It gathers the doings of the day from the four corners of the world, the tales of love and death, of fire and flood, of strife and pestilence, and under eight thousand miles of shivering sea, whispers the babble of two hemispheres.
As I go lightly on my way The brook trips by with dancing feet, And Song and Laughter soft repeat Their cadence as I watch its play; And whispers low the wind, and sweet, As I go lightly on my way.
The press was rude; Lord Ellenborough attacked the Queen in the House of Lords; there were curious whispers in high quarters that she had had thoughts of abdicating--whispers followed by regrets that she had not done so.
These slanders were countenanced and circulated in whispers by men high in authority, until the political integrity of Colonel Burr was so far ruined as to render any defence, on his part or on the part of his friends, useless and unavailing.
Soon one spectator after another in whispers places wagers to support a contestant; the players themselves begin to bet on their own skill.
Approach me, then," whispers the knight, "for I feel death coming upon me and I should like to breathe my last in your arms.
Instead, afraid though she was, she descended into the gorge for the purpose of overhauling Tarzan and warning him in whispers of his danger.
The effect of this statement, made so casually, was marked in the expressions and excited whispers of the now awe-struck assemblage.
Whispers become audible at a considerable distance, and an insupportable sense of loneliness oppresses the inexperienced visitor.
Nicaraguans gave as a reason for speaking in whispers at night, that loud talking attracts mosquitos.
At the end of one trip, Brock crept into the listening-post and conversed in whispers with Riley, his fellow-conspirator.
Course, I know better now; but I'll punch the head off any man that ever whispers a word against you.
Specious Apollyon whispers to me "Where would be the harm?
No doubt, the young elms lining the straight way to the barges had seen him coming; but any whispers of their leaves were lost in the murmur of the crowd returning from the race.
Here at last the "robbers" of whom I and my brother had so often talked in frightenedwhispers in our beds, were come in good earnest.
He felt himself a criminal, marked by the whispers of society; he might not hear the charges against him, nor be within the sound of scandal's tongue, but he would see it outlined in faces that once smiled at his seeming prosperity.
Their attention seems rivetted to his words; the more vicious, as he looks through grated bars upon them, whispers words of respect.
Marston shrugs his shoulders, whispers a word or two in the ear of his friend Maxwell, twirls his glass upon the table.
A person having the appearance of a country gentleman, who has been some time watching the proceedings, is seen to approach Graspum: this dignitary whispers something in his ear, and he leaves the mart.
Here the counsel for the defence steps forward, whispersto the clerk, and gives notice that he shall call witnesses to impeach the characters of Graspum and Romescos.
I must go to his bed-side," whispers Harry, seating the old man on a block of wood near the foot of the cot, where he pours forth the earnest of his grief.
Tears gush down her cheeks, as Harry, encircling her with his arm, whispers words of consolation in her ear.
He whispers "coloured man," as if the merchandise changed as his thoughts are brought in contact with revelations of the future.
My own heart lubs Miss Frankone more den eber," he whispers in return.
While I was irresolutely weighing all these things in my mind, a noise of steps and confused whispers attracted my attention.
That stirring sigh of mingled whispers and deep-drawn breaths ran over the room again; here and there someone half rose for a better look.
Charlie," whispers Vernet, imperatively, "you must be very cautious.
Wait," she whispers with her last fragment of self-command.
Hold your tongue, you old fool," hewhispers sharply.
Then leaning forward, she whispers sharply: "You have got ter marry the gal!
The fair-haired boy in whispers sighed; Then sank upon the snowy steep, While friendly hearts to rouse him tried.
Their heads are covered with a new piece of cloth and the guru whispers some text into the ear of the disciple.
When at length he did walk down the aisle, as unconcernedly as though he were an unknown man entering a theatre, feminine whispers of "There he is!
There have been little whispers afloat that Diane is meditating a great coup.
Then across the waves Will float faint whispersfrom the better land, Veiled in the dust of waters we call storms, To thine averted ears.
Low on the surface of the sea Faint sounds like whispers glide Of lovers talking tremulously, Close by the vessel's side.
And hear at times a sentinel, Who moves about from place to place, And whispers to the worlds of space, In the deep night, that all is well.
Murmurs and whispers passed by her like the breeze.
Adela now came to her and caught her hand, showering sweet whispers on her, and bidding her go to her harp and do her best.
Before the king Jove’s messenger appears, And thus in whispersgreets his trembling ears: "Fear not, O father!
Although we talked in whispers and checked our laughter, occasionally there escaped me an indiscreet note.
Dona Cristina asked me in and received me with even greater cordiality, putting her finger to her lips and asking me to speak in whispers like herself, for her mother was sleeping.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whispers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.