died bout three days aftuh dat.

  20. They was fixing the wagon for me to go in.

  21. A band of frontiersmen presently arrived, bringing in a wagon the bodies of friends and relatives lately murdered, displaying them at the doors of the Assembly, cursing the Quakers, and threatening vengeance.

  22. These parties, some of which consisted of several hundred men, were generally more or less successful; and one of them, under La Corne, surprised and destroyed a large wagon train escorted by forty soldiers.

  23. Therefore, leaving Mackay at the Meadows, he advanced towards Gist's settlement, cutting a wagon road as he went.

  24. The passenger-wagon spent the better part of a fortnight in creeping from London to York.

  25. And she led 'Liza to the stable while her father backed the wagon into the shed.

  26. Down the sandy road came a creaking farm wagon loaded with cedar posts for a vineyard hard by.

  27. The newsboys were crying their night extras when Undertaker Reardon's wagon jogged across the Bowery with Nigger Martha's body in it.

  28. A closed wagon with a cargo of ginger-beer was caught between them and upset.

  29. An express-wagon with a high seat was stabled in the gangway.

  30. If he does not get to know the blacksmith's trade, he learns how to mend a broken farm wagon and "save expense.

  31. And so it happened that the dead-wagon halted at Cat Alley and that little John took his first and last ride.

  32. DEATH COMES TO CAT ALLEY The dead-wagon stopped at the mouth of Cat Alley.

  33. Even while the dead-wagon was rattling down the Bowery, one of the tenants ran all the way to Henry Street, where he had heard that Maggie's father lived, and brought him to the police station.

  34. In their place were the brown heath I loved, the distant hills, the winding wagon track, the peat stacks, and the solitary sheep browsing on the barrows.

  35. As the dead-wagon drove away with its load in the morning, Matron Travers came out with the now sleeping waif in her arms.

  36. Dipping a net down, you might haul up a wagon load as easily as one.

  37. At one point a Mr. S---- and I left the wagon and struck six miles across a great grassy mountain.

  38. At Athabasca landing they had sold the wagon and built a stout flatboat, and in this had floated down some three hundred miles to Athabasca Lake, Indian pilots having taken them through the more dangerous rapids.

  39. Hollingsworth's house the two portraits for safe keeping; but before the wagon had reached Bowie's the house was burned, whether by some of our men or by negroes I have never learned.

  40. Not a single modern wagon or cart was to be had in Monterey, nothing but the old Mexican cart with wooden wheels, drawn by two or three pairs of oxen, yoked by the horns.

  41. As we rode that morning toward Oxford, I observed in a farmer's barn-yard a wagon that looked like a city furniture-wagon with springs.

  42. Ample supplies of all kinds reached us by the Tennessee River, which had a good stage of water; but our wagon transportation was limited, and much confusion occurred in hauling supplies to the several camps.

  43. We took our wagon to pieces, and ferried it and its contents across, and then drove our mules into the water.

  44. When it was broken it was by the rattling of the wagon which had come to take Mr. Davis away.

  45. She stood waving her hands to him, until the bumping wagon was lost to sight in the woods, and then she turned and took David's hand in hers and gazed across the water at the gorgeous-colored mountains.

  46. To that end we rode out far ahead of the wagon and horses.

  47. Unloading the wagon we packed on our saddles the whole load more than a mile up this last and crowning obstacle.

  48. It took all the horses together to pull the wagon to the top.

  49. Haught said he would send his son Edd with Doyle, and by a long roundabout forest road get the wagon up on the mesa.

  50. Pack what you can up to the wagon to-day, and to-morrow early we'll break camp.

  51. Then it took all the horses together to pull the empty wagon up to a level.

  52. Haught looked dubious, but finally said we could chop our way through thickets, and haul the wagon empty up bad hills.

  53. The road had ceased to be rocky, and that, no doubt, was the reason pine thickets had grown up on it, The wagon kept right at our heels, and many times had to wait.

  54. He kept asking when the wagon was going to stop.

  55. But the ground was soft, hoofs and wheels sank deeply, and though one wagon lurched almost over, and the heavily laden chuck-wagon almost hurdled the team, Lee made the bad places without accident.

  56. Edd and Doyle climbed on the wagon to start the other way.

  57. At first I was so sore and stiff from the hard bed that I rode a while on the wagon with Doyle.

  58. It was afternoon by the time we reached the rim road, and four o'clock when we halted at the exact spot where we had left our wagon the year before.

  59. I predicted he would be in the wagon before noon of the second day out.

  60. Then the big team hurdled the log, the tongue struck with a crash, the wagon stopped with a lurch, and Doyle was thrown from his seat.

  61. The wagon they saw was theirs, after all.

  62. After several hours' advancing, all the while in a state of suspense, and as yet no appearance of either wagon or camp-fire, the travellers resolved upon coming to a halt.

  63. Notwithstanding that their harness was both incomplete and ill-fitted, they pulled the wagon along after them as if not a strap or buckle had been wanting.

  64. The horses were attached to the wagon in the best way they could think of.

  65. The boxing of the wagon was passed up, piece by piece, and set in its place just as before.

  66. At all events, before they had been many hours in harness, they were drawing the wagon through a pretty little valley covered with green, meadow-looking sward; and in five minutes more were standing halted near a cool crystal spring.

  67. Swartboy accompanied him, while all the others remained by the wagon to await his return.

  68. Fine animals, most of them were--they would carry the wagon lightly enough.

  69. At this moment the two horses by the wagon neighed loudly; the dark mass under the wagon moved, rolled outward, rose up, and stood erect.

  70. But those of the field-cornet had been accustomed to draw the wagon without one, ever since the Hottentot servants ran away; and Swartboy had driven many miles with no other help than his long whip.

  71. And now the "after-clap" of the wagon was hurriedly drawn aside, and three young faces were seen peeping forth.

  72. It was not such a bad mistake, then, when our people by the wagon took the "kobaoba" for the "mighty elephant.

  73. To grope for their guns would waste time, and all three leaped out of the wagon without them.

  74. Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep; The cradle you lie in is soft and is deep, The wagon that takes you to Rockaby Town.

  75. So he had the armless man and the legless man in the wagon brought to him, and said to them, "Do as you are able.

  76. He did all the carrying himself, and loaded the wagon so heavily that it creaked beneath its burden.

  77. So they became brothers, and made a wagon between them, and fastened ropes to it, and while Armless dragged it along Legless drove it.

  78. There they went up to the church, and planted themselves with their wagon in the place of beggars, and waited till the Tsarivna came up.

  79. Load the wagon well, but don't take quite all the sheaves from the field.

  80. Are you so stupid that you can't tell one wagon from another?

  81. The color came back to his cheeks, however, and the throbbing of his heart was lessened as he saw the wagon wheel past the lane without either of its occupants making any move toward calling at the house.

  82. He had seen, coming directly toward him in a lumbering old wagon and hardly more than a hundred yards away, Farmer Pratt and his son Tom.

  83. I can do it if she will show me which wagon an' harness is hers.

  84. One of the startling features of the book is the attack upon the wagon train by a large party of Indians.

  85. Aunt Nancy came close to the wagon watching the old gentleman's every movement, her face expressing the liveliest impatience; but the visitor did not gratify her curiosity until having found that for which he sought.

  86. Half a dozen times was Jack sent to make certain this door or that was fastened securely, and the owner of the wagon worked himself into a state of profuse perspiration before Aunt Nancy finally announced she was ready.

  87. I took a wagon over to Oregon six years ago.

  88. His horse and wagon were driven up before the door, and some pikes, a sledge-hammer, and a crowbar were put in it.

  89. At seven o'clock the trumpet sounded the advance, and the wagon that was to lead for that day slowly rolled out of the camp and headed the line of march.

  90. Whitman answered, "Six years ago I was told there was no wagon road to Oregon, and it was impossible to take a wagon there, and yet in despite of pleadings and almost threats, I took a wagon over the road and have it now.

  91. Cook halted to make a speech on human equality at one of the houses they passed, and Tidd stopped his wagon frequently and talked with passers-by on the road.

  92. When he and his wife went to Oregon six years earlier she had said it was a shame that her husband should wear himself out in getting their wagon through.

  93. He knew Whitman of old, and six years before had tried to stop his expedition to the Walla Walla River, but Whitman had overcome his arguments, and had taken the first wagon that ever crossed the Rocky Mountains into Oregon.

  94. But Oregon is shut off by impassable mountains and a great desert, which make a wagon road impossible," said he.

  95. I had been idly watching a wagon and one horse toiling slowly northward across the prairie, along the emigrant trail that had been marked out by free-state men.

  96. The wagon mired and cannon dragged Have trenched their scar; the plain Tramped like the cindery beach of the damned-- A site for the city of Cain.

  97. The amber sunset flushed the camp As on the hill their eyes they fed; The pickets dumb looks at the wagon dart; A handkerchief waves from the bannered tent-- As white, alas!

  98. Illustration: Two Kinds of Carts and a Dump Wagon (in front).

  99. Glue and screw these blocks to the end of the wagon box, 1-1/4" from the top edge, as shown.

  100. We market after school," said Mrs. Holden, "and then Ed brings his wagon to meet us and hauls the stuff home.

  101. Next came Ed, who started out walking behind the wagon to see that nothing dropped off.

  102. First there was John with the wagon which held all the heavy things--baskets of food and such.

  103. So they hurried their wagon across the boulevard driveway, and of course all the folks had to follow close behind, and down the beach walk a couple of hundred yards and there they settled themselves on a stretch of clean white sand.

  104. Ed's wagon proved to be very big and he was glad to give them plenty of room for the Merrill basket.

  105. The cell door was quickly opened; Rhona's arm was seized by John, the policeman, and without words she was marched to the curb and pushed into the patrol wagon with half a dozen others.

  106. Next she was led out by a policeman to the street and packed in the patrol wagon with eight other women.

  107. The morning was gray, with a hard sifting snow, and as the wagon bumped over cobblestones, Rhona breathed deep of the keen air.

  108. The wagon clanged through the cold, dark streets, darting through the icy edge of the wind, and the women huddled together.

  109. I'll go for my wagon and give you a ride; will you like it?

  110. Then she ran into the kitchen, pulling the wagon after her.

  111. Bessie, as the driver of the hay wagon nodded to her mother, and Mrs. Bradford smiled and nodded pleasantly in return.

  112. When the wagon started for church with the rest of the family, Bessie went with them as far as the hotel, where she was left, and taken to the colonel's room by Mrs. Rush.

  113. They told him it was the prettiest wagon they had ever seen.

  114. I have a splendid wagon up at the hotel and I'll bring it and give you a first-rate ride if you like.

  115. The river is spanned here by a railway bridge and two wagon bridges.

  116. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wagon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barge; boat; bus; caravan; cart; coach; cruiser; ferry; float; haul; raft; ship; sled; tender; truck; van; wagon

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    wagon road; wagon train; wagon wheel